Shravana Nakshatra Best marriage Compatibility

Shravana Nakshatra Best marriage Compatibility

Lets find out which Nakshatras are best compatible with Shravana Nakshatra.

Shravana Nakshatra: Best Nakshatra for Marriage

Shravana and Uttara Bhadrapada Compatibility

Shravana and Uttara Bhadrapada nakshatra: Saturn, the ruler of Uttara Bhadra, is the most difficult teacher for you so you go into this relationship reluctantly. But once you become involved, you to find Uttara Bhadra loving and supportive. They also help you to find peace and to balance your emotional and practical needs. Together you find real happiness. 80% compatible

Shravana and Bharani Compatibility

Shravana and Bharani Nakshatra: Emotional, fun and loving. This makes a good relationship and great sexual chemistry. Bharani knows how to be intimate. They are tactile and awaken your latent desires with their slightest touch. This is very enticing, as you also pick up their silent messages, your senses can get highly attuned to their gesture and touch. 77% compatible

Shravana and Pushya Compatibility

Shravana and Pushya Nakshatra: This is a good relationship that transcends poor sexual compatibility. Pushya is your worst sexual partner yet they are compatible in all other ways. Pushya will nourish and love you in a way no one else can. You can lean on them for support. Sexually you compromise and learn about real spiritual love as a result. 75% compatible

Shravana and Ashwini Compatibility

Shravana and Ashwini Nakshatra: You are attracted to the verve and energy of Ashwini. In relationships they are adventurous and fun, they do not want to tire you down to a boring conventional life. You can love them too easily. Don't try to control your emotions too much or you will miss out on the spontaneity that Ashwini is so good with. 72% compatible

Shravana and Anuradha Compatibility

Shravana and Anuradha Nakshatra: Your moon rulership has sacred significance for Anuradha. The moon reflects Krishna, the god of love to whom the Anuradha soul is devoted. You can be their divine inspiration. They will love you unconditionally. You enjoy basking in their love. Anuradha's love inspires you spiritually as well. 72% compatible

Shravana and Punarvasu Compatibility

Shravana and Punarvasu Nakshatra: Punarvasu has a knack for being supportive even if they are not there. You are happy to have them to love you in whichever way they want. Both of you need to be free to pursue your spiritual interests. Punarvasu never questions this need and you try to help them to use their restless mind more creatively. 68% compatible

Shravana and Hasta Compatibility

Shravana and Hasta Nakshatra: Hasta is emotionally needy. They can be very insecure and hide their sensitivity behind a hard and strong exterior. You can empathise with them. For so long you have covered up your real feelings as well. At last, a partner who intuitively understands you. This is the secret of the success of your relationship. 66% compatible

Shravana and Purva Bhadrapada Compatibility

Shravana and Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra: Purva Bhadra can soon become essential to you. You love their strength and the way they care for you. You can burden them with your emotional expectations and they will cheerfully bear them. You agree with their idealistic visions. They can be cool and distant, but you feel secure in their love. 66% compatible

Shravana and Uttara Phalguni Compatibility

Shravana and Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra: You need Uttara Phalguni's love to sustain you. You need to let them know this. Secure in your love, they will care for you, support you, love you and wait for you, Uttara Phalguni is frustrated at not being able to be more spiritual so they are happy that you improve yourself spiritually and strive for higher knowledge. 61% compatible

Shravana and Swati Compatibility

Shravana and Swati Nakshatra: You are wary of Swati, afraid of allowing them into your life. Your attitude to them remains ambivalent for a long time, unsure whether to trust them or not. Swati are unable to understand why you would not open up and care for them. They sense your insecurity and try to be patient. Swati will work hard to make you happy. 61% compatible

Shravana and Purva Ashadha Compatibility

Shravana and Purva Ashadha Nakshatra: Your best sexual partnership. Purva Ashadha will be great lovers, good friends and wonderful companions but if you need them to be forever by your side you are choosing the wrong partner. You have to accept their nonconformist attitude to relationships, and you can enjoy what they have to offer. 61% compatible

Shravana and Uttara Ashadha Compatibility

Shravana and Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra: Uttara Ashadha can have quite an austere attitude to love and relationships. They remain detached and seem to prefer their own company. So you have quite a mountain to climb if you want to reach them emotionally. They will be strong for you. Win their trust and let them know often how much you care. 58% compatible

Shravana Nakshatra Compatibility table


Uttara Bhadrapada





















Purva Bhadrapada



Uttara Phalguni






Purva Ashadha



Uttara Ashadha


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