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Birth Chart of Owen Wilson

Rashi is Libra (Moon in Libra)
Birth Nakshatra is Swati
Ascendant is in Aquarius
Rising Nakshatra is Dhanistha
Birth Date : Monday 18 November 1968
Birth Place : Dallas, city in Texas, United States of America
Birth Time : 2:00 PM (Regional Standard Time)

Note: For every unavailable birth time. Our default is 2:00pm local time.

Owen Wilson

Moon chart (Chandra kundli) and Ascendant chart (Janam kundli) of Owen Wilson

Owen Wilson chandra kundli or moon chart
Owen Wilson Kundli North Indian style
Owen Wilson Kundli South Indian style

Details of Planets during the Birth of Owen Wilson

Planets Sign Degrees Placement Mov Nakshatra Lord Pada Next sign of transit for planet Change in direction of Movement 360°
Lagna 00° 51‘ 21“
Dhanistha Ma 3
NA NA 300.86
Sun 02° 12‘ 33“
Friendly sign D
Vishakha Ju 4
(Sun into Sagittarius)
15th Dec, 1968 02:00 am
NA 212.21
Moon 10° 33‘ 08“
Neutral sign D
Swati Ra 2
(Moon into Scorpio)
18th Nov, 1968 05:05 am
NA 190.55
Mercury 21° 49‘ 47“
Friendly sign D
Vishakha Ju 1
(Mercury into Scorpio)
23rd Nov, 1968 03:02 am
(Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn)
20th Jan, 1969 04:56 am
Venus 10° 23‘ 08“
Neutral sign D
Mula Ke 4
(Venus into Capricorn)
4th Dec, 1968 03:44 am
(Venus Retrograde in Aries)
18th Mar, 1969 05:50 am
Mars 11° 28‘ 28“
Neutral sign D
Hasta Mo 1
(Mars into Libra)
18th Dec, 1968 06:20 am
(Mars Retrograde in Scorpio)
27th Apr, 1969 05:26 am
Jupiter 06° 09‘ 39“
Enemy sign D
Uttara Phalguni Su 3
(Jupiter into Libra)
11th Nov, 1969 01:23 pm
(Jupiter Retrograde in Virgo)
20th Jan, 1969 06:31 am
Saturn 25° 19‘ 57“
Neutral sign R
Revati Me 3
(Saturn into Aries)
7th Mar, 1969 04:00 am
(Saturn Progressive in Pisces)
21st Dec, 1968 06:19 am
Rahu 12° 35‘ 46“
Uttara Bhadrapada Sa 3
(Rahu into Aquarius)
30th Jul, 1969 09:47 pm
NA 342.6
Ketu 12° 35‘ 46“
Hasta Mo 1
(Ketu into Leo)
30th Jul, 1969 09:47 pm
NA 162.6
Uranus 08° 32‘ 50“
Uttara Phalguni Su 4
(Uranus into Libra)
17th Oct, 1973 04:29 pm
NA 158.55
Neptune 01° 57‘ 50“
Vishakha Ju 4
(Neptune into Sagittarius)
16th Jan, 1981 02:42 am
NA 211.96
Pluto 00° 23‘ 08“
Uttara Phalguni Su 2
(Pluto into Leo)
27th Mar, 1969 04:49 pm
NA 150.39

In Birth chart (Janam Kundli) of Owen Wilson : Moon is in sign of Libra, Sun is in sign of Scorpio, Mars is in sign of Virgo, Mercury is in sign of Libra, Venus is in sign of Sagittarius, Jupiter is in sign of Virgo and Saturn is in sign of Pisces.

While Rahu is in sign of Pisces and Ketu is in sign of Virgo.

The other outer planets like, Uranus is in Virgo, Neptune is in Scorpio and Pluto is in sign of Virgo.

Birth chart readings and Horoscope for Owen Wilson

What is the Moon Sign of Owen Wilson?

Moon Sign of Owen Wilson is Libra.
The Moon is placed in the sign of Libra in birth chart.
And Moon is in Swati Nakshatra.

