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Birth Chart of Scarlett Pomers

Rashi is Cancer (Moon in Cancer)
Birth Nakshatra is Pushya
Ascendant is in Aquarius
Rising Nakshatra is Purva Bhadrapada
Birth Date : Monday 28 November 1988
Birth Place : Riverside, city in California, United States of America
Birth Time : 2:00 PM (Regional Standard Time)

Note: For every unavailable birth time. Our default is 2:00pm local time.

Scarlett Pomers

Moon chart (Chandra kundli) and Ascendant chart (Janam kundli) of Scarlett Pomers

Scarlett Pomers chandra kundli or moon chart
Scarlett Pomers Kundli North Indian style
Scarlett Pomers Kundli South Indian style

Details of Planets during the Birth of Scarlett Pomers

Planets Sign Degrees Placement Mov Nakshatra Lord Pada Next sign of transit for planet Change in direction of Movement 360°
Lagna 28° 36‘ 56“
Purva Bhadrapada Ju 3
NA NA 328.62
Sun 12° 16‘ 26“
Friendly sign D
Anuradha Sa 3
(Sun into Sagittarius)
15th Dec, 1988 07:01 pm
NA 222.27
Moon 15° 48‘ 43“
Own sign D
Pushya Sa 4
(Moon into Leo)
28th Nov, 1988 08:51 am
NA 105.81
Mercury 10° 51‘ 58“
Neutral sign D
Anuradha Sa 3
(Mercury into Sagittarius)
10th Dec, 1988 07:53 pm
(Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn)
16th Jan, 1989 09:45 am
Venus 11° 58‘ 08“
Own sign D
Swati Ra 2
(Venus into Scorpio)
13th Dec, 1988 12:36 am
(Venus Retrograde in Capricorn)
29th Dec, 1989 04:48 pm
Mars 11° 10‘ 04“
Friendly sign D
Uttara Bhadrapada Sa 3
(Mars into Aries)
8th Jan, 1989 01:59 am
(Mars Retrograde in Taurus)
21st Oct, 1990 03:29 am
Jupiter 05° 40‘ 48“
Enemy sign R
Krittika Su 3
(Jupiter into Gemini)
2nd Jul, 1989 08:08 am
(Jupiter Progressive in Taurus)
20th Jan, 1989 02:28 pm
Saturn 07° 09‘ 20“
Neutral sign D
Mula Ke 3
(Saturn into Capricorn)
21st Mar, 1990 04:34 am
(Saturn Retrograde in Sagittarius)
23rd Apr, 1989 07:32 am
Rahu 14° 57‘ 18“
Shatabhisha Ra 3
(Rahu into Capricorn)
24th Sep, 1989 02:07 am
NA 314.95
Ketu 14° 57‘ 18“
Purva Phalguni Ve 1
(Ketu into Cancer)
24th Sep, 1989 02:07 am
NA 134.95
Uranus 05° 11‘ 49“
Mula Ke 2
(Uranus into Capricorn)
8th Feb, 1994 02:24 am
NA 245.2
Neptune 14° 07‘ 50“
Purva Ashadha Ve 1
(Neptune into Capricorn)
2nd Feb, 1995 10:56 pm
NA 254.13
Pluto 18° 52‘ 54“
Swati Ra 4
(Pluto into Scorpio)
8th Dec, 1992 12:00 am
NA 198.88

In Birth chart (Janam Kundli) of Scarlett Pomers : Moon is in sign of Cancer, Sun is in sign of Scorpio, Mars is in sign of Pisces, Mercury is in sign of Scorpio, Venus is in sign of Libra, Jupiter is in sign of Taurus and Saturn is in sign of Sagittarius.

While Rahu is in sign of Aquarius and Ketu is in sign of Leo.

The other outer planets like, Uranus is in Sagittarius, Neptune is in Sagittarius and Pluto is in sign of Libra.

Birth chart readings and Horoscope for Scarlett Pomers

What is the Moon Sign of Scarlett Pomers?

