Vishakha Nakshatra Bad marriage Compatibility

Vishakha Nakshatra Bad marriage Compatibility

Lets find out which Nakshatras are not compatible with Vishakha Nakshatra.

Vishakha Nakshatra: Worst Nakshatra for Marriage

Vishakha and Revati Compatibility

Vishakha and Revati Nakshatra: Your worst relationship. Revati can go from being charming to critical in a short time. You do not know how to relate to them and nothing you do seems to please them. They are also very strong and stubborn. You can act contrary to your true nature with them. They aggravate your restlessness and you may seek others to love. 18% compatible

Vishakha and Rohini Compatibility

Vishakha and Rohini Nakshatra: Rohini has no understanding of your spiritual needs. You enjoy the romance, but love and commitment are not for you. You find their type of emotional possessiveness very annoying. If you ignore them and they amuse themselves elsewhere, you can find it difficult to forgive. Not a relationship to explore in-depth. 30% compatible

Vishakha and Uttara Ashadha Compatibility

Vishakha and Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra: Uttara Ashadha needs constant reassurance. You are perpetually satisfying their emotional needs. You may do so willingly at the start of your relationship but your inner restlessness means that you are soon searching for more. They want to live their life one way and you another; both of you are unwilling to compromise. 32% compatible

Vishakha and Shravana Compatibility

Vishakha and Shravana Nakshatra: Shravana is too emotional, fickle and possessive. You cannot be bothered with their emotional agenda. You may have a short fling with them but tend to shy away from longterm commitment. They tend to aggravate your discontentment and make you feel even more unsettled. Instead of trying to be there for them, you do the opposite. 36% compatible

Vishakha and Purva Ashadha Compatibility

Vishakha and Purva Ashadha Nakshatra: Purva Ashadha's sensuality attracts you. Getting entangled in a purely sensual relationship blocks you from following your spiritual path. This creates a restlessness within you that is hard to calm. The relationship can die due to a lack of attention from both of you. You must also try to be a lover to them, not just their mentor. 38% compatible

Vishakha and Swati Compatibility

Vishakha and Swati Nakshatra: You are never sure what to make of Swati. You explore emotions and love. You are attracted to their mental agility and their knowledge but you are also wary of them. They can be secretive and manipulative. Sexually this relationship is a compromise and Swati Nakshatra partner may lack the sexual finesse you want in your lovers. 40% compatible

Vishakha and Ashlesha Compatibility

Vishakha and Ashlesha Nakshatra: The tiger Vishakha is far stronger than the cat Ashlesha. As your animal signs are both from the cat family, there is an uncomfortable relationship between you. Ashlesha tries to wage, usually losing, batters (strikes repeatedly) to establish their superiority over you. Your relationship can get involved in unnecessary fights and power play. 41% compatible

Vishakha and Uttara Bhadrapada Compatibility

Vishakha and Uttara Bhadrapada nakshatra: Your worst sexual relationship. While Uttara Bhadrapada can understand your spiritual needs, they cannot satisfy your sexual ones. You may feel deeply frustrated by the control Uttara Bhadra exercise on their sexuality. They appear cold and frigid and you struggle with the barriers they erect around their emotions. 41% compatible

Vishakha Nakshatra Compatibility table








Uttara Ashadha






Purva Ashadha









Uttara Bhadrapada


Vishakha Nakshatra Best marriage Compatibility
Let us find about the best compatible Nakshatras with Vishakha Nakshatra.
Vishakha Nakshatra Best marriage Compatibility