Readings for Moon in Libra:

Libra (Tula) - He has deformed limbs, is sickly, not popular amongst his relations, is intelligent, likes business, has balance mind, is clever, has good nature, he is not ambitious and contented.

What is the Sun Sign of Owen Wilson?

Sun Sign of Owen Wilson is Scorpio.
The Sun is placed in the sign of Scorpio in birth chart.
And Sun is in Vishakha Nakshatra.
(This is Indian Sun sign not the western Sun sign. The main difference between two is - Indian sun signs are based on position of sun in zodiac, and is more accurate over western, which depends on date of birth.)

Readings for Sun in Scorpio:

Scorpio (Vrishchik) - He is reckless, bold, cruel and obstinate. He is without firm principles, can become a good surgeon and army or police officer.

The person may suffer mouth troubles, but he is wealthy, fortunate and quarrelsome. He has poor eyesight, dental troubles, troubles from government, and may suffer family unhappiness.

Results given by Sun as lord of 11th sitting in 2nd house.

He has wealth of all kinds, he has all his ambitions fulfilled and he is successful in all ventures and even remains happy. The person may get sudden gains from speculation if there is an aspect or conjunction of the lord of the 5th house.

11th lord in 2nd house makes one a miser always intent of saving money and increasing one?s bank balance. The native also has conveyances. He loves his family.

How is Mars placed in Owen Wilson‘s Kundli / Birth chart?

Mars in Owen Wilson‘s birth chart is sitting in the sign of Virgo. Mars is in Hasta Nakshatra.

Readings for Mars in Virgo:

Virgo (Kanya) - Person may have poor digestion. The married life is unhappy, there may be accidents, and he is conceited, boastful and deceptive.

Person suffers bed eyesight, there can be loss of wife or husband. He is short tempered, quarrelsome, extravagant and mean. He may have secret enemies or he acts as a secret enemy to others.

Results given by Mars as lord of 2nd sitting in 12th house.

The person is poor, indebted, earns by undesirable means and goes to foreign lands for his livelihood.

2nd lord in the 12th house makes one an evil doer. A Malefic 2nd lord in the 12th house may cause poverty whereas a benefic 2nd lord in the 12th house may give fortunes.

Results given by Mars as lord of 7th sitting in 12th house.

A very bad position for the lord of 7th house, as the 12th house will be 6th to the 7th house and therefore the house of diseases debts and enemies for the wife. The wife remains sickly, there are losses of wealth through wife or on account of her health. In a female?s horoscope she may get unhealthy or poor husband.

7th lord in the 12th house confers a quarrelsome, wicked, arrogant and covetous wife. She may do any mean act.

How is Mercury placed in Owen Wilson‘s Kundli / Birth chart?

Mercury in Owen Wilson‘s birth chart is sitting in the sign of Libra. Mercury is in Vishakha Nakshatra.

Readings for Mercury in Libra:

Libra (Tula) - He is fair looking person, has good intuition, he is courteous, faithful and philosophical. He possesses balanced mind.

The native is long lived, friendly, liberal and wealthy. He is a witty person and can be a mathematician. He is popular with opposite sex, is learned and has friendly nature.

Results given by Mercury as lord of 9th sitting in 1st house.

He is fortunate, is respected by government or King, has good manners, good morals. He is even handsome, learned and popular.

9th lord in Lagna makes one a government employee, rich but miserly and devoted to Devatas and elders.

Results given by Mercury as lord of 12th sitting in 1st house.

He is extravagant, has weak constitution and is bereft of wealth and education. This disposition also adversely affects the longevity of the native.

12th lord in Lagna makes one quite liberal and large hearted. The native is quite fortunate. He is handsome to look at and wears costly clothes.

How is Jupiter placed in Owen Wilson‘s Kundli / Birth chart?

Jupiter in Owen Wilson‘s birth chart is sitting in the sign of Virgo. Jupiter is in Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra.

Readings for Jupiter in Virgo:

Virgo (Kanya) - He is ambitious, selfish, fortunate, miser learned and patient.