Moon Sign of Scarlett Pomers is Cancer.
The Moon is placed in the sign of Cancer in birth chart.
And Moon is in Pushya Nakshatra.

Readings for Moon in Cancer:

Cancer (Karaka) - Native may remain under the influence of women, he has good nature but wavering mind. He is good looking, kind, sensitive, fond of travelling overseas and owns lands and buildings. He walks with a wavering gait.

What is the Sun Sign of Scarlett Pomers?

Sun Sign of Scarlett Pomers is Scorpio.
The Sun is placed in the sign of Scorpio in birth chart.
And Sun is in Anuradha Nakshatra.
(This is Indian Sun sign not the western Sun sign. The main difference between two is - Indian sun signs are based on position of sun in zodiac, and is more accurate over western, which depends on date of birth.)

Readings for Sun in Scorpio:

Scorpio (Vrishchik) - He is reckless, bold, cruel and obstinate. He is without firm principles, can become a good surgeon and army or police officer.

He is sickly, intelligent, unhappy and short tempered. He has good morals and few children.

Results given by Sun as lord of 5th sitting in 5th house.

Person is clever intelligent and famous. The gets happiness from children. He gets so good results of 5th house.

5th lord in the 5th house makes one wise, prudent, truthful, skilled in all works and glorious for sons.

How is Mars placed in Scarlett Pomers‘s Kundli / Birth chart?

Mars in Scarlett Pomers‘s birth chart is sitting in the sign of Pisces. Mars is in Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra.

Readings for Mars in Pisces:

Pisces (Meen) - The person is of fair complexion, he is passionate, is faithful, but even is unclean and has unstable life, with unhappy domestic life.

He is famous, but jealous and short tempered. He may keep false pride. Has bad relations with bothers and this position of planet in bad for father.

Results given by Mars as lord of 5th sitting in 9th house.

Son becomes famous, high officer or minister. The person himself is wealthy, happy, famous and author. He brings good name to his family.

5th lord in the 9th house gives one a kingly status. It makes the native a lamp of his family and also an author of books.

Results given by Mars as lord of 10th sitting in 9th house.

Although 9th house is 12th from the 10th house, so the house of losses for the 10th. But 9th is the most auspicious house counted from the lagna. Therefore, the disposition of the lord of the 10th in the 9th house gives rise to powerful Raja yog giving the person name, fame and wealth. He has good children and is learned and happy.

10th lord in the 9th house makes one truthful, wealthy, affluent and devoted to parents.

How is Mercury placed in Scarlett Pomers‘s Kundli / Birth chart?

Mercury in Scarlett Pomers‘s birth chart is sitting in the sign of Scorpio. Mercury is in Anuradha Nakshatra.

Readings for Mercury in Scorpio:

Scorpio (Vrishchik) - The person can be of loose morals, may have excessive sex indulgence, a victim of venereal diseases or diseases of generative organs. He is selfish, arrogant and indiscreet.

Native is happy, intelligent, respected and fond of instrumental music. He is, of a hard working nature and can be a poet.

Results given by Mercury as lord of 12th sitting in 5th house.

He is devoid of education and children or he has to incur losses through his children.

12th lord in the 5th house, if not aspected by any benefic, is always troublesome for one?s progeny.

Results given by Mercury as lord of 3rd sitting in 5th house.

Person is not intelligent, but has children. He is able to earn enough for his livelihood and has good relations with brothers.

3rd lord in the 5th house makes the native long-lived and benevolent. He enjoys comforts of life. He protects sons and relations.

How is Jupiter placed in Scarlett Pomers‘s Kundli / Birth chart?

Jupiter in Scarlett Pomers‘s birth chart is sitting in the sign of Taurus. Jupiter is in Krittika Nakshatra.

Readings for Jupiter in Taurus:

Taurus (Vrishabh) - The native is learned, has stability in life, has fixed ideas about things. He is showy. He is very able, but sensual, inclined to the evil of self gratification.

