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Birth Chart of William Holden

Rashi is Cancer (Moon in Cancer)
Birth Nakshatra is Punarvasu
Ascendant is in Virgo
Rising Nakshatra is Uttara Phalguni
Birth Date : Wednesday 17 April 1918
Birth Place : O’Fallon, city in Missouri, United States of America
Birth Time : 5:00 PM (Regional Standard Time)

Note: For every unavailable birth time. Our default is 2:00pm local time.

William Holden

Moon chart (Chandra kundli) and Ascendant chart (Janam kundli) of William Holden

William Holden chandra kundli or moon chart
William Holden Kundli North Indian style
William Holden Kundli South Indian style

Details of Planets during the Birth of William Holden

Planets Sign Degrees Placement Mov Nakshatra Lord Pada Next sign of transit for planet Change in direction of Movement 360°
Lagna 01° 57‘ 40“
Uttara Phalguni Su 2
NA NA 151.96
Sun 03° 27‘ 48“
Exalted sign D
Ashwini Ke 2
(Sun into Taurus)
14th May, 1918 02:21 am
NA 3.46
Moon 00° 31‘ 52“
Own sign D
Punarvasu Ju 4
(Moon into Leo)
18th Apr, 1918 03:18 am
NA 90.53
Mercury 16° 44‘ 12“
Neutral sign R
Bharani Ve 2
(Mercury into Taurus)
5th Jun, 1918 08:37 am
(Mercury Progressive in Aries)
10th May, 1918 03:46 am
Venus 17° 15‘ 49“
Friendly sign D
Shatabhisha Ra 4
(Venus into Pisces)
29th Apr, 1918 03:08 pm
(Venus Retrograde in Virgo)
22nd Aug, 1919 03:50 pm
Mars 20° 37‘ 53“
Friendly sign R
Purva Phalguni Ve 3
(Mars into Virgo)
6th Jun, 1918 07:16 am
(Mars Progressive in Leo)
25th Apr, 1918 10:41 am
Jupiter 17° 12‘ 31“
Enemy sign D
Rohini Mo 3
(Jupiter into Gemini)
11th Jun, 1918 01:11 am
(Jupiter Retrograde in Gemini)
3rd Nov, 1918 07:55 am
Saturn 14° 04‘ 26“
Enemy sign D
Pushya Sa 4
(Saturn into Leo)
17th Sep, 1918 08:16 pm
(Saturn Retrograde in Leo)
9th Dec, 1918 03:37 pm
Rahu 01° 46‘ 36“
Mula Ke 1
(Rahu into Scorpio)
6th Jun, 1918 08:46 pm
NA 241.78
Ketu 01° 46‘ 36“
Mrigashirsha Ma 3
(Ketu into Taurus)
6th Jun, 1918 08:46 pm
NA 61.78
Uranus 03° 17‘ 10“
Dhanistha Ma 3
(Uranus into Pisces)
5th Apr, 1925 08:54 am
NA 303.29
Neptune 10° 42‘ 18“
Pushya Sa 3
(Neptune into Leo)
28th Aug, 1925 11:45 pm
NA 100.7
Pluto 10° 00‘ 34“
Ardra Ra 2
(Pluto into Cancer)
2nd Sep, 1932 08:00 am
NA 70.01

In Birth chart (Janam Kundli) of William Holden : Moon is in sign of Cancer, Sun is in sign of Aries, Mars is in sign of Leo, Mercury is in sign of Aries, Venus is in sign of Aquarius, Jupiter is in sign of Taurus and Saturn is in sign of Cancer.

While Rahu is in sign of Sagittarius and Ketu is in sign of Gemini.

The other outer planets like, Uranus is in Aquarius, Neptune is in Cancer and Pluto is in sign of Gemini.

Birth chart readings and Horoscope for William Holden

What is the Moon Sign of William Holden?

Moon Sign of William Holden is Cancer.
The Moon is placed in the sign of Cancer in birth chart.
And Moon is in Punarvasu Nakshatra.

