Rohini Nakshatra Bad marriage Compatibility

Rohini Nakshatra Bad marriage Compatibility

Lets find which Nakshatras are not compatible with Rohini Nakshatra.

Rohini Nakshatra: Worst Nakshatra for Marriage

Rohini and Magha Compatibility

Rohini and Magha Nakshatra: Your worst relationship. You need romance and Magha want sex. But you find their rejection hard to deal with. They can trample on your feelings and aggravate your lack of self-esteem. Their philandering makes you extremely jealous. With Magha, it appears you can lose your sense of proportion. 28% compatible

Rohini and Krittika Compatibility

Rohini and Krittika Nakshatra: You will find the warm but diffident Krittika hard to resist. You will plan your campaign to seduce them and bring them into your orbit. Their strength and potency can thrill you, but soon you will feel dominated by these qualities of them. You can seek other relationships and this means that Krittika will find it hard to trust you. 30% compatible

Rohini and Vishakha Compatibility

Rohini and Vishakha Nakshatra: Vishakha seems unable to understand your inner needs. They are happy to be with you as long as you play by their rules. You need them to give you their undivided attention. Maybe you have created unrealistic expectations of each other. You should not put all your emotional expectations on them. 30% compatible

Rohini and Ashlesha Compatibility

Rohini and Ashlesha Nakshatra: Ashlesha is mystical, secretive and at times manipulative. There will be power play and sensual games. You can be intensely possessive of your Ashlesha partner. Both of you can be venomous, uncaring about the hurt your sharp words inflict. Ashlesha's way out is to become detached, whereas you can feel emotionally messed up. 33% compatible

Rohini and Moola Compatibility

Rohini and Mula Nakshatra: You tend to put the responsibility of your love on Mula's shoulders. Mula is ill-equipped to handle this. They aspire to freedom and a break from the burden of mundane responsibilities. They may not want your love, especially as it comes with conditions attached. They can be hurtful and cruel in their rejection. 36% compatible

Rohini and Uttara Ashadha Compatibility

Rohini and Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra: You can get involved in such extreme jealousy and sexual rivalry, that you will not rest until you destroy each other. Your mutual attraction can be compulsive but you are very sensuous and Uttara Ashadha's coldness and asceticism can make you lose faith in yourself. You can get hurt and the emotional damage will take a long time heal. 37% compatible

Rohini Nakshatra Compatibility table

















Uttara Ashadha


Rohini Nakshatra Best marriage Compatibility
Which Nakshatras are best compatible with Rohini Nakshatra?
Rohini Nakshatra Best marriage Compatibility
