Bharani Nakshatra Best marriage Compatibility

Bharani Nakshatra Best marriage Compatibility

Let's find out the best compatible Nakshatra with Bharani Nakshatra

Bharani Nakshatra Compatibility: Best Nakshatra for Marriage

Bharani and Ashwini Compatibility

Bharani and Ashwini Nakshatra: Your best relationship: dynamic, vital and adventurous. You can soothe their fears of rejection and lack of love. They, in turn, will love, protect and spoil you. You know how to keep the adventurous Ashwini tethered to your side forever. Remember not to be too possessive Ashwini needs their sense of freedom. 91% compatible

Bharani and Swati Compatibility

Bharani and Swati Nakshatra: Swati are charmers. You love their verve, energy, and the interesting way they flirt with you. Swati make you feel loved and sweep into your life full of ideas and in a flurry of activity. You love their earthiness and release them from their sexual complexes. Both of you chare Great sex, good friendship and lots of fun. 78% compatible

Bharani and Bharani Compatibility

Bharani and Bharani Nakshatra: Both of yours similar natures bind you together: creative, caring, nurturing and instinctively understanding your partner's needs, revelling in the sensual journey. You will feel secure in their need for you. Too much self-indulgence can make you waste your energies and allow this relationship to get bogged down. 77% compatible

Bharani and Shravana Compatibility

Bharani and Shravana Nakshatra: Great sexual attraction. Shravana's ability to pick up the vibrations of your senses and fulfil your every demand even before you have articulated it makes them irresistible. They are happy to explore sex and extend the boundaries of enjoyment. 77% compatible

Bharani and Punarvasu Compatibility

Bharani and Punarvasu Nakshatra: Great potential. Let your Punarvasu lover know that you need a lover, not a guru. They have many admirers. Tell them you hate to share and they will respect your wishes. Punarvasu is forever searching for new horizons and this keeps you interested in them and on your toes. You hardly ever get bored or lazy around them. 76% compatible

Bharani and Uttara Ashadha Compatibility

Bharani and Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra: You are drawn to the cool asceticism of Uttara Ashadha. The relationship can only be fulfilling if you take the sensual lead. They may appear confident, but they are full of insecurities about their sexuality and relationship. You can have a loving relationship with them, that few can achieve. Try not to be too possessive. 72% compatible

Bharani and Ardra Compatibility

Bharani and Ardra Nakshatra: You are able to understand the deeper needs of Ardra, their fears and insecurities. You touch their emotions in a way few people can. You find them witty, charming and exciting. If you want your Ardra lover to remain faithful, you will need to let them know the sexual boundaries very clearly. 69% compatible

Bharani and Revati Compatibility

Bharani and Revati Nakshatra: Revati is your perfect sexual partner. Why can't they be open and comfortable about sex like you are? As you get to know of their inner purity and spirituality, this influences you into changing for your Revati lover by learning to treat your sexual relationship as special and they reward you by loving you unconditionally. 69% compatible

Bharani and Ashlesha Compatibility

Bharani and Ashlesha Nakshatra: An unconventional relationship that works despite being based on different rules of engagement. You love the feline sensuality of Ashlesha, their cutting humour and worldly-wise cynicism. You must learn to love them for what they are. Try to change an Ashlesha, they will soon move away. 66% compatible

Bharani and Krittika Compatibility

Bharani and Krittika Nakshatra: Krittika is puritanical, loners and appear shy. They are needed for relationships but will never admit it. You may need to seduce them into being exciting and passionate lovers. They will be warm, loving, supportive and ready to commit. But if you make a fool of them or laugh at their insecurities, they can be extremely destructive. 65% compatible

Bharani and Rohini Compatibility

Bharani and Rohini Nakshatra: Rohini can fulfil your need for sex and passion. Give them love, romance and fantasy. Do not go into a relationship with Rohini lightly. They are possessive and may not let you go easily. Jealousy and possessiveness will be the main problems. While you may be willing to be possessed, Rohini like to keep their freedom. 64% compatible

Bharani and Purva Bhadrapada Compatibility

Bharani and Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra: Who rules this relationship, the elephant or the lion? Sexually your worst partner but compatible in other areas. Royalty marry other royalty so why shouldn't one king of the jungle get involved with another? You have a slightly upper hand as Purva Bhadra usually let their partners make all the related decisions. 62% compatible

Bharani and Pushya Compatibility

Bharani and Pushya Nakshatra: Disciplined, practical and pragmatic, Pushya are what you really need. The balance of sensuality, indulgences and passions. But it is not something you recognise instantly. Their quiet strength has a strange attraction for you and their well-hidden sense of humour and playfulness keep you firmly at their side. 61% compatible

Bharani and Uttara Phalguni Compatibility

Bharani and Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra: Uttara Phalguni is keen to be helpful and will always be there for you. They can be boring and stand lovers, but there are enough compensations. Anyway, you know how to spice up your love life. Both of you can be very stubborn. You should learn to give in now and then. 60% compatible

Bharani Nakshatra Compatibility table

















Uttara Ashadha


















Purva Bhadrapada






Uttara Phalguni


Check our older indepth article on Bharani Nakshatra:

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When Bharani Nakshatra is the Birth star, it shows that a person will be capable and successful in work. He or She will be truthful and will remain free from diseases and grief.
Bharani Nakshatra meaning and compatibility |
