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Birth Chart of Paulina Rubio

Rashi is Pisces (Moon in Pisces)
Birth Nakshatra is Revati
Ascendant is in Virgo
Rising Nakshatra is Uttara Phalguni
Birth Date : Thursday 17 June 1971
Birth Place : Mexico City, city in Mexico City, Mexico
Birth Time : 2:00 PM (Regional Standard Time)

Note: For every unavailable birth time. Our default is 2:00pm local time.

Paulina Rubio

Moon chart (Chandra kundli) and Ascendant chart (Janam kundli) of Paulina Rubio

Paulina Rubio chandra kundli or moon chart
Paulina Rubio Kundli North Indian style
Paulina Rubio Kundli South Indian style

Details of Planets during the Birth of Paulina Rubio

Planets Sign Degrees Placement Mov Nakshatra Lord Pada Next sign of transit for planet Change in direction of Movement 360°
Lagna 06° 49‘ 52“
Uttara Phalguni Su 4
NA NA 156.83
Sun 01° 35‘ 05“
Neutral sign D
Mrigashirsha Ma 3
(Sun into Cancer)
16th Jul, 1971 09:54 am
NA 61.58
Moon 24° 34‘ 32“
Friendly sign D
Revati Me 3
(Moon into Taurus)
18th Jun, 1971 07:38 am
NA 354.58
Mercury 27° 07‘ 40“
Friendly sign D
Mrigashirsha Ma 2
(Mercury into Gemini)
18th Jun, 1971 10:52 am
(Mercury Retrograde in Leo)
12th Aug, 1971 01:13 pm
Venus 12° 20‘ 30“
Own sign D
Rohini Mo 1
(Venus into Gemini)
1st Jul, 1971 07:30 am
(Venus Retrograde in Gemini)
26th May, 1972 09:13 pm
Mars 24° 19‘ 51“
Exalted sign D
Dhanistha Ma 1
(Mars into Aquarius)
24th Oct, 1971 12:47 am
(Mars Retrograde in Capricorn)
11th Jul, 1971 12:30 am
Jupiter 04° 14‘ 12“
Friendly sign R
Anuradha Sa 1
(Jupiter into Sagittarius)
5th Jan, 1972 07:56 pm
(Jupiter Progressive in Scorpio)
24th Jul, 1971 01:03 pm
Saturn 05° 32‘ 56“
Friendly sign D
Krittika Su 3
(Saturn into Gemini)
10th Jun, 1973 07:49 am
(Saturn Retrograde in Taurus)
18th Sep, 1971 08:49 pm
Rahu 22° 43‘ 50“
Shravana Mo 4
(Rahu into Sagittarius)
5th Sep, 1972 03:41 am
NA 292.73
Ketu 22° 43‘ 50“
Ashlesha Me 2
(Ketu into Gemini)
5th Sep, 1972 03:41 am
NA 112.73
Uranus 15° 05‘ 13“
Hasta Mo 2
(Uranus into Libra)
17th Oct, 1973 04:29 pm
NA 165.09
Neptune 06° 42‘ 12“
Anuradha Sa 2
(Neptune into Sagittarius)
16th Jan, 1981 02:42 am
NA 216.7
Pluto 02° 39‘ 44“
Uttara Phalguni Su 2
(Pluto into Libra)
6th Dec, 1980 04:26 am
NA 152.66

In Birth chart (Janam Kundli) of Paulina Rubio : Moon is in sign of Pisces, Sun is in sign of Gemini, Mars is in sign of Capricorn, Mercury is in sign of Taurus, Venus is in sign of Taurus, Jupiter is in sign of Scorpio and Saturn is in sign of Taurus.

While Rahu is in sign of Capricorn and Ketu is in sign of Cancer.

The other outer planets like, Uranus is in Virgo, Neptune is in Scorpio and Pluto is in sign of Virgo.

Birth chart readings and Horoscope for Paulina Rubio

What is the Moon Sign of Paulina Rubio?

