Exception Panchang - Today’s Tithi, Nakshatra, Karan and Yog | Aaps.space

Today Panchang

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Weekday (vaar) - Saturday

Starts  06:35 AM (Sunrise today)
Ends  on next Sunrise

Current tithi is Amavasya

Current nakshatra is Uttra Bhadrapad

Tithi image
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Uttra Bhadrapad


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Yog image
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Yog (yoga)

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What is the Panchang (Panchanga) ?

Panchang is know as the collection of Tithi, Yog, Karna, Nakshatra and Day. Hence, collective of these five is called Panchang. Panchang originally developed as an essence of time keeping and tracking of Moon and the Sun cycles. From ages in the ancient Vedic traditions of India, Panchang has find its purpose and use accompanied with rituals and cultural celebrations.

Panchang is however remains as the basic astronomical information codified into its five parts.

  1. Vaar OR Varana OR Weekday
  2. Tithi OR Lunar phase
  3. Nakshatra OR Lunar constellation
  4. Karan
  5. Yog

Before mentioning further details on these five elements which collectively forms Panchang. Let’s go through some quick FAQs on Panchang.

Some FAQs on Panchang

What does word ‘Panchang’ means ?

Answer: The word ‘Panchang’ means ‘five body part’. Panch = five, Ang = any body part. Many translations or interpretations of these word says it means ‘five limbs’. But to the very dept of its meaning, keeping in mind the context, it should mean - five parts of something. Which in this case is Hindu method of timekeeping. So it collectively means five essential parts in Hindu timekeeping.

On what basis the dates of Hindu festivals are decided ?

Answer: The dates of Hindu festivals mostly rely on Panchang. For example - Ganesha Chathurthi is celebrated on 4th tithi of Shukla Paksha (waxing moon) in the Hindu month of Bhādrapada (Bhadra). Diwali is celebrated on Amavasya OR new moon of Hindu month Ashvin.

What is a Hindu day ?

Answer: A Hindu day generally referred to Hindu Solar day is the time period between one Sunrise and the next Sunrise. Which is not exactly but approximately of 24 hours. While in Hindu tradition of timekeeping days can be either lunar or solar. A Hindu lunar day is the time it takes for Moon to traverse either one Tithi or one Nakshatra.

What is a Lunar month ?

Answer: A Lunar month is either the time it takes for Moon to pass through all twelve signs of the zodiac, which is known as a sidereal month, or the time it takes for Moon to go from one new Moon to the next new Moon, which is known as synodic month. Sidereal month is approximately of 27.3 days and Synodic month is approximately of 29.5 days.

What is a tropical year ?

Answer: A tropical year is a time taken by Sun to pass from one vernal equinox to the next vernal equinox. It is approximately the time of 365.242 days. The adoption of tropical year makes the addition of leap year, every five year.

What is a sidereal year ?

Answer: A sidereal year is a time taken by Sun to pass from all the twelve zodiac signs. It is approximately the time of 365.256 days. The sidereal year is about twenty minutes longer than the tropical year.


Tithis in Panchang are known to give information about the current phase of The Moon and are widely connected to ancient traditions of Hindu culture. But all and all they play a very crucial role in tracing the Moon cycle. The Moon is allotted 30 different tithis to the 29.5 days of its synodic lunar month. Out of 30 tithis in cycle one is New Moon known as Amavasya and other is Full Moon known as Purnima.

The 15 tithis of Moon’s waxing cycle when Moon grow bigger and brighter each day is known as Shukla Paksha.

And the 15 tithis of Moon’s waning cycle when Moon wanes in size and brightness is known as Krishna Paksha.

The 15th tithi of Shukla Paksha is known as Purnima.

Tha 15th tithi of Krishna Paksha is known as Amavasya.

Following are the names of remaining 14 tithis in each Pakshas. (In ascending order)

  1. 1st tithi - Pratipat
  2. 2nd tithi - Dvitiya
  3. 3rd tithi - Tritiya
  4. 4th tithi - Chaturthi
  5. 5th tithi - Panchami
  6. 6th tithi - Shashti
  7. 7th tithi - Saptami
  8. 8th tithi - Ashtami
  9. 9th tithi - Navami
  10. 10th tithi - Dashami
  11. 11th tithi - Ekadashi
  12. 12th tithi - Dvadashi
  13. 13th tithi - Trayodashi
  14. 14th tithi - Chaturdashi
  15. 15th tithi - Either Purnima or Amavasya


Every tithi is divided into two parts and each part is called as Karan or Karana. And eleven different Karanas are used to make up the sixty-karan monthly cycle.

