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Birth Chart of Woodrow Wilson

Rashi is Capricorn (Moon in Capricorn)
Birth Nakshatra is Uttara Ashadha
Ascendant is in Aries
Rising Nakshatra is Ashwini
Birth Date : Sunday 28 December 1856
Birth Place : Staunton, city in Virginia, United States of America
Birth Time : 2:00 PM (Regional Standard Time)

Note: For every unavailable birth time. Our default is 2:00pm local time.

Woodrow Wilson

Moon chart (Chandra kundli) and Ascendant chart (Janam kundli) of Woodrow Wilson

Woodrow Wilson chandra kundli or moon chart
Woodrow Wilson Kundli North Indian style
Woodrow Wilson Kundli South Indian style

Details of Planets during the Birth of Woodrow Wilson

Planets Sign Degrees Placement Mov Nakshatra Lord Pada Next sign of transit for planet Change in direction of Movement 360°
Lagna 06° 38‘ 18“
Ashwini Ke 2
NA NA 6.64
Sun 14° 32‘ 11“
Friendly sign D
Purva Ashadha Ve 1
(Sun into Capricorn)
11th Jan, 1857 08:21 pm
NA 254.54
Moon 01° 19‘ 58“
Neutral sign D
Uttara Ashadha Su 2
(Moon into Aquarius)
28th Dec, 1856 11:39 pm
NA 271.33
Mercury 25° 13‘ 27“
Neutral sign D
Purva Ashadha Ve 4
(Mercury into Capricorn)
30th Dec, 1856 10:51 pm
(Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn)
22nd Jan, 1857 05:13 am
Venus 23° 45‘ 12“
Friendly sign D
Dhanistha Ma 1
(Venus into Aquarius)
2nd Jan, 1857 12:05 am
(Venus Retrograde in Taurus)
18th Apr, 1857 08:13 pm
Mars 23° 56‘ 36“
Exalted sign D
Dhanistha Ma 1
(Mars into Aquarius)
4th Jan, 1857 03:21 am
(Mars Retrograde in Scorpio)
10th Apr, 1858 03:04 pm
Jupiter 08° 30‘ 41“
Own sign D
Uttara Bhadrapada Sa 2
(Jupiter into Aries)
10th Apr, 1857 01:21 pm
(Jupiter Retrograde in Aries)
4th Sep, 1857 01:05 pm
Saturn 18° 17‘ 58“
Friendly sign R
Ardra Ra 4
(Saturn into Cancer)
10th Aug, 1857 03:31 pm
(Saturn Progressive in Gemini)
8th Mar, 1857 07:02 pm
Rahu 18° 13‘ 34“
Revati Me 1
(Rahu into Aquarius)
24th Dec, 1857 03:40 am
NA 348.23
Ketu 18° 13‘ 34“
Hasta Mo 3
(Ketu into Leo)
24th Dec, 1857 03:40 am
NA 168.23
Uranus 28° 40‘ 40“
Krittika Su 1
(Uranus into Taurus)
14th Mar, 1857 02:43 am
NA 28.68
Neptune 25° 09‘ 41“
Purva Bhadrapada Ju 2
(Neptune into Pisces)
30th Apr, 1857 05:23 am
NA 325.16
Pluto 11° 00‘ 32“
Ashwini Ke 4
( into )
31st Dec, 1969 02:00 pm
NA 11.01

In Birth chart (Janam Kundli) of Woodrow Wilson : Moon is in sign of Capricorn, Sun is in sign of Sagittarius, Mars is in sign of Capricorn, Mercury is in sign of Sagittarius, Venus is in sign of Capricorn, Jupiter is in sign of Pisces and Saturn is in sign of Gemini.

While Rahu is in sign of Pisces and Ketu is in sign of Virgo.

The other outer planets like, Uranus is in Aries, Neptune is in Aquarius and Pluto is in sign of Aries.

Birth chart readings and Horoscope for Woodrow Wilson

What is the Moon Sign of Woodrow Wilson?