Moon Sign of Paulina Rubio is Pisces.
The Moon is placed in the sign of Pisces in birth chart.
And Moon is in Revati Nakshatra.

Readings for Moon in Pisces:

Pisces (Meen) - The person is dealer in liquids, sea products, jewellery, cosmetics and perfumes. He is subdued by opposite sex, is learned, steady, simple, popular, modest, and spiritually inclined in later life. He may even be fond of occult activities.

What is the Sun Sign of Paulina Rubio?

Sun Sign of Paulina Rubio is Gemini.
The Sun is placed in the sign of Gemini in birth chart.
And Sun is in Mrigashirsha Nakshatra.
(This is Indian Sun sign not the western Sun sign. The main difference between two is - Indian sun signs are based on position of sun in zodiac, and is more accurate over western, which depends on date of birth.)

Readings for Sun in Gemini:

Gemini (Mithun) - He is talkative, intelligent, learned, scholarly, wealthy, critical and lacks originality.

He is unhappy, handsome, cruel and squanders ancestral wealthy. He remains unhappy from relations and has no conveyances. He is fond of occult science.

Results given by Sun as lord of 6th sitting in 4th house.

There is little happiness from mother, loos of land and property through enemies, backbiters, jealous and indebted.

6th lord in the 4th house may cause enmities even with father, mother and sons. He, however, gets paternal wealth quite easily.

How is Mars placed in Paulina Rubio‘s Kundli / Birth chart?

Mars in Paulina Rubio‘s birth chart is sitting in the sign of Capricorn. Mars is in Dhanistha Nakshatra.

Readings for Mars in Capricorn:

Capricorn (Makar) - This is a sign of exaltation for Mars. This position of Mars makes person rich and give high political position. He may be a commander, high police officer, an administrator, industrious and influential. He has many sons. He is generous, brave, respected and influential.

He has harsh tongue, false pride and is short tempered. He courageous and wealthy. Wealth may be from an undesirable means.

Results given by Mars as lord of 9th sitting in 11th house.

He always gains. He is devoted and obedient to elders and his guru. The person is clever and charitable.

9th lord in the 11th house makes one a minister. It confers vehicles and conveyances to the native.

Results given by Mars as lord of 2nd sitting in 11th house.

The person is a famous businessman, very wealthy, he is famous, conquest over enemies, and he is fortunate. This is an excellent position for the lord of 2nd house. This position brings easy gains to the native.

2nd lord in the 11th house makes the native practical, sweet in speech and brave but devoid of wealth. A benefic 2nd lord in the 11th house can only confer wealth.

How is Mercury placed in Paulina Rubio‘s Kundli / Birth chart?

Mercury in Paulina Rubio‘s birth chart is sitting in the sign of Taurus. Mercury is in Mrigashirsha Nakshatra.

Readings for Mercury in Taurus:

Taurus (Vrishabh) - He is well built, intelligent, has stability in thinking. He is generous, wealthy, sensual and capable of holding high position. The person might even be well read (knowledgable) and showy.

Person is proficient in his work and hard working. He is timid, but good palmist, author, editor or poet. He is fond of comforts and has children. There are few brothers and sisters. He may be unstable, but a good businessman. He may be fond of short travels and is a good neighbour.

Results given by Mercury as lord of 4th sitting in 3rd house.

The person quarrels with mother, causes losses to mother, there can be loss of paternal property, there is not much good domestic life. This is not a good place for 4th house.

4th lord in the 3rd house makes one dear to his brothers and relations. The native serves his parents. He has got economic prosperity and sons.

Results given by Mercury as lord of 7th sitting in 3rd house.

There is no marriage or delay in marriage. It also causes loss of children.

7th lord in the 3rd house confers helpful relations. Benefic 7th lord in the 3rd house confers a beautiful wife while Malefic 7th lord in the 3rd house confers a cruel and quarrelsome wife.

How is Jupiter placed in Paulina Rubio‘s Kundli / Birth chart?

Jupiter in Paulina Rubio‘s birth chart is sitting in the sign of Scorpio. Jupiter is in Anuradha Nakshatra.

