Spouse Indicator (SI)

Astrology of future Life partner

"What kind of Spouse will I have ?",
is one of the most
desired queries in
marriage predictions

 How will be my life partner? 

 How does he or she might look? 

 What about her or his family? 

Know about Spouse

Enter your Birth details

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If controls unavailable. Enter as hh:mm (in 24 hour format)
If you don't know birth place. Enter your nearest city OR town.

What is Spouse Indicator?

Spouse Indicator is an automated astrology tool which helps people and astrologer in forecasting predictions about the marriage life partner.
Spouse Indicator's major role is to provide insightful indications about different characteristics, qualities and possibilities of the future husband or wife of the person.

How do you know characteristics of spouse through astrology?

There are some specific ways to know about the characteristics of the spouse with the help of Vedic astrology. Spouse Indicator is the tool with employs those methods to predict about the spouse.

What you can predict about Married life from Spouse Indicator?

Most of the important things about the married life can be predicted with the help of Spouse Indicator. For example, one can predict the overall happiness of marriage. The bliss after marriage can also be predicted. Plus some specific details about the spouse can be predicted.