Moon Sign of Woodrow Wilson is Capricorn.
The Moon is placed in the sign of Capricorn in birth chart.
And Moon is in Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra.

Readings for Moon in Capricorn:

Capricorn (Makar) - He is virtuous, attached to his wife and children, has a quick grasp and selfish nature. He is lazy, miser, mean and inconsistent with low morals.

What is the Sun Sign of Woodrow Wilson?

Sun Sign of Woodrow Wilson is Sagittarius.
The Sun is placed in the sign of Sagittarius in birth chart.
And Sun is in Purva Ashadha Nakshatra.
(This is Indian Sun sign not the western Sun sign. The main difference between two is - Indian sun signs are based on position of sun in zodiac, and is more accurate over western, which depends on date of birth.)

Readings for Sun in Sagittarius:

Sagittarius (Dhanu) - He is happy, liked by people, earns will, is rich, honest and dependable, but he is short tempered. This because Sun is fiery planet and Dhanu is a fiery sign.

He has emaciated or thin body and there may be trouble of left eye. Person is lazy and has no friends. He goes to foreign countries and propers there.

Results given by Sun as lord of 8th sitting in 12th house.

The person is extravagant. Has no good longevity. But has good wealth.

Malefic 8th lord in the 12th house makes the native unkind, deformed in body, bereft of wife and short-lived or poor in longevity.

How is Mars placed in Woodrow Wilson‘s Kundli / Birth chart?

Mars in Woodrow Wilson‘s birth chart is sitting in the sign of Capricorn. Mars is in Dhanistha Nakshatra.

Readings for Mars in Capricorn:

Capricorn (Makar) - This is a sign of exaltation for Mars. This position of Mars makes person rich and give high political position. He may be a commander, high police officer, an administrator, industrious and influential. He has many sons. He is generous, brave, respected and influential.

He is cruel, courageous, rash, ambitious and prone to accidents. He is not so rich. There may be marks of wounds or cuts on face or body. He may remain unhappy.

Results given by Mars as lord of 11th sitting in 1st house.

He is wealthy, happy, a poet or an orator and he always gets gains.

11th lord in Lagna confers wealth and conveyances.

Results given by Mars as lord of 4th sitting in 1st house.

He is obedient and loyal to parents, loved by parents particularly mother. The person improves the position of his family, he is wealthy, inherits ancestral property, owns land, buildings and conveyance.

4th lord in Lagna confers maternal and fraternal (of brothers) affections. The native may enjoy comforts of various kinds. He may not have paternal happiness.

How is Mercury placed in Woodrow Wilson‘s Kundli / Birth chart?

Mercury in Woodrow Wilson‘s birth chart is sitting in the sign of Sagittarius. Mercury is in Purva Ashadha Nakshatra.

Readings for Mercury in Sagittarius:

Sagittarius (Dhanu) - He is respected in society, is talented and well built. While also being learned, capable, honest and a good organiser. He might be reckless.

He is learned, lazy and speaks little. He is learned in shastras, is a writer and has knowledge of Vendanta. He is even charitable.

Results given by Mercury as lord of 6th sitting in 12th house.

The person is of extravagant, loose morals, he is violent, jealous but may get sudden wealth as lord of 6th will be in a dusthana or bad house.

6th lord in the 12th house may cause loss of wealth on account of cattle. The native may die in course of travel or journey.

Results given by Mercury as lord of 9th sitting in 12th house.

The person is unfortunate and spends lavishly on good causes and thereby he becomes poor. So a charitable person. There are many example of people who give all their wealth for charitable purpose. It should be noted that 12th house 4th from 9th house, the position of lord of 9th in 12th is not bad, but good for father of the native.

Benefic 9th lord in the 12th house makes one learned while a Malefic 9th lord in there makes one cunning but illiterate.

How is Jupiter placed in Woodrow Wilson‘s Kundli / Birth chart?

Jupiter in Woodrow Wilson‘s birth chart is sitting in the sign of Pisces. Jupiter is in Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra.

