1. Yoni Group 1 - The grass eaters and Snake yoni
This yoni group consists of Ashwa yoni - The horse yoni, Mriga yoni - The deer yoni, Gaja yoni - The elephant yoni along with Vanar yoni and Sarpa yoni - The monkey yoni and serpent yoni.
Horse |
Deer |
Elephant |
Monkey |
Serpent |
We found that the grass eating yonis in this group are highly compatible with each other in sex compatibility. Any marriage combination between horse yoni, deer and elephant yoni will result in high levels of sexual compatibility. While the Serpent yoni goes sexually very well with horse yoni and elephant yoni.
The Elephant yoni has a high level of sexual compatibility with Monkey yoni. And the deer yoni is nicely compatible with the monkey yoni and serpent yoni. Even the monkey and snake yoni have no problems in building a sexual bond.
Most of the sexual combination in this yoni group scores more than 80% in yoni matching. While no combination in this group has a sex life compatibility of less than 50% which is great
The members of this yoni group like Deer yoni and Elephant yoni are the most compatible yonis. The elephant yoni is the most compatible and is sexually compatible with almost all the yonis. Elephant yoni is not compatible only with the big cats - tiger yoni and lion yoni. The Deer yoni can be said as the second most compatible yoni which goes well with all animal yonis except the dog yoni, tiger yoni and lion yoni.
2. Yoni Group 2 - The Cow family
The second group is the cow family with all the milk giving animals and elephant. This yoni group includes Gau yoni - cow yoni, Mahish yoni - buffalo yoni, Mesha yoni - sheep yoni, Aja yoni - goat yoni and Gaja yoni - the elephant yoni.
Cow |
Buffalo |
Sheep |
Goat |
Elephant |
It is important to note that Sheep yoni and Goat yoni are mostly considered similar. In fact in Sheep yoni pair of Krittika Nakshatra and Pushya Nakshatra, the Pushya Nakshatra is slightly more of a Goat yoni but many Vedic astrologers do not distinguish them as separate yoni and both the Nakshatra is said to be as Mesha yoni.
The Cow yoni is highly compatible with the Buffalo yoni and the Sheep yoni. It is very obvious from their animal signs as well. Hence, the Sheep yoni also has a very good sexual compatibility with Buffalo yoni.
And the Elephant yoni in this group has a very promising sexual compatibility with Sheep yoni and Buffalo yoni. While a Cow yoni is sexually a neutral yoni for Elephant but still enjoys 50% of marriage-matching compatibility in this area of life.
In this group as well almost all the yonis have more than 70% of sexual attraction towards each other.
3. Yoni Group 3 - Cat and the friends
This yoni group has a mixed type of animals. It includes the Marjar yoni - cat yoni, Nakul yoni - the mongoose yoni, Mesha yoni - sheep and goat yoni, the Vanar yoni - monkey yoni and the most accommodating Mriga yoni - deer yoni.
Cat |
Mongoose |
Sheep |
Goat |
Monkey |
Deer |
Here the cat yoni has high sexual compatibility with deer yoni and monkey yoni. The mongoose yoni of this group will share a nice sexual bond with a monkey yoni. Mongoose yoni is also highly compatible with sheep yoni.
In this yoni group, all the yoni pairs share a high level of sexual compatibility of about 75% and more.
4. The mongoose and goat yoni duo
Ideally, we should call this group a mongoose and sheep duo. But the fact is even though mongoose yoni shares good sex compatibility with sheep, the mongoose and sheep combination of Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra and Krittika Nakshatra is not so good for overall married life. We should remember that our analysis in this article is only from the point of view of yoni compatibility. But we should never forget that a successful analysis for marriage matching can only be done by a wholesome approach that includes all the factors of kundli matching.
The mongoose and the goat yoni are very much compatible sexually. So we can say that the combination of Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra and Pushya Nakshatra goes much better. So we can say that even if a yoni is fairly compatible, the thing may change with the Moon nakshatra.
Overall the even the mongoose yoni and sheep are friendly yoni for each other.
5. The Dog yoni and Mouse yoni
The Dog yoni and the Mouse yoni are the only two yonis that share high sexual compatibility with their same yoni partner. That means the dog yoni and mouse yoni can have more than 80% of sexual compatibility only with another dog yoni and another mouse yoni.
These two yonis are neutral yoni for most of the remaining yonis. If we exclude the enemy yoni for both of these two yoni case. Then they can only have the neutral yoni relationship with other compatible yonis. Despite this fact, this yonis can have a good marriage relationship with other neutral yonis. For example, a mouse yoni and a deer yoni can have a successful marriage and share a very happy married life.
The interesting fact one should not overlook here is that, even though we have kept the dog yoni and mouse yoni in one group, this is only because share a similar compatibility trend. But they are NOT compatible with each other.
The fact is that a dog yoni and a mouse yoni stands as enemy yoni of each other.
6. The Big Cats - Lion yoni and Tiger yoni
A Lion is a king of a Jungle and a big cat who doesn't go along with any other animal. So is the lion yoni.
From the point of view of yoni matching, the Lion yoni is the least compatible yoni among all the yonis. The only yonis which are neutral to this yoni are Serpent yoni, Mouse yoni, Monkey yoni and Mongoose yoni. The rest of all yonis are enemies of lion yoni.
An interesting fact here is that the yoni with the most versatile compatibility - the Gaja yoni or elephant yoni, is the extreme enemy yoni for this yoni.
A lion yoni boy can only have the best sexual match with a lion yoni girl.
The tiger yoni has a similar kind of situation. Even this yoni is not so compatible with other types of yonis. For a tiger yoni bride to have the best physical bond needs a groom with tiger yoni.
The yonis which are neutral to tiger yoni are Serpent yoni, Mouse yoni and Mongoose yoni.
Both the big cat yonis, lion and tiger, have similar relationship other yonis. Still, both of them are enemy yonis for each other.
What happens when the yoni do not match?
Whenever we have to get an idea about marriage with kundli matching. We need to see the favourable factors for a couple in a marriage or a relationship. And we would like to reinforce the fact that yoni matching is only one factor and can be easily compensated with some other factors of the Kundali matching.
A yoni is a factor based on birth Nakshatra and is not the one based on Rashi so it has its depth. Therefore whenever a yoni doesn't match, a couple can see an impact of it. Like it will be hard to develop a sexual interest and sexual desire for each other. But if other things are good they will hardly have a problem with it.
But let's say if you have the choice of selecting a partner before going into a relationship. It is best practice to avoid the enemy yoni if possible. If you can get the friendly yoni it can greatly enhance your intimate life with the support of other things. But don't stop here you also need the check the overall compatibility score. If we can have at least half of the factors in our favour it will help us for an easy-going and successful married life.
If you still feel check how compatible the yoni of yours is with you partner. You refer our Yoni compatibility chart below: