aaps space docs Dhana Yogas

Dhana Yog enables wealth, riches and prosperity in Vedic Astrology

Special Dhana yogas by 5th and 11th house connection - Extreme wealth giving combination.
[Section : dhana-yogas]
Whenever 5th house and 11th house connects in birth chart and lord of the both houses are strong and well placed, it can make a person extremely wealthy.

Importance of 1st, 5th and 9th trine lords in Jyotisha (Vedic astrology)
[Section : dhana-yogas]
The 9th lord and the 5th lord both are capable of giving wealth. The planet who have the conjunction of these two will also be the bestower of wealth in their Dasa periods, there can be no doubt about it.

Dhana yogas formed by trine lords
[Section : dhana-yogas]
The most worthy yogas for wealth.