Readings for Moon in Cancer:

Cancer (Karaka) - Native may remain under the influence of women, he has good nature but wavering mind. He is good looking, kind, sensitive, fond of travelling overseas and owns lands and buildings. He walks with a wavering gait.

What is the Sun Sign of William Holden?

Sun Sign of William Holden is Aries.
The Sun is placed in the sign of Aries in birth chart.
And Sun is in Ashwini Nakshatra.
(This is Indian Sun sign not the western Sun sign. The main difference between two is - Indian sun signs are based on position of sun in zodiac, and is more accurate over western, which depends on date of birth.)

Readings for Sun in Aries:

Aries (Mesha) - When Sun is in sign of Mesha / Aries the native is active, intelligent, famous, fond of travelling and wealthy, but there is rise and fall in fortune. He is ambitious, has initiative and possesses a dominating nature. He is honest, liberal and is inclined towards spiritualism particularly in old age. Note that Sun is exalted in this sign.

He is respected, wealthy, famous, liberal and popular. He can be a minister or hold a high administrative position. He is even respected and honoured by government.

Results given by Sun as lord of 5th sitting in 10th house.

10th house is the excellent position for the lord of 5th. He becomes wealthy, holds high position in government or some other high positions. He gets name and fame, but has few children.

5th lord in the 10th house gives one a government job. It may even make one a minister or an equal to that. It confers name and fame and also maternal happiness.

How is Mars placed in William Holden‘s Kundli / Birth chart?

Mars in William Holden‘s birth chart is sitting in the sign of Leo. Mars is in Purva Phalguni Nakshatra.

Readings for Mars in Leo:

Leo (Simha) - He has learning towards astronomy, astrology and mathematics. He is obedient to parents, respects elders and has mental complaints. He is liberal, successful and restless.

Native has a harsh tongue. He is poor, dull headed and causes quarrels in family. He may be a thief. There can be eye troubles.

Results given by Mars as lord of 5th sitting in 2nd house.

The person is wealthy, famous, and gains from speculations, lottery etc. for lottery the conjunction of lord of 11th in second or his aspect on the lord of 5th, who is in 2nd house, is necessary. He has many children, he look after his family and is loved by his wife.

A Malefic 5th lord in the 2nd house makes the native deep in love with dance and songs. He, however, earns money with difficulty. A benefic 5th lord in the 2nd house may cause an easy in flow of money.

Results given by Mars as lord of 10th sitting in 2nd house.

He is happy, wealthy, respected by government. He is even charitable. All his wealth is generally self acquired.

10th lord in the 2nd house makes one wealthy from the government sources. The native may suffer from cough and cold but he may be happy, brilliant, gentle and somewhat fickle by nature.

How is Mercury placed in William Holden‘s Kundli / Birth chart?

Mercury in William Holden‘s birth chart is sitting in the sign of Aries. Mercury is in Bharani Nakshatra.

Readings for Mercury in Aries:

Aires (Mesh) - Native has moderate height, he is clever, social, materialistic, but is even impulsive, deceitful, unreliable and evil mined. He may have unstable thinking.

He is truthful, learned, popular and respected. He is also clever, studious, fortunate and obedient to parents. He can be a land lord.

Results given by Mercury as lord of 12th sitting in 10th house.

The person is unhappy, has difficulties in profession and he may punished or disgraced by government.

12th lord in the 10th house causes loss of paternal wealth but it confers wealth from the government. In other words, 12th lord in the 10th house may confer a government job on the native.

Results given by Mercury as lord of 3rd sitting in 10th house.

It is stated in the classical texts that this is a good position for the lord of 3rd and makes the native prosperous, respected and fortunate. If the lord of 3rd is in the 10th house, the native has to put in colossal efforts to make himself prosperous in life. If the structure of horoscope is otherwise good and there are benefic influences by aspect or conjunction on the 10th house and the lord of 3rd, the native gets brilliant success in his efforts.

3rd lord in the 10th house makes the native a glory of his clan, family or dynasty. He is always in good dress. He is treated well by the rulers.

