Vishakha Nakshatra Best marriage Compatibility

Vishakha Nakshatra Best marriage Compatibility

Let us find about the best compatible Nakshatras with Vishakha Nakshatra.

Vishakha Nakshatra: Best Nakshatra for Marriage

Vishakha and Chitra Compatibility

Vishakha and Chitra Nakshatra: They are exciting, sexy and passionate. After compromising on your sexual happiness for so long, you find a partner who can match your desires. Chitra calm your restlessness and you are ready to give up your prized freedom. Both your emotional histories make you vulnerable. Share your thoughts and work to build a strong relationship. 74% compatible

Vishakha and Jyeshta Compatibility

Vishakha and Jyeshta Nakshatra: With Jyeshta, you feel you are at the gates of heaven. Their sensuous approach to life touches you. Their deep knowledge of the mysteries of life helps you to understand your inner anxiety a bit better. They also teach you to embrace happiness. They help you to break the bonds of tradition and aspire towards ecstasy. 72% compatible

Vishakha and Dhanishta Compatibility

Vishakha and Dhanishta Nakshatra: Dhanishta has a strong personality and will not give in to your demands. They want your full attention but do not get fazed by your independence. They love you through your difficult periods and care for your inner battles. A sensually satisfying relationship, as long as you accept Dhanishta's occasional selfishness. 70% compatible

Vishakha and Shatabhisha Compatibility

Vishakha and Shatabhisha Nakshatra: Shatabhishak are elusive like a shadow and they cast a spell over you. Your fascination with them can turn into love. You like their intelligence and you can understand their fears. You try not to demand what they cannot give. They learn to love you and you reciprocate. You both have something special and work to keep it that way. 70% compatible

Vishakha and Moola Compatibility

Vishakha and Mula Nakshatra: You find Mula to be stimulating and exciting companions. They have learnt not to compromise with life. Your relationship develops deeply because Mula can understand your spiritual quest. They can introduce you to a world where philosophy, knowledge, and the study of higher truth are important. Both of you gain a lot. 66% compatible

Vishakha and Anuradha Compatibility

Vishakha and Anuradha Nakshatra: When you meet the inspirational and spiritual Anuradha, they light a spark within you with their ability to love you and support you unconditionally. At times, you may find their love claustrophobic and their neediness too much. But they usually calm your restlessness. You counteract each other's negativity. 59% compatible

Vishakha Nakshatra Compatibility table



















Check our more indepth article on Vishakha Nakshatra:

Vishakha Nakshatra meaning and compatibility |
If the Moon is sitting in Vishakha Nakshatra and Vishakha be the birth star, it makes one jealous of the prosperity of others. Vishakha native can be stingy, but bright in physical appearance. They are distinct in speaking and skilled at making money. These people are also inclined to create quarrels between people.
Vishakha Nakshatra meaning and compatibility |
