Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra Best marriage Compatibility

Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra Best marriage Compatibility

Lets find out the best compatible Nakshatras with Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra.

Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra: Best Nakshatra for Marriage

Uttara Ashadha and Uttara Bhadrapada Compatibility

Uttara Ashadha and Uttara Bhadrapada nakshatra: Your best relationship. They will try to fulfil all your desires and love you completely and deeply. You must not take Uttara Bhadra for granted. They understand your vulnerabilities and help you overcome your emotional barriers. You need to honour and love them. They make you feel happy and complete. 83% compatible

Uttara Ashadha and Purva Ashadha Compatibility

Uttara Ashadha and Purva Ashadha Nakshatra: Purva Ashadha and Uttara Ashadha are two halves of the same principle. Purva Ashadha's creativity amazes you, as does their ability to bring sensuality and love into your life without demanding the sacrifice of your spirituality. You go beyond mere physical love; you experience spiritual togetherness. 77% compatible

Uttara Ashadha and Bharani Compatibility

Uttara Ashadha and Bharani Nakshatra: Bharani is the sensualist of the Zodiac and one of your good relationships. Learn the art of sensuality from the masters. They are consummate at relating and you must take the lead and learn from them. Meet them halfway and you will find yourself daring to hope and love. 72% compatible

Uttara Ashadha and Uttara Phalguni Compatibility

Uttara Ashadha and Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra: Both of you are ruled by the Sun; you understand each other perfectly. Uttara Phalguni is warm and caring, they love you and support you. You feel you can trust them and this makes you relax in their company. Uttara Phalguni is realistic about sex and will not pressurise you to be what you are not. 68% compatible

Uttara Ashadha and Uttara Ashadha Compatibility

Uttara Ashadha and Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra: Other Uttara Ashadha are the only ones who fully understood your sexuality so potentially this relationship may be sensuous and fulfilling. If you put two relationship misfits together it will take some trial and error before you are comfortable together. The high compatibility suggests the ability to bridge the difficult communication barriers. 68% compatible

Uttara Ashadha and Ardra Compatibility

Uttara Ashadha and Ardra Nakshatra: This is a relationship between darkness and light. Like day and night, you are both connected. One needs the other. Through your struggles, you will find light and the ability to bond in a way that is full of karmic possibilities. Be alert to Ardra's snake connections through its ruler Rahu and avoid jealousy and rivalry. 67% compatible

Uttara Ashadha and Ashwini Compatibility

Uttara Ashadha and Ashwini Nakshatra: Ashwini is vital, strong and passionate. They disarm you but you can feel inadequate. How can such a dynamic person love you? But they do. They are strong enough to bring you out of your coolness and make you feel alive again. Learn to trust them or your suspicions can spoil an otherwise good relationship. 66% compatible

Uttara Ashadha and Purva Bhadrapada Compatibility

Uttara Ashadha and Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra: You find their warmth comforting and sexy, you enjoy exploring your sensuality with them. They are strong but they do not afraid of you. They allow you to explore your relationship at your own pace. Their positive attitude gives you confidence. Their way of being your friend, lover and mentor make them special indeed. 66% compatible

Uttara Ashadha and Hasta Compatibility

Uttara Ashadha and Hasta Nakshatra: The Sun rules you and the Moon rules Hasta. The Moon loves to reflect the glory of the Sun, similarly, Hasta likes to bask in your warmth. Hasta recognises your loneliness and, through love, they help elevate it. Sexually Hasta also has many complexes and they recognise you as a soul mate struggling with similar feelings. 64% compatible

Uttara Ashadha and Anuradha Compatibility

Uttara Ashadha and Anuradha Nakshatra: Anuradha's love can penetrate your loneliness. But you may find that they love you a bit more than you can love them. Their love makes you feel secure and wanted and you try very hard to offer them security and stability. Remember to let them know of your love: they can be hurt by your aloofness. 64% compatible

Uttara Ashadha and Pushya Compatibility

Uttara Ashadha and Pushya Nakshatra: You are both loners, distant and cool. But you can have such a deep understanding of each other's needs that you become warm and supportive of each other. Pushya usually yearns for your approval and love. They are happy for you to pursue your spirituality but do so in a way that also makes them feel secure and loved. 63% compatible

Uttara Ashadha and Shatabhisha Compatibility

Uttara Ashadha and Shatabhisha Nakshatra: Shatabhishak is ruled by Rahu, the celestial snake, and any relationship with a snake sign must have very clear personal boundaries. Despite this negative factor, you can overcome your instinctive distrust to take the next step with them. You can learn to love their detachment from sexual passions and the unconventional approach to you. 63% compatible

Uttara Ashadha and Shravana Compatibility

Uttara Ashadha and Shravana Nakshatra: Do not keep pushing Shravana away. They are one of the few who can understand your emotional loneliness. They can be moody and distracted at times but they know how to deal with your complex emotions. Sometimes you can get too comfortable with them and become lazy. That does not help you spiritually. 58% compatible

Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra Compatibility table

Uttara Ashadha

Uttara Bhadrapada


Uttara Ashadha

Purva Ashadha


Uttara Ashadha



Uttara Ashadha

Uttara Phalguni


Uttara Ashadha

Uttara Ashadha


Uttara Ashadha



Uttara Ashadha



Uttara Ashadha

Purva Bhadrapada


Uttara Ashadha



Uttara Ashadha



Uttara Ashadha



Uttara Ashadha



Uttara Ashadha



Check our older indepth article on Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra:

Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra meaning and compatibility | Aaps.space
If the birth star is Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra, then the person will be obedient and had learned the rules of virtues. And this native will be grateful. Uttara Ashada person will have many friends and will return the favour received. Hence, he or she will generally be liked by others.
Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra meaning and compatibility | Aaps.space