He is lazy, yogi, but helpful to others. He is liberal but greedy.

Results given by Jupiter as lord of 6th sitting in 12th house.

The person is of extravagant, loose morals, he is violent, jealous but may get sudden wealth as lord of 6th will be in a dusthana or bad house.

6th lord in the 12th house may cause loss of wealth on account of cattle. The native may die in course of travel or journey.

Results given by Jupiter as lord of 3rd sitting in 12th house.

The native does not like relatives or friends. He is jealous and have strange habits. He goes to foreign lands.

3rd lord in the 12th house gives little affection for brothers. His brothers may live quite away from him. It may cause loss of brother.

How is Venus placed in Owen Wilson‘s Kundli / Birth chart?

Venus in Owen Wilson‘s birth chart is sitting in the sign of Sagittarius. Venus is in Mula Nakshatra.

Readings for Venus in Sagittarius:

Sagittarius (Dhanu) - Person is wealthy, powerful, influential, respected and has a happy domestic life. He may have a high position.

He is happy, wealthy, learned and fortunate, but also miser and lazy. He can be an artist and fond of travelling. He has more sisters than brothers.

Results given by Venus as lord of 8th sitting in 3rd house.

He is bereft of happiness from younger brothers and sisters. He is lazy, weak mined, timid. But lord of 8th is said to give longevity as the 3rd being 8th to 8th is also treated as a house of longevity.

8th lord in the 3rd house gives hostile friends, brothers and relations or it may not give brothers. The native may be cruel in speech.

Results given by Venus as lord of 1st sitting in 3rd house.

He will have brothers and sisters and person himself will be friendly, courageous, religious minded and respected in society.

1st lord in the 3rd house makes native strong and energetic. He is virtuous and a good fighter. He makes donations for poor and needy. He has friends, brothers and relations.

How is Saturn placed in Owen Wilson‘s Kundli / Birth chart?

Saturn in Owen Wilson‘s birth chart is sitting in the sign of Pisces. Saturn is in Revati Nakshatra.

Readings for Saturn in Pisces:

Pisces (Meen) - The native is wealthy, famous, polite, happy, helpful and gifted.

He vanquishes his enemies. He is fond of pleasures. He may be a yogi. He is powerful but immoral. There might be throat troubles or asthma.

Results given by Saturn as lord of 4th sitting in 6th house.

Person accumulates wealth, but it may be lost on account of diseases or by enemies, there may be unhappiness from mother and may not get ancestral property. He is of bad character and have no peace of mind.

4th lord in the 6th house makes one gather wealth, if he is a natural benefic. If 4th lord in the 6th house is a natural Malefic, the native may ruin his paternal wealth (even capital and investments in business) and further he may be at daggers drawn with his father and other relations.

Results given by Saturn as lord of 5th sitting in 6th house.

A person can have enmity or quarrels with his own children or he can be childless, in some cases he may adopt child.

5th lord in the 6th house makes the quarrelsome and suffers from some mysterious disease.

How are Rahu and Ketu placed in Owen Wilson‘s Kundli / Birth chart?

Rahu is sitting in the sign of Pisces and Ketu is sitting in the sign of Virgo in Owen Wilson‘s birth chart. Rahu is in Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra and Ketu is in Hasta Nakshatra.

Readings for Rahu in Pisces:

Pisces (Meena) - He is Religious minded, well behaved, peaceful, clever and have fond of arts.

Readings for Ketu in Virgo:

Virgo (Kanya) - He is sickly, idiot, suffers from digestive troubles.

More details

Owen Cunningham Wilson is an American actor, comedian, producer, and screenwriter. He has had a long association with filmmaker Wes Anderson with whom he shared writing and acting credits for Bottle Rocket, Rushmore, and The Royal Tenenbaums, the last of which earned him a nomination for the Academy Award and BAFTA Award for Best Screenplay. He has also appeared in Anderson‘s The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, The Darjeeling Limited, The Grand Budapest Hotel, and The French Dispatch. Wilson also starred in the Woody Allen romantic comedy Midnight in Paris as unsatisfied screenwriter Gil Pender, a role which earned him a Golden Globe Award nomination. In 2014 he appeared in Paul Thomas Anderson‘s Inherent Vice, and Peter Bogdanovich‘s She‘s Funny That Way.

