Bharani Nakshatra Bad marriage Compatibility

Bharani Nakshatra Bad marriage Compatibility

Lets check the Nakshatras which are not compatible with Bharani Nakshatra.

Bharani Nakshatra: Worst Nakshatra for Marriage

Bharani and Uttara Bhadrapada Compatibility

Bharani and Uttara Bhadrapada nakshatra: Your worst relationship. Uttara Bhadra can be ascetic, rigid and cold. They may not express any of the warmth to you that they seem to show others. They can question your sensuality constantly, making you feel uncomfortable. You can feel very weighed down by their goodness. You just do not know how to deal with each other. 11% compatible

Bharani and Chitra Compatibility

Bharani and Chitra Nakshatra: A difficult partnership. Chitra is exotic, adventurous, and sensuous. This can lead to an exciting, on-the-edge experience. You can get emotionally involved with them and they are unable to reciprocate. Become obsessed with them and it will be very destructive. If you enjoy their passion and let go, you come through unscathed. 22% compatible

Bharani and Dhanishta Compatibility

Bharani and Dhanishta Nakshatra: You should think carefully before embarking on a relationship where your deeper sexual needs may not be met. Dhanishta is your worst sexual partner. You can feel extremely unsettled and restless. Avoid making this a self-destructive relationship - either through sexual obsession or sexual detachment. 26% compatible

Bharani and Jyeshta Compatibility

Bharani and Jyeshta Nakshatra: You can be tied to Jyeshta's deeply sensual nature. They are mystical and intriguing. They love all the things you like; they offer friendship, excitement and mental challenges. They can play with your emotions, you can get very hurt by their on-off attitude. Avoid getting too emotionally dependent. 35% compatible

Bharani and Moola Compatibility

Bharani and Mula Nakshatra: You are attracted by their unconventional, daring lifestyle. You use all your wiles and sexual experience to get them interested. But your spiritual paths differ. You are sensuous by nature; Mula may be involved in a sensuous relationship with you, but their soul wants them to give it up. 35% compatible

Bharani Nakshatra Compatibility table


Uttara Bhadrapada














Bharani Nakshatra Best marriage Compatibility
Let's find out the best compatible Nakshatra with Bharani Nakshatra
Bharani Nakshatra Best marriage Compatibility