The person is handsome, healthy and gains wealth. He can be a good businessman or a banker. He is contented, learned and has few children. He spend of good causes and is respected by government.

Results given by Jupiter as lord of 9th sitting in 11th house.

He always gains. He is devoted and obedient to elders and his guru. The person is clever and charitable.

9th lord in the 11th house makes one a minister. It confers vehicles and conveyances to the native.

Results given by Jupiter as lord of 6th sitting in 11th house.

Person may get gains from enemies, but looses through enemies are also indicated.

6th lord, if nature Malefic, in the 11th house always causes fear of death. The native may incur loss of wealth by theft in his bid to acquire some cattle or other property.

How is Venus placed in Scarlett Pomers‘s Kundli / Birth chart?

Venus in Scarlett Pomers‘s birth chart is sitting in the sign of Libra. Venus is in Swati Nakshatra.

Readings for Venus in Libra:

Libra (Tula) - The own sign for Venus. Native is intelligent, generous, philosophical, good looking, passionate, proud, and respected. He has good intuition and a happy marriage. He may have intellectual pursuits and wide travels. He may become a great statesman. He is of balanced nature, is inclined to write poetry or fiction on romantic themes.

The person is handsome, powerful and helpful to others. He is charitable, proficient, practical and clever. He is fond of comforts and fortunate. He has children, is long lived and owns conveyances.

Results given by Venus as lord of 11th sitting in 4th house.

There are gains of wealth from the mother or maternal relations, he is fond of pilgrimage to holy places. There is acquisition of lands and buildings.

11th lord in the 4th house may give paternal wealth. The native gains from father. He serves his parents.

Results given by Venus as lord of 4th sitting in 4th house.

This person is respected by parents and the government or king, there are gains from ancestral property, he has long lived mother. He is owner of land, buildings and conveyances, domestic happiness. He prospers most in his native land. He possess good morals and is peaceful and have happy end of life. He may get hidden treasures - this may happen if there is good relationship by aspect or conjunction with the lord of 11th.

4th lord in the 4th house is beneficial for father (or parents). Such a native may have great honour from the government. He may have power and position. It confers Raja yoga.

How is Saturn placed in Scarlett Pomers‘s Kundli / Birth chart?

Saturn in Scarlett Pomers‘s birth chart is sitting in the sign of Sagittarius. Saturn is in Mula Nakshatra.

Readings for Saturn in Sagittarius:

Sagittarius (Dhanu) - He is active, clever, famous and happy. He loves peace and may have unhappy married life, but he is generally happy.

He vanquishes his enemies. He is fond of pleasures. He may be a yogi. He is powerful but immoral. There might be throat troubles or asthma.

Results given by Saturn as lord of 7th sitting in 6th house.

The person may get sickly wife or may be bereft or wife or can have unhappy conjugal life.

7th lord in the 6th house gives a wife of ill health. She is indifferent (unconcerned) towards her husband?s overture of love and romance. A Malefic 7th lord in the 6th house may cause death of wife.

Results given by Saturn as lord of 8th sitting in 6th house.

Person defeats his enemies, he is sickly. There is danger of snake but or accidents particularly by drowning, he may get wealth Suddenly. This vipareeta Raja yog.

The Sun as the 8th lord in the 6th house makes the native oppose the government in power. If an exalted Jupiter as the 8th lord or a well aspected 8th lord Jupiter occupies the 6th house, the native must be long lived.

How are Rahu and Ketu placed in Scarlett Pomers‘s Kundli / Birth chart?

Rahu is sitting in the sign of Aquarius and Ketu is sitting in the sign of Leo in Scarlett Pomers‘s birth chart. Rahu is in Shatabhisha Nakshatra and Ketu is in Purva Phalguni Nakshatra.

Readings for Rahu in Aquarius:

Aquarius (Kumbh) - He is learned, friendly and my have a sweet speech. But he has no family.

