Houses in Astrology

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Sun in 7th house astrology

Sun in 7th house astrology

Know spouse characteristics, traits and married life from Sun in 7th house.

Twelfth house in astrology

Twelfth house in astrology

Twelfth house represents our spending. Both needful spending and extravagant spending. And tells us how money is drained from our possessions.

Eleventh house in astrology

Eleventh house in astrology

Eleventh House in astrology is often dubbed as the house of gains. This is the house that shows our ability to earn, save, and accumulate wealth.

Tenth house in astrology

Tenth house in astrology

Tenth house governs our reputation and social standing. It signifies how we are perceived by the public and society at large. It provides insight into our social status, our level of recognition, and our public image.

Ninth house in astrology

Ninth house in astrology

Ninth House represents our moral and ethical values, our sense of justice and fairness, and our spiritual wisdom.

Eighth house in astrology

Eighth house in astrology

Eighth House governs our psychological reactions to crises and challenges. It shows how we cope with stress, how we manage our fears, and how we deal with our deepest, most intense emotions.

Seventh house in astrology

Seventh house in astrology

The Seventh House can indicate whether the sexual relationship will be a satisfying one, or whether it will be a challenging one.

Sixth house in astrology

Sixth house in astrology

Sixth house in astrology is often associated with obstacles, enemies, and conflicts. The sixth house also governs difficulties, diseases, and debts.

Fifth house in astrology

Fifth house in astrology

Fifth House in Astrology is often considered the house of creativity and self-expression. The Fifth house also rules over matters related to children and parenthood.

Fourth house in astrology

Fourth house in astrology

Fourth House also governs our fixed assets, such as real estate, lands, and property. It's about the tangible resources we possess that contribute to our sense of security and stability.

Third house in astrology

Third house in astrology

3rd House: It governs our willingness to take risks, to step outside our comfort zones, and to embrace the unknown.