Shravana Nakshatra Bad marriage Compatibility

Shravana Nakshatra Bad marriage Compatibility

Lets check which Nakshatras are not compatible with Shravana Nakshatra.

Shravana Nakshatra: Worst Nakshatra for Marriage

Shravana and Magha Compatibility

Shravana and Magha Nakshatra: Initially you feel that Magha will fulfil your emotional needs. But they are unable to give you the security you desire. They will always refuse your emotions and continuously reject you. They can also be sexually promiscuous and openly impulsive. Slowly you can lose all your exuberant and cheerful enjoyment of life and emotional friendliness. So not very good for family life. 11% compatible

Shravana and Krittika Compatibility

Shravana and Krittika Nakshatra: Your worst sexual partners with low compatibility. The fact is you just do not understand each other's needs. You think Krittika will support you and care for you whereas they can be withdrawn and unfeeling. They do not react to your romantic overtures and you cannot appreciate them in the way they get accustomed to. 32% compatible

Shravana and Ashlesha Compatibility

Shravana and Ashlesha Nakshatra: Ashlesha never tries to understand your emotional needs. You might pretend to be cool and rational like them but their cynical attitude to love and life is opposite to your more romantic one. Can you ever understand where the other is coming from? If you do, then you have hope for happiness. 36% compatible

Shravana and Vishakha Compatibility

Shravana and Vishakha Nakshatra: You have a complicated relationship. Vishakha like their independence too much and you can never feel totally comfortable about that. If you let them know of your love then they tend to distance themselves. You may not be emotionally strong enough to deal with Vishakha's restlessness and dissatisfaction. 36% compatible

Shravana and Mrigashirsha Compatibility

Shravana and Mrigashirsha Nakshatra: You are emotional and Mrigasira rational. They cannot love instinctively. They try to analyse every bit of your relationship and you want to hide from their inquisition. They never fully understand your sentimentality and question your emotionalism. You may never be comfortable enough with Mrigasira to love them completely. 39% compatible

Shravana Nakshtra Compatibility table
















Shravana Nakshatra Best marriage Compatibility
Lets find out which Nakshatras are best compatible with Shravana Nakshatra.
Shravana Nakshatra Best marriage Compatibility
