Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra Bad marriage Compatibility

Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra Bad marriage Compatibility

Lets see which Nakshatras are incompatible with Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra.

Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra: Worst Nakshatra for Marriage

Uttara Ashadha and Magha Compatibility

Uttara Ashadha and Magha Nakshatra: The snake-like Ketu rules Magha. This makes you act extremely aggressively towards them. If you decide to pursue this relationship go in with your eyes open and watch for the negative side of this partnership. If already in it, you have to make the best of your situation. Work to be positive and suppress the negative. 15% compatible

Uttara Ashadha and Ashlesha Compatibility

Uttara Ashadha and Ashlesha Nakshatra: Ashlesha's symbol is the snake; as a mongoose, you are their deadly enemy. Your relationship can move from fascination to war in a very short time. Ashlesha can be vindictive, sarcastic and vicious towards you for no reason at all and you retaliate immediately. Both of you are unable to control your temper. 27% compatible

Uttara Ashadha and Krittika Compatibility

Uttara Ashadha and Krittika Nakshatra: You are both loners. As two of you are ruled by the Sun, but the Krittika Sun is warm, and your Sun is cool. Both of you are afraid of your emotions. You can be apprehensive about taking the first steps towards establishing a relationship. If you do get together, you can create emotional distances, living together but unable to relate to each other. 30% compatible

Uttara Ashadha and Vishakha Compatibility

Uttara Ashadha and Vishakha Nakshatra: Vishakha and Uttara Ashadha have a friendship that does not translate well into intimacy. Vishakha can be too fixed in their ideas to understand your complicated emotional needs. You relate their restlessness to the fact that you are unable to live up to their expectations. You can feel unhappy and lonely. 32% compatible

Uttara Ashadha and Moola Compatibility

Uttara Ashadha and Moola Nakshatra: You are drawn to the unconventional Mula but soon realise that this relationship may not work. Ketu, the tail half of the celestial snake, rules them. This brings out unnecessary aggression within you. Mula can also make you the butt of their anger. Love finds it hard to flourish under these conditions. 36% compatible

Uttara Ashadha and Rohini Compatibility

Uttara Ashadha and Rohini Nakshatra: Your animal sign the mongoose and Rohini's snake are the deadly enemies. Never underestimate the potential of this relationship to spiral into self-destructive behaviour. Jealousy, rivalry, viciousness - you can bring out the worst qualities in each other. Distance yourself if you can or love cautiously. 37% compatible

Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra Compatibility table

Uttara Ashadha



Uttara Ashadha



Uttara Ashadha



Uttara Ashadha



Uttara Ashadha



Uttara Ashadha



Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra Best marriage Compatibility
Lets find out the best compatible Nakshatras with Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra.
Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra Best marriage Compatibility