Readings for Jupiter in Scorpio:

Scorpio (Vrishchik) - He has good manners and a well built body. He is fond of showing his superiority over others and has not a very good health. He is selfish, passionate and unhappy.

The native is famous, fortunate, learned, intelligent and respected by government and people. He has children. He is religious and learned in shastras and Vedanta, but may renounce world.

Results given by Jupiter as lord of 1st sitting in 9th house.

Person is charitable, courageous, famous, proud, well behaved, have good morals and is religious minded, lucky and wealthy.

1st lord in the 9th house makes the native famous, wealthy, gentle, brave and a well known figure.

Results given by Jupiter as lord of 10th sitting in 9th house.

Although 9th house is 12th from the 10th house, so the house of losses for the 10th. But 9th is the most auspicious house counted from the lagna. Therefore, the disposition of the lord of the 10th in the 9th house gives rise to powerful Raja yog giving the person name, fame and wealth. He has good children and is learned and happy.

10th lord in the 9th house makes one truthful, wealthy, affluent and devoted to parents.

How is Venus placed in Paulina Rubio‘s Kundli / Birth chart?

Venus in Paulina Rubio‘s birth chart is sitting in the sign of Taurus. Venus is in Rohini Nakshatra.

Readings for Venus in Taurus:

Taurus (Vrishabh) - This sign is owned by Venus itself. The person is good looking, has a good body, he is firm, independent, sensual and lazy. He has fond of pleasures, has taste in music, dance and fine arts.

He is happy, wealthy, learned and fortunate, but also miser and lazy. He can be an artist and fond of travelling. He has more sisters than brothers.

Results given by Venus as lord of 3rd sitting in 3rd house.

The person is friendly, religious minded, he gains from government and if the lord of 3rd is a natural benefic then person will have good relations with brothers and other close relative. If the planet is natural Malefic the relations with brothers and others may not be good. Still it is a good position for the lord of the 3rd as he will be in his own house. Every planet whether he is benefic or malefic gives good results of the house he owns if be posited there.

3rd lord in the 3rd house gives happiness to brothers and relations. The native has respect for Brahmins and Devtas. He has gains from the rulers and the government.

Results given by Venus as lord of 8th sitting in 3rd house.

He is bereft of happiness from younger brothers and sisters. He is lazy, weak mined, timid. But lord of 8th is said to give longevity as the 3rd being 8th to 8th is also treated as a house of longevity.

8th lord in the 3rd house gives hostile friends, brothers and relations or it may not give brothers. The native may be cruel in speech.

How is Saturn placed in Paulina Rubio‘s Kundli / Birth chart?

Saturn in Paulina Rubio‘s birth chart is sitting in the sign of Taurus. Saturn is in Krittika Nakshatra.

Readings for Saturn in Taurus:

Taurus (Vrishabh) - Native is deceitful, successful, likes loneliness, and worries about small things. He has self control.

He has good health. The person might be yogi or wrestler and defeats enemies. He is fortunate, learned and a quick worker.

Results given by Saturn as lord of 11th sitting in 3rd house.

There may be obstructions in gains on account of brothers. This is not a good position for the lord of 11th house for the native.

11th lord in the 3rd house confers power and strength, servants and subordinates. The native commands respect from relatives.

Results given by Saturn as lord of 11th sitting in 3rd house.

There may be obstructions in gains on account of brothers. This is not a good position for the lord of 11th house for the native.

11th lord in the 3rd house confers power and strength, servants and subordinates. The native commands respect from relatives.

How are Rahu and Ketu placed in Paulina Rubio‘s Kundli / Birth chart?

Rahu is sitting in the sign of Capricorn and Ketu is sitting in the sign of Cancer in Paulina Rubio‘s birth chart. Rahu is in Shravana Nakshatra and Ketu is in Ashlesha Nakshatra.

Readings for Rahu in Capricorn:

Capricorn (Makar) - Such a person is usually everyone?s favourite. This placement also affords the native with worldly comforts and happiness. They are quite strong and resolute when it comes to achieving their career goals. They can be wicked at times too. They have a clever mind to get what they want. They like to achieve fame with own efforts and are quite self-reliant. However, Rahu in Capricorn also gives confusion in work life at times.