How planets are observed moved around Owen Wilson‘s Birth?

Timeline of Planetary movements around the Birth of Owen Wilson

9 months prior to Owen‘s Birth

February 27, 1968

Neptune retrogrades in Scorpio

February 28, 1968

Mercury turns direct in Capricorn

March 9, 1968

Venus enters Aquarius

March 11, 1968

Mercury enters Aquarius

March 13, 1968

Sun enters Pisces

March 18, 1968

Mars enters Aries

April 2, 1968

Mercury enters Pisces

April 3, 1968

Venus enters Pisces

April 13, 1968

Sun enters Aries

April 19, 1968

Mercury enters Aries

April 21, 1968

Jupiter turns direct in Leo

April 27, 1968

Venus enters Aries

April 29, 1968

Mars enters Taurus

May 3, 1968

Mercury enters Taurus

May 13, 1968

Sun enters Taurus

May 21, 1968

Mercury enters Gemini

May 22, 1968

Venus enters Taurus

May 30, 1968

Pluto turns direct in Leo

June 1, 1968

Uranus turns direct in Virgo

June 5, 1968

Mercury retrogrades in Gemini

June 11, 1968

Mars enters Gemini

June 14, 1968

Sun enters Gemini

June 15, 1968

Venus enters Gemini

June 27, 1968

Mercury enters Taurus

June 30, 1968

Mercury turns direct in Taurus

July 2, 1968

Mercury enters Gemini

July 9, 1968

Venus enters Cancer

July 15, 1968

Sun enters Cancer

July 26, 1968

Mars enters Cancer

July 27, 1968

Mercury enters Cancer

August 3, 1968

Venus enters Leo

August 4, 1968

Neptune turns direct in Scorpio

August 6, 1968

Saturn retrogrades in Aries

August 11, 1968

Mercury enters Leo

August 15, 1968

Sun enters Leo

August 27, 1968

Venus enters Virgo

August 28, 1968

Mercury enters Virgo

September 11, 1968

Mars enters Leo

September 15, 1968

Sun enters Virgo

September 19, 1968

Mercury enters Libra

September 21, 1968

Venus enters Libra

October 3, 1968

Mercury retrogrades in Libra

October 5, 1968

Pluto enters Virgo

October 11, 1968

Jupiter enters Virgo

October 14, 1968

Mercury enters Virgo

October 15, 1968

Venus enters Scorpio

October 16, 1968

Sun enters Libra

October 24, 1968

Mercury turns direct in Virgo

October 29, 1968

Mars enters Virgo

November 3, 1968

Mercury enters Libra

November 9, 1968

Venus enters Sagittarius

November 15, 1968

Sun enters Scorpio

Baby is Born

November 17, 1968

Birth of Owen

November 23, 1968

Mercury enters Scorpio

December 4, 1968

Venus enters Capricorn

December 12, 1968

Mercury enters Sagittarius

December 15, 1968

Sun enters Sagittarius

December 18, 1968

Mars enters Libra

December 21, 1968

Saturn turns direct in Pisces

December 27, 1968

Pluto retrogrades in Virgo

December 29, 1968

Venus enters Aquarius

December 31, 1968

Mercury enters Capricorn

January 8, 1969

Uranus retrogrades in Virgo

January 13, 1969

Sun enters Capricorn

January 20, 1969

Mercury retrogrades in Capricorn

January 20, 1969

Jupiter retrogrades in Virgo

January 26, 1969

Venus enters Pisces

February 10, 1969

Mercury turns direct in Capricorn

February 11, 1969

Mars enters Scorpio

February 12, 1969

Sun enters Aquarius

3 months after Owen‘s Birth