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Birth Chart of William Katt

Rashi is Gemini (Moon in Gemini)
Birth Nakshatra is Mrigashirsha
Ascendant is in Pisces
Rising Nakshatra is Revati
Birth Date : Friday 16 February 1951
Birth Place : Los Angeles, city in California, United States of America
Birth Time : 10:11 AM (Regional Standard Time)

Note: For every unavailable birth time. Our default is 2:00pm local time.

William Katt

Moon chart (Chandra kundli) and Ascendant chart (Janam kundli) of William Katt

William Katt chandra kundli or moon chart
William Katt Kundli North Indian style
William Katt Kundli South Indian style

Details of Planets during the Birth of William Katt

Planets Sign Degrees Placement Mov Nakshatra Lord Pada Next sign of transit for planet Change in direction of Movement 360°
Lagna 29° 15‘ 50“
Revati Me 4
NA NA 359.26
Sun 03° 10‘ 05“
Enemy sign D
Dhanistha Ma 3
(Sun into Pisces)
14th Mar, 1951 05:48 am
NA 303.17
Moon 04° 06‘ 41“
Friendly sign D
Mrigashirsha Ma 4
(Moon into Cancer)
16th Feb, 1951 12:51 pm
NA 64.11
Mercury 16° 25‘ 54“
Neutral sign D
Shravana Mo 2
(Mercury into Aquarius)
24th Feb, 1951 05:25 am
(Mercury Retrograde in Aries)
14th Apr, 1951 09:49 am
Venus 25° 42‘ 29“
Friendly sign D
Purva Bhadrapada Ju 2
(Venus into Pisces)
19th Feb, 1951 03:08 am
(Venus Retrograde in Leo)
12th Aug, 1951 11:49 pm
Mars 25° 41‘ 10“
Neutral sign D
Purva Bhadrapada Ju 2
(Mars into Pisces)
20th Feb, 1951 06:52 pm
(Mars Retrograde in Libra)
25th Mar, 1952 03:11 am
Jupiter 20° 44‘ 18“
Neutral sign D
Purva Bhadrapada Ju 1
(Jupiter into Pisces)
23rd Mar, 1951 03:42 am
(Jupiter Retrograde in Pisces)
3rd Aug, 1951 10:58 pm
Saturn 07° 12‘ 47“
Friendly sign R
Uttara Phalguni Su 4
(Saturn into Libra)
25th Nov, 1952 06:10 am
(Saturn Progressive in Virgo)
28th May, 1951 07:18 pm
Rahu 26° 15‘ 13“
Purva Bhadrapada Ju 2
(Rahu into Capricorn)
12th Jul, 1952 11:24 am
NA 326.25
Ketu 26° 15‘ 13“
Purva Phalguni Ve 4
(Ketu into Cancer)
12th Jul, 1952 11:24 am
NA 146.25
Uranus 11° 38‘ 02“
Ardra Ra 2
(Uranus into Cancer)
13th Jul, 1954 10:58 pm
NA 71.63
Neptune 25° 16‘ 56“
Chitra Ma 1
(Neptune into Libra)
5th Dec, 1952 08:31 pm
NA 175.28
Pluto 24° 23‘ 41“
Ashlesha Me 3
(Pluto into Leo)
7th Nov, 1952 05:48 pm
NA 114.39

In Birth chart (Janam Kundli) of William Katt : Moon is in sign of Gemini, Sun is in sign of Aquarius, Mars is in sign of Aquarius, Mercury is in sign of Capricorn, Venus is in sign of Aquarius, Jupiter is in sign of Aquarius and Saturn is in sign of Virgo.

While Rahu is in sign of Aquarius and Ketu is in sign of Leo.

The other outer planets like, Uranus is in Gemini, Neptune is in Virgo and Pluto is in sign of Cancer.

Birth chart readings and Horoscope for William Katt

What is the Moon Sign of William Katt?

Moon Sign of William Katt is Gemini.
The Moon is placed in the sign of Gemini in birth chart.
And Moon is in Mrigashirsha Nakshatra.

Readings for Moon in Gemini:

Gemini (Mithun) - The person is learned, scholarly, good looking, looks younger than his/her age, is a good speaker, is fond of humour, music, is intuitive and long lived.

What is the Sun Sign of William Katt?

Sun Sign of William Katt is Aquarius.
The Sun is placed in the sign of Aquarius in birth chart.
And Sun is in Dhanistha Nakshatra.
(This is Indian Sun sign not the western Sun sign. The main difference between two is - Indian sun signs are based on position of sun in zodiac, and is more accurate over western, which depends on date of birth.)

Readings for Sun in Aquarius:

Aquarius (Kumbha) - The native is unhappy , obstinate, has no riches and faces obstacles and difficulties in life. He may renounce world in later age of life. He is a good astrologer.

He is yogi, has good morals and good behaviour. He is courageous, can be a leader, or can be an astrologer. There is comfort of conveyances and servants. But this is bad position of Sun for native's father.

Results given by Sun as lord of 3rd sitting in 9th house.

