Rohini Nakshatra Best marriage Compatibility

Rohini Nakshatra Best marriage Compatibility

Which Nakshatras are best compatible with Rohini Nakshatra?

Rohini Nakshatra: Best Nakshatra for Marriage

Rohini and Anuradha Compatibility

Rohini and Anuradha Nakshatra: Anuradha understand love and romance in a way no one else does. They also hide their romantic nature behind a worldly-wise exterior. Both of you can share your romantic dreams and become the ultimate lovers. Anuradha is usually financially successful, which gives them the ability to support your love for luxury. 80% compatible

Rohini and Mrigashirsha Compatibility

Rohini and Mrigashirsha Nakshatra: Good friendship and exciting sex. You want the same things from life. You are ready to talk about love; you will introduce Mrigasira to sensuality and passion. Mrigasira will be dynamic on the outside but you call the shots where intimacy is concerned. Emotionally complete and loving. 77% compatible

Rohini and Shatabhisha Compatibility

Rohini and Shatabhisha Nakshatra: You do not like or trust Shatabhishak at first. They appear cold and unfeeling. You soon throw aside your initial caution and fall in love. Surprisingly they respond and you find a unique way of loving. They open up emotionally to you in a way they seldom do to others. They will try hard to be what you want in a partner. 76% compatible

Rohini and Pushya Compatibility

Rohini and Pushya Nakshatra: Do not just look for superficial attraction with Pushya. They can love you in a way few others can. They may not allow you to indulge your romantic nature but they will give you support, make you feel secure and bring peace to your restless mind. Pushya practicality is a perfect foil for your emotionalism. 75% compatible

Rohini and Uttara Bhadrapada Compatibility

Rohini and Uttara Bhadrapada nakshatra: You love the dependability of Uttara Bhadra. They love, nurture and support you. You are personal to their secret sensuality. They may present a cool and ascetic persona to others, but you know different. There are times when you want more excitement but usually, you will not take the risk of alienating them. 75% compatible

Rohini and Uttara Phalguni Compatibility

Rohini and Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra: You love the Uttara Phalguni strength - they make you feel secure. They are not the most imaginative lovers but they are there for you. They are happy to be possessed by you. But beware of their jealous temper: if you ever give them a reason to express it, it can be very destructive. 72% compatible

Rohini and Hasta Compatibility

Rohini and Hasta Nakshatra: You enjoy Hasta's sophistication but you also like their earthiness. You find it easy to connect to both sides of their personality. Both of you are moody but this does not split you apart as you understand this behaviour. You like Hasta's simple approach to life and enjoy teaching them to overcome their complexes. 69% compatible

Rohini and Jyeshta Compatibility

Rohini and Jyeshta Nakshatra: You love the mystical Jyeshta, their charm and intellect. You find their ability to savour sensuality exciting. They love you in style, more than satisfy your need for luxury and comfort. You may not be totally in tune with their spiritual needs but you know when to let them be free. After all, you like a bit of freedom too. 67% compatible

Rohini and Punarvasu Compatibility

Rohini and Punarvasu Nakshatra: You enjoy Punarvasu's wisdom, finding their need to advise you comforting. You love playing sensual games with them; you have enough confidence to wait for them to show their interest. You will need to teach Punarvasu intimacy. Both of you are jealous and possessive lovers, and not too hot on commitment. 66% compatible

Rohini and Purva Phalguni Compatibility

Rohini and Purva Phalguni Nakshatra: Purva Phalguni will indulge you and try to fulfil your romantic dreams. They make an excellent foil for you - their practicality gives a good base to your more emotional nature. You enjoy life together, for although you may find them lacking in sensual skills, you can teach them that. 66% compatible

Rohini and Bharani Compatibility

Rohini and Bharani Nakshatra: A relationship with Bharani can be an exploration of sensuality, fulfilling you sexually. Be willing to be possessed by Bharani. They can take you on a journey of ecstasy and love. You both enjoy the good things in life. Beware of excesses in sexual and even in financial aspects of family life. 64% compatible

Rohini and Ardra Compatibility

Rohini and Ardra Nakshatra: Your ruler the Moon fears and distrusts Rahu, Ardra's ruler. As the compatibility otherwise is high, the fear becomes delicious excitement for you. Ardra's practical responses to your need for romance will irritate and frustrate you. Avoid becoming distrustful and possessive. Teach them about love and express your need for them openly. 64% compatible

Rohini and Ashwini Compatibility

Rohini and Ashwini Nakshatra: Ashwini can be your dream partner as they are exciting, fiery and passionate. They have a wild untameable quality that you want to possess. Ashwini finds you sensuous and desirable. Both of you are restless souls and find this quality in each other keeps you interested and the relationship fresh. Don't be too possessive. 62% compatible

Rohini and Purva Bhadrapada Compatibility

Rohini and Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra: Purva Bhadra can be the lover you were seeking for so long. They are generous, flamboyant and will keep you in luxury and comfort. But they also have a detached side to their nature. They need to do some things alone. Try not to feel too insecure and don't let your jealousy and possessiveness spoil your relationship. 60% compatible

Rohini Nakshatra Compatibility table














Uttara Bhadrapada



Uttara Phalguni












Purva Phalguni












Purva Bhadrapada


Check out older indepth article on Rohini Nakshatra:

Rohini Nakshatra meaning and compatibility |
When Rohini Nakshatra is the birth star, a person is clean in habits and sweet of speech. Rohini natives are firm in views and while they are also attractive in appearance. The person is more often truthful and non-covetous.
Rohini Nakshatra meaning and compatibility |