How is Jupiter placed in William Holden‘s Kundli / Birth chart?

Jupiter in William Holden‘s birth chart is sitting in the sign of Taurus. Jupiter is in Rohini Nakshatra.

Readings for Jupiter in Taurus:

Taurus (Vrishabh) - The native is learned, has stability in life, has fixed ideas about things. He is showy. He is very able, but sensual, inclined to the evil of self gratification.

The person is handsome, healthy and gains wealth. He can be a good businessman or a banker. He is contented, learned and has few children. He spend of good causes and is respected by government.

Results given by Jupiter as lord of 9th sitting in 11th house.

He always gains. He is devoted and obedient to elders and his guru. The person is clever and charitable.

9th lord in the 11th house makes one a minister. It confers vehicles and conveyances to the native.

Results given by Jupiter as lord of 6th sitting in 11th house.

Person may get gains from enemies, but looses through enemies are also indicated.

6th lord, if nature Malefic, in the 11th house always causes fear of death. The native may incur loss of wealth by theft in his bid to acquire some cattle or other property.

How is Venus placed in William Holden‘s Kundli / Birth chart?

Venus in William Holden‘s birth chart is sitting in the sign of Aquarius. Venus is in Shatabhisha Nakshatra.

Readings for Venus in Aquarius:

Aquarius (Kumbh) - The native is popular, handsome, chaste and helpful to others. He loves peace.

He goes to foreign lands and may have illicit relations with persons of opposite sex. He is cruel, sickly and short tempered. He may have inclination towards occult science. He is studious, but may remain unhappy.

Results given by Venus as lord of 11th sitting in 8th house.

The person is long lived but life is full of obstacles and losses. His wife dies during his lifetime.

11th lord in the 8th house makes one wealthy by trade or by favour of the government. In other words, it may give good earning from some government job or from trade and business.

Results given by Venus as lord of 4th sitting in 8th house.

He gets unhappiness from mother who is long lived. There is loss of ancestral property, land, building and conveyances or the person may not be able to own land, building or conveyances. This is not a good position for the lord of the 4th house. It also disturbs domestic happiness and peace of mind.

A Malefic 4th lord in the 8th house makes one always sick on some account. He is busy with sinful deeds. He is sinful and violent.

How is Saturn placed in William Holden‘s Kundli / Birth chart?

Saturn in William Holden‘s birth chart is sitting in the sign of Cancer. Saturn is in Pushya Nakshatra.

Readings for Saturn in Cancer:

Cancer (Karaka) - He is poor, pleasure seeking, obstinate, rich but selfish and has few children. He may be deprived of mother?s association.

If the Saturn is in Capricorn or Libra or Aquarius, that is, own signs and exalted sign, then person is very rich and happy. Otherwise he is poor.

Results given by Saturn as lord of 7th sitting in 1st house.

Person is adulterous, clever and impatient. He has a long lived wife.

7th lord in Lagna confers quite a faithful wife who may be sweet tongued and quite charming.

Results given by Saturn as lord of 8th sitting in 1st house.

He is bereft of bodily happiness, as he may have ill health and is prone to accidents. Some authorities are of the view that this position of 8th lord is good for longevity and when 8th lord is in 1st house, he becomes powerful and, therefore bestows good longevity. But for good longevity the lord of 1st should also be very powerful by being posited in an auspicious house with favourable aspect.

8th lord in Lagna makes the native suffer from various diseases. He is always engaged in debates and discussions. He gets money from the government. He may be a government employee.

How are Rahu and Ketu placed in William Holden‘s Kundli / Birth chart?

Rahu is sitting in the sign of Sagittarius and Ketu is sitting in the sign of Gemini in William Holden‘s birth chart. Rahu is in Mula Nakshatra and Ketu is in Mrigashirsha Nakshatra.

Readings for Rahu in Sagittarius:

Sagittarius (Dhanu) - The person is happy in early life. He may be adopted in childhood. He is a bad friend.