It causes prosperity for younger brothers and sisters as from 9th house the lord of 3rd aspects his own house. But a bad position of native himself. If the lord of third is a benefic the native gets help and respect from his brothers and sisters.

A Malefic as the 3rd lord in the 9th house causes fear to brothers whereas a benefic as the 3rd lord in the 9th house gives happiness to brothers.

How is Mars placed in William Katt‘s Kundli / Birth chart?

Mars in William Katt‘s birth chart is sitting in the sign of Aquarius. Mars is in Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra.

Readings for Mars in Aquarius:

Aquarius (Kumbha) - He is unhappy. A poor, liar, idiot and unwise.

He is famous, but jealous and short tempered. He may keep false pride. Has bad relations with bothers and this position of planet in bad for father.

Results given by Mars as lord of 6th sitting in 9th house.

It causes losses of wealth. It creates obstructions for native to rise in life.

A natural Malefic as the 6th lord in the 9th house makes the native atheist and irreligious. He shows disrespect to the Vedas and Shastras. He is not on good terms with his relations. He blames others.

Results given by Mars as lord of 11th sitting in 9th house.

He is fortunate, clever, a writer, an editor and a wealthy person. He is respected by government.

11th lord in the 9th house may confer gains from numerous sources. It makes the native virtuous, effective, brilliant and helpful to brothers and relations.

How is Mercury placed in William Katt‘s Kundli / Birth chart?

Mercury in William Katt‘s birth chart is sitting in the sign of Capricorn. Mercury is in Shravana Nakshatra.

Readings for Mercury in Capricorn:

Capricorn (Makar) - He is inclined to enter business line. The person is economical, clever, suspicious, slow and hard working.

The person is long lived, respected and proud. He is even respected by government. He suffers mental unhappiness. Can be an orator. He is wealthy and is likely to get inheritance.

Results given by Mercury as lord of 1st sitting in 8th house.

The person is miser and has bad health. He is short lived, gets diseases in secret organs, and is immoral if the planet is a Malefic.

1st lord in the 8th house makes the native a miser. He amasses wealth. A Benefic 1st lord in the 8th house makes one long lived whereas a Malefic 1st lord in the 8th house confers short life.

Results given by Mercury as lord of 4th sitting in 8th house.

He gets unhappiness from mother who is long lived. There is loss of ancestral property, land, building and conveyances or the person may not be able to own land, building or conveyances. This is not a good position for the lord of the 4th house. It also disturbs domestic happiness and peace of mind.

A Malefic 4th lord in the 8th house makes one always sick on some account. He is busy with sinful deeds. He is sinful and violent.

How is Jupiter placed in William Katt‘s Kundli / Birth chart?

Jupiter in William Katt‘s birth chart is sitting in the sign of Aquarius. Jupiter is in Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra.

Readings for Jupiter in Aquarius:

Aquarius (Kumbha) - He is not rich but learned. He is amiable (friendly) in nature, dreamy and meditative. There is also an inclination towards renunciation.

The native is famous, fortunate, learned, intelligent and respected by government and people. He has children. He is religious and learned in shastras and Vedanta, but may renounce world.

Results given by Jupiter as lord of 10th sitting in 9th house.

Although 9th house is 12th from the 10th house, so the house of losses for the 10th. But 9th is the most auspicious house counted from the lagna. Therefore, the disposition of the lord of the 10th in the 9th house gives rise to powerful Raja yog giving the person name, fame and wealth. He has good children and is learned and happy.

10th lord in the 9th house makes one truthful, wealthy, affluent and devoted to parents.

Results given by Jupiter as lord of 7th sitting in 9th house.

A person is happy, wealthy and gains after marriage. Many women will come in his life.

7th lord in the 9th house confers a gentle, beautiful and quite dear wife. A Malefic 7th lord in the 9th house may, however, confer an ugly and quarrelsome wife.

How is Venus placed in William Katt‘s Kundli / Birth chart?

Venus in William Katt‘s birth chart is sitting in the sign of Aquarius. Venus is in Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra.

Readings for Venus in Aquarius:

Aquarius (Kumbh) - The native is popular, handsome, chaste and helpful to others. He loves peace.

The person is religious minded, clever, happy, kind and respected by government. He has good domestic life and goes for pilgrimage to holy lands.

Results given by Venus as lord of 12th sitting in 9th house.

He is selfish, poor and unfortunate.

12th lord in the 9th house rather gives uncomfortable results. It makes the native averse to virtuous deeds. It causes him loss of wealth in his old age.

Results given by Venus as lord of 5th sitting in 9th house.

Son becomes famous, high officer or minister. The person himself is wealthy, happy, famous and author. He brings good name to his family.

5th lord in the 9th house gives one a kingly status. It makes the native a lamp of his family and also an author of books.

How is Saturn placed in William Katt‘s Kundli / Birth chart?

Saturn in William Katt‘s birth chart is sitting in the sign of Virgo. Saturn is in Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra.