These eleven Karanas are :

  1. Bava
  2. Balava
  3. Kaulava
  4. Taitila
  5. Gara
  6. Vanija
  7. Vishti (Bhadra)
  8. Shakuni
  9. Chatushpada
  10. Naga
  11. Kinstughna


Yog literally means combination and yogas is plural for it. Yog has the root meaning - ‘to join’. The twenty-seven soli-lunar yogas or combinations are generated from the position of Sun and Moon relative to one another.

The following are 27 Soli-lunar yogas with the best possible translations of their names :

  1. Vishkambha - Supported
  2. Priti - Fondness
  3. Aayushman - Long lived
  4. Saubhagya - Good Fortune
  5. Shobhana - Splendor
  6. Atiganda - Large-cheeked
  7. Sukarma - Virtuous
  8. Dhriti - Determination
  9. Shula - Spear
  10. Ganda - Cheek
  11. Vriddhi - Growth
  12. Dhruva - Constant
  13. Vyaghata - Beating
  14. Harshana - Thrilling
  15. Vajra - Diamond
  16. Siddhi - Success
  17. Vyatipata - Calamity
  18. Variyana - Comfort
  19. Parigha - Obstruction
  20. Shiva - Auspicious
  21. Siddha - Accomplished
  22. Sadhya - Amenable
  23. Shubha - Auspicious
  24. Shukla - Bright White
  25. Brahma - Priest or God
  26. Indra - Chief
  27. Vaidhriti - Poor support

The following are the best possible meanings and explanations of 27 Soli-lunar yogas :

  1. Vishkambha - prevails over others, victorious over enemies, obtains property, wealthy
  2. Priti - well-liked, attracted to the opposite sex, enjoys life with contentment
  3. Aayushman - good health and longevity, energetic
  4. Saubhagya - enjoys a comfortable life full of opportunities, happy
  5. Shobhana - lustrous body and demeanour, sensualist, obsessed with sex
  6. Atiganda - difficult life due to numerous obstacles and accidents, revengeful and angry
  7. Sukarma - performs noble deeds, magnanimous and charitable, wealthy
  8. Dhriti - enjoys the wealth, goods and spouses of others, indulges in the hospitality of others
  9. Shula - confrontational and contrary, quarrelsome, angry
  10. Ganda - flawed morals or ethics, troublesome personality
  11. Vriddhi - intelligent, opportunistic and discerning; life constantly improves with age
  12. Dhruva - steady character, able to concentrate and persist, wealthy
  13. Vyaghata - cruel, intent on harming others
  14. Harshana - intelligent, delights in merriment and humour
  15. Vajra - well-off, leacherous, unpredictable, forceful
  16. Siddhi - skilful and accomplished in several areas; protector and supporter of others
  17. Vyatipata - prone to sudden mishaps and reversals, fickle and unreliable
  18. Variyana - loves ease and luxury, lazy, lascivious
  19. Parigha - encounters many obstacles to progress in life; irritable and meddlesome (interfering)
  20. Shiva - honoured by superiors and government, placid, learned and religious, wealthy
  21. Siddha - accommodating personality, pleasant, nature, interest in rituals and spirituality
  22. Sadhya - well behaved, accomplished manners and etiquette
  23. Subha - lustrous body and personality, but problems with health; wealthy, irritable
  24. Shukla - garrulous and flighty, impatient and impulsive; unsteady and changeable mind
  25. Brahma - trustworthy and confidential, ambitious, good discernment and judgement
  26. Indra - interest in education and knowledge; helpful, well-off
  27. Vaidhriti - critical, scheming nature; powerful and overwhelming (mentally or physically)


There are total of 27 Nakshatras in zodiac. The Nakshatra keeps prime importance not only in Panchanga and but even Vedic astrology. As they hold some rich meaning and characteristic values to them.

1) Ashwini

The person born In Ashwini will be fond of decoration, handsome, popular, skilful and intelligent.
Ashwini: Rules the Head and brain of kaalpurush.
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2) Bharani

One born in Bharani will be determined, truthful, healthy, skilful and happy.
Bharani: Rules some part of Head, brain eyes and eye vision of kaalpurush.
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3) Krittika

The person born in Krittika will be a voracious enter, fond of other’s wives, attractive and renowned.
Krittika: Rules face, Neck, Tonsillitis, lower Jaw, back part of the head of kaalpurush.
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4) Rohini

Rohini makes a man truthful, clean, following religious and moral principles, sweet in speech, fixed mind and handsome.
Rohini: Rules face, mouth, tongue, neck bone of kaalpurush.
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5) Mrigasira