Readings for Ketu in Gemini:

Gemini (Mithun) - He suffers from windy troubles, he is proud and not easily satisfied. He is short lived and may loose his temper easily.

More details

William Holden was an American actor, one of the biggest box-office draws of the 1950s. Holden won the Academy Award for Best Actor for the film Stalag 17 and the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actor in a Limited Series or Movie for the television film The Blue Knight.

How planets are observed moved around William Holden‘s Birth?

Timeline of Planetary movements around the Birth of William Holden

9 months prior to William‘s Birth

July 17, 1917

Mars enters Gemini

July 20, 1917

Uranus enters Capricorn

July 22, 1917

Venus enters Leo

July 29, 1917

Mercury enters Leo

August 15, 1917

Sun enters Leo

August 16, 1917

Venus enters Virgo

August 19, 1917

Mercury enters Virgo

August 31, 1917

Mars enters Cancer

September 5, 1917

Mercury retrogrades in Virgo

September 10, 1917

Venus enters Libra

September 15, 1917

Sun enters Virgo

September 21, 1917

Mercury enters Leo

September 27, 1917

Mercury turns direct in Leo

September 30, 1917

Jupiter retrogrades in Taurus

October 4, 1917

Mercury enters Virgo

October 5, 1917

Venus enters Scorpio

October 6, 1917

Pluto retrogrades in Gemini

October 16, 1917

Sun enters Libra

October 20, 1917

Mars enters Leo

October 23, 1917

Mercury enters Libra

October 30, 1917

Uranus turns direct in Capricorn

October 31, 1917

Venus enters Sagittarius

November 9, 1917

Neptune retrogrades in Cancer

November 10, 1917

Mercury enters Scorpio

November 15, 1917

Sun enters Scorpio

November 25, 1917

Saturn retrogrades in Cancer

November 28, 1917

Venus enters Capricorn

November 30, 1917

Mercury enters Sagittarius

December 15, 1917

Sun enters Sagittarius

December 19, 1917

Mars enters Virgo

December 24, 1917

Mercury retrogrades in Sagittarius

January 2, 1918

Venus enters Aquarius

January 13, 1918

Sun enters Capricorn

January 14, 1918

Mercury turns direct in Sagittarius

January 20, 1918

Venus retrogrades in Aquarius

January 26, 1918

Jupiter turns direct in Taurus

January 26, 1918

Uranus enters Aquarius

February 3, 1918

Mars retrogrades in Virgo

February 4, 1918

Mercury enters Capricorn

February 6, 1918

Venus enters Capricorn

February 11, 1918

Sun enters Aquarius

February 24, 1918

Mercury enters Aquarius

March 2, 1918

Venus turns direct in Capricorn

March 13, 1918

Mercury enters Pisces

March 13, 1918

Sun enters Pisces

March 17, 1918

Mars enters Leo

March 18, 1918

Pluto turns direct in Gemini

March 27, 1918

Venus enters Aquarius

March 28, 1918

Mercury enters Aries

April 9, 1918

Saturn turns direct in Cancer

April 13, 1918

Sun enters Aries

April 15, 1918

Neptune turns direct in Cancer

April 16, 1918

Mercury retrogrades in Aries

Baby is Born

April 16, 1918

Birth of William

April 25, 1918

Mars turns direct in Leo

April 29, 1918

Venus enters Pisces

May 10, 1918

Mercury turns direct in Aries

May 14, 1918

Sun enters Taurus

May 27, 1918

Venus enters Aries

June 2, 1918

Uranus retrogrades in Aquarius

June 5, 1918

Mercury enters Taurus

June 6, 1918

Mars enters Virgo

June 6, 1918

Rahu enters Scorpio

June 11, 1918

Jupiter enters Gemini

June 14, 1918

Sun enters Gemini

June 21, 1918

Mercury enters Gemini

June 22, 1918

Venus enters Taurus

July 5, 1918

Mercury enters Cancer

July 15, 1918

Sun enters Cancer

3 months after William‘s Birth