Manglik Calculator

Mangal Dosha calculator helps to check the presences of Manglik effects on your birth horoscope.

Check Mangal Dosha in your Kundli

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Manglik Calculator is a simple astrological tool that automates the manual process of checking Mangal dosha in someone's Kundli chart. Mangal dosha or Manglik dosha is a special concept in Indian astrology which specifically deals with relationship compatibility and the stability and sustainability of marriage. It is named Mangal dosha or Manglik dosha since it is related to Mangal Graha or Planet Mars. More on Manglik dosha in our article about and effects of Mangal dosha.

What do you get from our Accurate Mangal dosha calculator?

Manglik dosha calculation from three different perspectives.

Ideally in Indian astrology, it is a very common practice for an astrologer to view someone's kundli from different viewpoints while looking for a significantly potent Mangal dosha. The two most commonly considered viewpoints are Lagna kundli and Chandra kundli.

In our Manglik calculator, we include three different viewpoints. Those are Lagna, Moon and Venus. This means our Mangal dosha calculator will check a respective Mangal dosha in your Lagna kundli, Chandra kundli (Moon chart) and Venus chart as well. This gets you a wider picture to investigate Mangal dosha in your horoscope.

Mangal dosha exceptions and cancellation checks.

Not all Manglik doshas are equal and not all birth horoscopes are equal as well. Therefore, there is a need to check if a potential Mangal dosha cancellation exists in your horoscope. Our Mangal dosha calculator includes this feature as well.

The Manglik calculator accurately checks for the possible exceptions for Mangal dosha in your case. And the cancellations to existing Mangal dosha in your horoscope.

Note: Our Mangal dosha calculator only checks for pure exceptions and cancellations. The partial cancellations caused by some other influence in the kundli are not considered in the calculations since their abilities to improve the effects of marriage life, due to a Mangal dosha, are very thin. Partial cancellations works but they don't have that magnitude of effect in making your kundli free from Manglik dosha.

We check the Intensity of Mangal dosha.

Since we check Manglik dosha from many different perspectives and also check the possible cancellations of Manglik dosha. We have the capability to check for the severity of Manglik dosha one might have in their horoscope. Now, this is one of the very important features.

We believe that difference in the intensity of a Mangal dosha is where all the incompatibility issues might get severe between a couple. As we know minor incompatibilities are natural in any perfect couple. But those incompatibilities causing serious damage to domestic life harmony is a matter of concern for any happily married couple. We see it as a low percentage of difference in Manglik intensity between a husband and wife is not that concerning. One should be cautious and get it consulted with an expert astrologer when those percentage numbers are high enough.

You might be interested in who is called a Manglik person and the meaning of the 'word' of our topic. Check our article on Manglik meaning.

Using Mangal dosha Calculator

Our Manglik calculator can calculate Mangal dosha based on your birth date, birthplace and birth time. This is a conventional Vedic astrology approach that is very good in terms of accuracy.

If you want to calculate Mangal dosha according to your current birth date and time. You can do so by entering your birth date details and our Manglik calculator.

Do and Don't while using Manglik calculator by

  1. Use accurate Birth details, like Date of Birth, Birth time and Birthplace, for more accurate results.
  2. Use the results from the Manglik calculator for cross-checking, learning and exploring in-depth the Mangal dosh in your input kundli.
  3. Don't rely solely on our Manglik calculator (or any other software) for making any predictions about someone if you are not profound with the underlying concept and astrological knowledge.
  4. Always know that Mangal dosha is one of the compatibility parameters and not a dreadful defect in someone's kundli.
  5. Try to understand the fact that it is the overall personality of a person which can impact people around him/her in a positive or negative way. It is not just because of a single dosha more often.
  6. If you are more curious about this subject. Do more research and try to learn the basic concepts of Vedic astrology. This will help more in analysing and understanding the concept of Mangal dosha.

More on Manglik dosha

If you want to know what is Mangal dosha or Manglik dosha you can start with our very basic article on Mangal dosha.

If you are curious about some basic and generally well-known terminologies around the concept of Manglik dosha. You should refer to our article on Meaning of Manglik.

If you understand Mangal dosha and want to explore more on what kind of effects a potent Manglik dosha can have on someone's life. You can read our article: Effects of Mangal dosha.

Lastly, if you want to know what are those small but significant exceptions or special conditions in kundli that can help cancel the Mangal dosha or reduce the Manglik effects. You can refer to our article on Cancellations of Manglik dosha.

And since we consider Mangal dosha, one of the important factors in compatibility analysis between a Husband and Wife. You should also check Importance of Kundli matching. It will help you understand the basic logic around astrological compatibility analysis.