Readings for Ketu in Cancer:

Cancer (Karaka) - He is unhappy and fears from ghosts.

More details

Paulina Susana Rubio Dosamantes is a Mexican singer. She first achieved recognition as a member of the successful pop group Timbiriche from 1982 through 1991. After leaving Timbiriche, she embarked on a solo career.

How planets are observed moved around Paulina Rubio‘s Birth?

Timeline of Planetary movements around the Birth of Paulina Rubio

9 months prior to Paulina‘s Birth

September 21, 1970

Mercury turns direct in Leo

October 3, 1970

Mercury enters Virgo

October 9, 1970

Mars enters Virgo

October 10, 1970

Venus enters Scorpio

October 16, 1970

Sun enters Libra

October 20, 1970

Venus retrogrades in Scorpio

October 21, 1970

Mercury enters Libra

October 29, 1970

Venus enters Libra

November 8, 1970

Mercury enters Scorpio

November 15, 1970

Sun enters Scorpio

November 26, 1970

Mars enters Libra

November 28, 1970

Mercury enters Sagittarius

November 30, 1970

Venus turns direct in Libra

December 11, 1970

Jupiter enters Scorpio

December 15, 1970

Sun enters Sagittarius

December 18, 1970

Mercury retrogrades in Sagittarius

December 30, 1970

Venus enters Scorpio

January 1, 1971

Pluto retrogrades in Virgo

January 7, 1971

Mercury turns direct in Sagittarius

January 12, 1971

Mars enters Scorpio

January 14, 1971

Sun enters Capricorn

January 17, 1971

Saturn turns direct in Aries

January 18, 1971

Uranus retrogrades in Virgo

January 30, 1971

Venus enters Sagittarius

February 3, 1971

Mercury enters Capricorn

February 12, 1971

Sun enters Aquarius

February 17, 1971

Rahu enters Capricorn

February 22, 1971

Mercury enters Aquarius

February 26, 1971

Venus enters Capricorn

March 1, 1971

Mars enters Sagittarius

March 5, 1971

Neptune retrogrades in Scorpio

March 10, 1971

Mercury enters Pisces

March 14, 1971

Sun enters Pisces

March 23, 1971

Jupiter retrogrades in Scorpio

March 23, 1971

Venus enters Aquarius

March 26, 1971

Mercury enters Aries

April 9, 1971

Mercury retrogrades in Aries

April 13, 1971

Sun enters Aries

April 17, 1971

Venus enters Pisces

April 21, 1971

Mars enters Capricorn

April 30, 1971

Mercury enters Pisces

May 3, 1971

Mercury turns direct in Pisces

May 5, 1971

Mercury enters Aries

May 12, 1971

Venus enters Aries

May 14, 1971

Sun enters Taurus

June 3, 1971

Mercury enters Taurus

June 6, 1971

Venus enters Taurus

June 7, 1971

Pluto turns direct in Virgo

June 14, 1971

Sun enters Gemini

Baby is Born

June 16, 1971

Birth of Paulina

June 17, 1971

Uranus turns direct in Virgo

June 18, 1971

Mercury enters Gemini

July 1, 1971

Venus enters Gemini

July 2, 1971

Mercury enters Cancer

July 11, 1971

Mars retrogrades in Capricorn

July 16, 1971

Sun enters Cancer

July 21, 1971

Mercury enters Leo

July 24, 1971

Jupiter turns direct in Scorpio

July 25, 1971

Venus enters Cancer

August 12, 1971

Neptune turns direct in Scorpio

August 12, 1971

Mercury retrogrades in Leo

August 16, 1971

Sun enters Leo

August 19, 1971

Venus enters Leo

September 5, 1971

Mercury turns direct in Leo

September 9, 1971

Mars turns direct in Capricorn

September 12, 1971

Venus enters Virgo

3 months after Paulina‘s Birth