Readings for Saturn in Virgo:

Virgo (Kanya) - The person is poor, quarrelsome, rude, and of malicious nature. He is an orthodox type person and has weak health.

The person is infamous, short tempered and deceitful, but fortunate. He has emaciated body. Has little domestic happiness. He can be Melancholy. This position of Saturn is bad for mother.

Results given by Saturn as lord of 8th sitting in 4th house.

Person is bereft of happiness from the mother or he has lost his mother in childhood. There is loss of ancestral property or no ancestral property. Person himself is unhappy.

8th lord in the 4th house makes the native troublesome for his parents but he gets wealth from his father.

Results given by Saturn as lord of 9th sitting in 4th house.

The person gets comfort of house, lands and conveyances, and all happiness in respect of mother.

9th lord in the 4th house makes one serve his parents. The native is also devoted to women and relations.

How are Rahu and Ketu placed in William Katt‘s Kundli / Birth chart?

Rahu is sitting in the sign of Aquarius and Ketu is sitting in the sign of Leo in William Katt‘s birth chart. Rahu is in Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra and Ketu is in Purva Phalguni Nakshatra.

Readings for Rahu in Aquarius:

Aquarius (Kumbh) - He is learned, friendly and my have a sweet speech. But he has no family.

Readings for Ketu in Leo:

Leo (Simha) - The person is talkative, timid, impatient, and a fear of snake bite.

More details

William Theodore Katt is an American actor and musician best known as the star of the television series The Greatest American Hero.

How planets are observed moved around William Katt‘s Birth?

Timeline of Planetary movements around the Birth of William Katt

9 months prior to William‘s Birth

May 17, 1950

Mars enters Virgo

May 26, 1950

Venus enters Aries

May 27, 1950

Mercury turns direct in Aries

June 7, 1950

Mercury enters Taurus

June 14, 1950

Sun enters Gemini

June 21, 1950

Venus enters Taurus

June 26, 1950

Neptune turns direct in Virgo

June 26, 1950

Jupiter retrogrades in Aquarius

June 28, 1950

Mercury enters Gemini

July 13, 1950

Mercury enters Cancer

July 15, 1950

Sun enters Cancer

July 16, 1950

Venus enters Gemini

July 28, 1950

Mercury enters Leo

July 29, 1950

Mars enters Libra

August 10, 1950

Venus enters Cancer

August 16, 1950

Sun enters Leo

August 19, 1950

Mercury enters Virgo

September 3, 1950

Mercury retrogrades in Virgo

September 4, 1950

Venus enters Leo

September 15, 1950

Mars enters Scorpio

September 16, 1950

Sun enters Virgo

September 17, 1950

Mercury enters Leo

September 26, 1950

Mercury turns direct in Leo

September 28, 1950

Venus enters Virgo

October 4, 1950

Mercury enters Virgo

October 15, 1950

Uranus retrogrades in Gemini

October 16, 1950

Sun enters Libra

October 22, 1950

Venus enters Libra

October 23, 1950

Mercury enters Libra

October 23, 1950

Jupiter turns direct in Aquarius

October 27, 1950

Mars enters Sagittarius

November 10, 1950

Mercury enters Scorpio

November 15, 1950

Venus enters Scorpio

November 15, 1950

Sun enters Scorpio

November 21, 1950

Pluto retrogrades in Cancer

November 30, 1950

Mercury enters Sagittarius

December 6, 1950

Mars enters Capricorn

December 9, 1950

Venus enters Sagittarius

December 15, 1950

Sun enters Sagittarius

December 23, 1950

Mercury retrogrades in Sagittarius

December 24, 1950

Rahu enters Aquarius

January 2, 1951

Venus enters Capricorn

January 11, 1951

Saturn retrogrades in Virgo

January 12, 1951

Mercury turns direct in Sagittarius

January 13, 1951

Mars enters Aquarius

January 13, 1951

Sun enters Capricorn

January 20, 1951

Neptune retrogrades in Virgo

January 26, 1951

Venus enters Aquarius

February 4, 1951

Mercury enters Capricorn

February 12, 1951

Sun enters Aquarius

Baby is Born

February 15, 1951

Birth of William

February 19, 1951

Venus enters Pisces

February 20, 1951

Mars enters Pisces

February 24, 1951

Mercury enters Aquarius

March 12, 1951

Mercury enters Pisces

March 14, 1951

Uranus turns direct in Gemini

March 14, 1951

Sun enters Pisces

March 15, 1951

Venus enters Aries

March 23, 1951

Jupiter enters Pisces

March 28, 1951

Mercury enters Aries

March 31, 1951

Mars enters Aries

April 9, 1951

Venus enters Taurus

April 13, 1951

Sun enters Aries

April 14, 1951

Mercury retrogrades in Aries

April 29, 1951

Pluto turns direct in Cancer

May 4, 1951

Venus enters Gemini

May 8, 1951

Mercury turns direct in Aries

May 11, 1951

Mars enters Taurus

May 14, 1951

Sun enters Taurus

3 months after William‘s Birth