Capricious, skilful, cowardly, good speaker, hopeful, rich and enjoying.
Mrigasira: Rules face, chin, cheek, tonsils and aalpurush.
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6) Ardra

Dissimulating in self-interest, proud, ungrateful, cruel and sinful.
Ardra: Rules Neck, Hands, Shoulders, ears of kalpurush.
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7) Punarvasu

Religious endurance, happy, good, dull, sickly, thirsty and pleased with small gifts.
Punarvasu: Rules ear, throat, Shoulders, lungs of the kaalpurush.
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8) Pushya

Control over passions, popular, learned, rich and charitable.
Pushya: Rules Lungs, intestine, and Ribs of kaalpurush.
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9) Ashlesha

Dissimulator, clever in selfishness, sinful, ungrateful and a cheat.
Ashlesha: Rules lungs, intestine, food pipe, gall bladder of kaalpurush.
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10) Magha

Many servants and great wealth, enjoying, respector of elders and gods and very enterprising.
Magha: Rules the heart, back, plea of kaalpurush.
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11) Purva Phalguni

Sweet speech, liberal, handsome, fond of traveling and royal servant.
Purva Phalguni: Rules heart of kaalpurush.
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12) Uttara Phalguni

Popular, self-acquired property, enjoying and happy.
Uttara Phalguni: Rules intestine of kaalpurush.
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13) Hashta

Enterprising, intelligent or (shameless), drunkard, cruel and thievish.
Hasta: Rules Enzymes, bleeding glands, intestine of kaalpurush.
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14) Chitra

Using various clothes and garlands, good looks and limbs.
Chitra: Rules the belly, foetus, womb, of kaalpurush.
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15) Swati

Polite, merchant, kind hearted, not able to endure thirst, sweet tongued and generous.
Swati: Rules the skin, kidney, urinary tract, of kaalpurush.
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16) Vishakha

Jealous, avaricious, handsome, clever speaker and quarrelsome, or maker of money.
Vishakha: Rules the lower part of the belly, urinary bladder, kidneys of kaalpurush.
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17) Anuradha

Master or chief, living in foreign countries, not able to bear hunger and fond of traveling.
Anuradha: Ruled by Saturn and the body parts ruled by this constellation are urinary bladder, foetus, anus and hipbone of kaalpurush.
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18) Jyeshta

Few friends, contented, charitable, very irritable.
Jyeshtha: Ruled by Mercury and the body parts ruled by this constellation are ovary, vagina, large intestine, womb and rectum of kaalpurush.
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19) Moola

Proud, rich happy, good, steady and enjoying.
Mula: Ruled by Ketu and the body parts ruled by this constellation are the hips, thighs, buttocks, bone marrow and sciatica of kaalpurush.
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20) Purva Shadha

Good and pleasant wife, proud and a steady friend.
Purva Ashada: Ruled by Venus and the body parts ruled by this constellation are the thighs and hips of kaalpurush.
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21) Uttara Shadha

Polite, knowing, virtuous, many friends, grateful and popular.
Uttara Ashada: Ruled by the Sun and the body parts ruled by this constellation are the thighs, marrow, dermis, knee cap, arteries of kaalpurush.
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22) Shravana

Rich surroundings, learned, good and liberal or liberal to wife, wealthy and renowned.
Shravan: Ruled by Moon and the body parts ruled by this constellation are knees and skin of kaalpurush.
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23) Dhanishta

Liberal, rich, courageous, fond of music and money.
Dhanishtha: Ruled by Mars and the body parts ruled by this constellation are kneecaps, knee bones, calf muscles and hands of kaalpurush.
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24) Satabhishak

Plain and truthful, striken from sorrow through females, etc., killer of enemies, adventurous and irreconcilable.
Shatabhisha: Ruled by Rahu and the body parts ruled by this constellation are calf muscles, muscular tissues of kaalpurush.
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25) Purva BhadraPada

Sorrowful, loss of money through females, skilful and miserly.
Purva Bhadrapada: Ruled by Jupiter and the body parts ruled by this constellation are ankles, legs and thumb.
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26) Uttara BhadraPada

Good and witty speaker in society and meetings, happy, many children and grandchildren, successful over enemies and charitable.
Uttara Bhadrapada: Ruled by Saturn and the body parts ruled by this constellation are legs of kaalpurush.
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27) Revati

Well- developed organs, popular, courageous, clean and wealthy.
Revati: Ruled by Mercury and the body parts ruled by this constellation are legs and toes of kaalpurush.
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