Twelfth house in astrology

Twelfth house in astrology

Twelfth house represents our spending. Both needful spending and extravagant spending. And tells us how money is drained from our possessions.

Understanding the Twelfth House in Astrology

The Twelfth House, often known as the House of the Unconscious, is the final house in an astrological chart. It is a realm that exists beyond the physical world, encapsulating the spiritual, the intangible, and the hidden aspects of life. This house is associated with the zodiac sign Pisces and its ruling planet Neptune, both known for their dreamy, ethereal, and mysterious nature.

In astrology, the Twelfth House is closely linked with the subconscious mind, dreams, intuition, and spirituality. It is the house where we confront our deepest fears and secrets, the hidden aspects of our personality that we may not even be aware of. It is the realm of the unknown, full of mysteries and secrets waiting to be discovered.

The Twelfth House is also associated with Bhog or experiences of life. The experiences we will have in life, and the expenses we bear for those experiences. Both the good experiences and bad experiences which we need to experience in this life.

12th House is connected to Losses, Expenditure and Extravagance in life

In the material world, the Twelfth House is often associated with losses, expenditure, and extravagance. This is a house of letting go and surrender, which can often translate into financial losses or excessive spending.

The Twelfth House teaches us the value of non-attachment and the impermanence of material wealth. This house represents our spending. Both needful spending and extravagant spending. And tells us how money is drained from our possessions.

12th house has relation to places of confinements like Jail, Hospital and Detention centres

The Twelfth House also governs places of confinement, such as jails, hospitals, and detention centres. This may seem like a negative connotation, but it simply represents the concept of isolation and retreat. This house is about withdrawing from the world, turning inwards, and exploring the inner realms of our consciousness.

In a physical sense, hospitals and jails are places where people are isolated from society, either for healing or for punishment. Similarly, in a spiritual sense, the Twelfth House represents where we withdraw from the material world to heal, grow, and evolve.

Twelfth House represents Deep Sleep, a state of slumber, the Final peak of Sexual activities, Everything where the Mind disconnects completely from Outer world

The Twelfth House is often associated with sleep, dreams, and the subconscious mind. This is the realm of the unconscious, where we access our hidden thoughts, feelings, and desires. It is the house of dreams, where we explore the symbolic language of our subconscious mind and gain insights into our innermost fears and desires.

Deep sleep, or the state of slumber, represents a disconnection from the outer world and a journey into the inner realms of consciousness. This is a time of rest and rejuvenation, where we recharge our physical, emotional, and spiritual batteries. It is also a time of introspection, where we process our experiences and emotions, and assimilate our lessons and insights.

The final peak of sexual activities in the Twelfth House symbolizes the culmination of a cycle, the release of energy, and the dissolution of boundaries. It represents the merging of the self with the other, the dissolution of the ego, and the experience of unity and oneness. It is a house of transcendence, where we transcend our identity and connect with the divine.

The House of Unknown places and Unknown threats like Secret Enemies

The Twelfth House is a house of the unknown. It governs unknown places, hidden threats, and secret enemies. It is the house of mysteries and secrets, where we confront our shadow selves and face our deepest fears.

Unknown threats in the Twelfth House often represent our inner demons, our subconscious fears, and our unresolved traumas. These are the hidden enemies that sabotage our happiness and success, that keep us stuck in fear and limitation.

Unknown places in the Twelfth House represent the unexplored territories of our consciousness, the hidden aspects of our psyche, and the uncharted realms of our imagination. These are the places where we discover our hidden talents, our untapped potential, and our deepest truths. It is in these unknown places that we find our true self, our soul's purpose, and our path to enlightenment.

The Twelfth House also rules Final emancipation from Worldly affair also called Moksha

The Twelfth House is also associated with liberation or Moksha, the ultimate goal of human life according to Hindu philosophy. Moksha refers to the liberation from the cycle of death and rebirth, the realization of the true nature of the self, and the attainment of eternal bliss.

The Twelfth House represents the end of a cycle, the dissolution of the ego, and the merging with the divine. It signifies the transcendence of the material world and the realization of the eternal bliss.

Twelfth House and connection to Married life: Signifies Bed comforts or discomforts, and Sexual enjoyment

About married life, the Twelfth House signifies bed comforts or discomforts, and sexual enjoyment. This house governs the intimate aspects of a relationship, the emotional and sexual connection between partners, and the shared dreams and fantasies.

Bed comforts in the Twelfth House represent the emotional and physical intimacy in a relationship, the comfort and security derived from a deep emotional connection, and the pleasure and satisfaction derived from sexual union. It signifies the ability to connect on a deep emotional and spiritual level, to share dreams and fantasies, and to find comfort and solace in each other's arms.

On the other hand, bed discomforts in the Twelfth House represent the challenges and obstacles in a relationship, the emotional and sexual incompatibilities, and the unfulfilled dreams and desires. It signifies the difficulties in achieving emotional and sexual harmony, the frustrations and disappointments, and the need for compromise and understanding.