Readings for Ketu in Leo:

Leo (Simha) - The person is talkative, timid, impatient, and a fear of snake bite.

More details

Scarlett Pomers is a former American actress and singer-songwriter. Her most recognizable roles have been as Naomi Wildman on Star Trek: Voyager and Kyra Hart on the television series Reba. Her debut EP, titled Insane, was released January 7, 2010.

How planets are observed moved around Scarlett Pomers‘s Birth?

Timeline of Planetary movements around the Birth of Scarlett Pomers

9 months prior to Scarlett‘s Birth

March 1, 1988

Venus enters Aries

March 6, 1988

Rahu enters Aquarius

March 11, 1988

Mercury enters Aquarius

March 14, 1988

Sun enters Pisces

March 28, 1988

Venus enters Taurus

March 28, 1988

Mars enters Capricorn

April 1, 1988

Mercury enters Pisces

April 5, 1988

Uranus retrogrades in Sagittarius

April 11, 1988

Saturn retrogrades in Sagittarius

April 11, 1988

Neptune retrogrades in Sagittarius

April 13, 1988

Sun enters Aries

April 17, 1988

Mercury enters Aries

May 1, 1988

Mercury enters Taurus

May 2, 1988

Venus enters Gemini

May 12, 1988

Mars enters Aquarius

May 14, 1988

Sun enters Taurus

May 22, 1988

Venus retrogrades in Gemini

May 23, 1988

Mercury enters Gemini

June 1, 1988

Mercury retrogrades in Gemini

June 10, 1988

Venus enters Taurus

June 11, 1988

Mercury enters Taurus

June 14, 1988

Sun enters Gemini

June 20, 1988

Jupiter enters Taurus

June 25, 1988

Mercury turns direct in Taurus

July 1, 1988

Mars enters Pisces

July 4, 1988

Venus turns direct in Taurus

July 7, 1988

Mercury enters Gemini

July 16, 1988

Sun enters Cancer

July 20, 1988

Pluto turns direct in Libra

July 26, 1988

Mercury enters Cancer

July 29, 1988

Venus enters Gemini

August 9, 1988

Mercury enters Leo

August 16, 1988

Sun enters Leo

August 26, 1988

Mars retrogrades in Pisces

August 26, 1988

Mercury enters Virgo

August 30, 1988

Saturn turns direct in Sagittarius

September 1, 1988

Venus enters Cancer

September 5, 1988

Uranus turns direct in Sagittarius

September 16, 1988

Sun enters Virgo

September 19, 1988

Neptune turns direct in Sagittarius

September 20, 1988

Mercury enters Libra

September 24, 1988

Jupiter retrogrades in Taurus

September 29, 1988

Mercury retrogrades in Libra

September 29, 1988

Venus enters Leo

October 6, 1988

Mercury enters Virgo

October 17, 1988

Sun enters Libra

October 20, 1988

Mercury turns direct in Virgo

October 25, 1988

Venus enters Virgo

October 28, 1988

Mars turns direct in Pisces

November 2, 1988

Mercury enters Libra

November 16, 1988

Sun enters Scorpio

November 18, 1988

Venus enters Libra

November 21, 1988

Mercury enters Scorpio

Baby is Born

November 28, 1988

Birth of Scarlett

December 10, 1988

Mercury enters Sagittarius

December 13, 1988

Venus enters Scorpio

December 15, 1988

Sun enters Sagittarius

December 29, 1988

Mercury enters Capricorn

January 6, 1989

Venus enters Sagittarius

January 8, 1989

Mars enters Aries

January 14, 1989

Sun enters Capricorn

January 16, 1989

Mercury retrogrades in Capricorn

January 20, 1989

Jupiter turns direct in Taurus

January 30, 1989

Venus enters Capricorn

February 6, 1989

Mercury turns direct in Capricorn

February 12, 1989

Sun enters Aquarius

February 16, 1989

Pluto retrogrades in Libra

February 23, 1989

Venus enters Aquarius

3 months after Scarlett‘s Birth