Readings for Jupiter in Pisces:

Pisces (Meen) - The person is likely to get some inheritance. He has medium stature. He is enterprising and holds high positions.

The person has control over is senses. He is learned in shastras. He is author, yogi, a respected person, little lusty and fond of women. He is even fond of travelling and goes away from his native place. He has many brothers and sisters.

Results given by Jupiter as lord of 3rd sitting in 3rd house.

The person is friendly, religious minded, he gains from government and if the lord of 3rd is a natural benefic then person will have good relations with brothers and other close relative. If the planet is natural Malefic the relations with brothers and others may not be good. Still it is a good position for the lord of the 3rd as he will be in his own house. Every planet whether he is benefic or malefic gives good results of the house he owns if be posited there.

3rd lord in the 3rd house gives happiness to brothers and relations. The native has respect for Brahmins and Devtas. He has gains from the rulers and the government.

Results given by Jupiter as lord of 12th sitting in 3rd house.

The native is bereft of happiness from brothers and sisters. He is jealous, has no initiative, he is selfish and unhappy.

12th lord in the 3rd house does not confer happiness from brothers. It makes one frail in old days.

How is Venus placed in Woodrow Wilson‘s Kundli / Birth chart?

Venus in Woodrow Wilson‘s birth chart is sitting in the sign of Capricorn. Venus is in Dhanistha Nakshatra.

Readings for Venus in Capricorn:

Capricorn (Makar) - He is fond of low class women, has no principles and loose morals. He also has a weak body.

The person is long lived, has beautiful face and body. He is respected and famous and might hold a good position in government. He is happy, soft spoken, cultured and has an attraction towards opposite sex. If the Venus is in moveable sign he might like to go away from his native place.

Results given by Venus as lord of 5th sitting in 1st house.

He has good children, he is learned in Shastras. He is clever. Intelligent and a thinker.

5th lord in Lagna makes one learned in various subjects of learning, wise, sweet in speech, famous, quiet in nature and wise. The native performs righteous deeds. He has fine intellect. He has a constructive outlook.

Results given by Venus as lord of 10th sitting in 1st house.

He is learned, famous, wealthy, a poet, but remains sickly in childhood, later in life he picks up or gains good health. His wealth grows day by day.

10th lord in Lagna makes one serviceable to his parents. A Malefic 10th lord in Lagna, however, makes one bereft of intellect or practical acumen.

How is Saturn placed in Woodrow Wilson‘s Kundli / Birth chart?

Saturn in Woodrow Wilson‘s birth chart is sitting in the sign of Gemini. Saturn is in Ardra Nakshatra.

Readings for Saturn in Gemini:

Gemini (Mithun) - He is miserable, untidy, thin and narrow minded. He has few children.

He vanquishes his enemies. He is fond of pleasures. He may be a yogi. He is powerful but immoral. There might be throat troubles or asthma.

Results given by Saturn as lord of 1st sitting in 6th house.

The person has poor health, poor start in life, has enemies but he is powerful and miser.

1st lord in the 6th house makes native endowed with landed property. It confers economic prosperity. It makes the native a miser who gives trouble to his brothers and relations.

Results given by Saturn as lord of 2nd sitting in 6th house.

The person accumulates wealth but even loses it on account of acts of his enemies, by theft or by being deceived by others, he earns by doing service, has poor eyesight. This is not a good position for the lord of the 2nd house.

2nd lord in the 6th house makes the native happy in respect of maternal relations. He destroys his enemies and opponents. He has gains of land. He is very active in gathering wealth. He knows how to squeeze out money.

How are Rahu and Ketu placed in Woodrow Wilson‘s Kundli / Birth chart?

Rahu is sitting in the sign of Pisces and Ketu is sitting in the sign of Virgo in Woodrow Wilson‘s birth chart. Rahu is in Revati Nakshatra and Ketu is in Hasta Nakshatra.

Readings for Rahu in Pisces:

Pisces (Meena) - He is Religious minded, well behaved, peaceful, clever and have fond of arts.

Readings for Ketu in Virgo:

Virgo (Kanya) - He is sickly, idiot, suffers from digestive troubles.

More details

Thomas Woodrow Wilson was an American politician and academic who served as the 28th president of the United States from 1913 to 1921. A member of the Democratic Party, Wilson served as the president of Princeton University and as the governor of New Jersey before winning the 1912 presidential election.

How planets are observed moved around Woodrow Wilson‘s Birth?

Timeline of Planetary movements around the Birth of Woodrow Wilson

9 months prior to Woodrow‘s Birth

April 1, 1856

Jupiter enters Pisces

April 2, 1856

Mercury enters Pisces

April 8, 1856

Venus enters Pisces

April 11, 1856

Sun enters Aries

April 19, 1856

Mercury enters Aries

May 2, 1856

Venus enters Aries

May 3, 1856

Mercury enters Taurus

May 12, 1856

Sun enters Taurus

May 13, 1856

Mars turns direct in Virgo

May 20, 1856

Mercury enters Gemini

May 27, 1856

Venus enters Taurus

May 28, 1856

Uranus enters Taurus

June 6, 1856

Rahu enters Pisces

June 8, 1856

Mercury retrogrades in Gemini

June 12, 1856

Sun enters Gemini

June 21, 1856

Venus enters Gemini

June 22, 1856

Neptune retrogrades in Aquarius

July 2, 1856

Mercury turns direct in Gemini

July 13, 1856

Sun enters Cancer

July 15, 1856

Venus enters Cancer

July 15, 1856

Mars enters Libra

July 27, 1856

Mercury enters Cancer

July 28, 1856

Jupiter retrogrades in Pisces

August 4, 1856

Pluto retrogrades in Aries

August 8, 1856

Venus enters Leo

August 11, 1856

Mercury enters Leo

August 14, 1856

Sun enters Leo

August 28, 1856

Mercury enters Virgo

August 30, 1856

Uranus retrogrades in Taurus

September 2, 1856

Venus enters Virgo

September 4, 1856

Mars enters Scorpio

September 14, 1856

Sun enters Virgo

September 18, 1856

Mercury enters Libra

September 26, 1856

Venus enters Libra

October 5, 1856

Mercury retrogrades in Libra

October 14, 1856

Sun enters Libra

October 17, 1856

Mars enters Sagittarius

October 19, 1856

Mercury enters Virgo

October 20, 1856

Venus enters Scorpio

October 26, 1856

Saturn retrogrades in Gemini

October 26, 1856

Mercury turns direct in Virgo

November 2, 1856

Mercury enters Libra

November 13, 1856

Sun enters Scorpio

November 13, 1856

Venus enters Sagittarius

November 23, 1856

Mercury enters Scorpio

November 24, 1856

Jupiter turns direct in Pisces

November 26, 1856

Mars enters Capricorn

November 28, 1856

Neptune turns direct in Aquarius

December 8, 1856

Venus enters Capricorn

December 12, 1856

Mercury enters Sagittarius

December 13, 1856

Sun enters Sagittarius

December 13, 1856

Uranus enters Aries

Baby is Born

December 27, 1856

Birth of Woodrow

December 30, 1856

Mercury enters Capricorn

January 2, 1857

Venus enters Aquarius

January 4, 1857

Mars enters Aquarius

January 11, 1857

Sun enters Capricorn

January 17, 1857

Pluto turns direct in Aries

January 22, 1857

Mercury retrogrades in Capricorn

January 27, 1857

Venus enters Pisces

January 28, 1857

Uranus turns direct in Aries

February 10, 1857

Sun enters Aquarius

February 11, 1857

Mars enters Pisces

February 12, 1857

Mercury turns direct in Capricorn

February 23, 1857

Venus enters Aries

March 7, 1857

Mercury enters Aquarius

March 8, 1857

Saturn turns direct in Gemini

March 12, 1857

Sun enters Pisces

March 14, 1857

Uranus enters Taurus

March 22, 1857

Mars enters Aries

March 26, 1857

Mercury enters Pisces

3 months after Woodrow‘s Birth