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Birth Chart of Oliver Stone

Rashi is Aries (Moon in Aries)
Birth Nakshatra is Bharani
Ascendant is in Libra
Rising Nakshatra is Swati
Birth Date : Sunday 15 September 1946
Birth Place : New York, city in New York, United States of America
Birth Time : 9:58 AM (Regional Standard Time)

Note: For every unavailable birth time. Our default is 2:00pm local time.

Oliver Stone

Moon chart (Chandra kundli) and Ascendant chart (Janam kundli) of Oliver Stone

Oliver Stone chandra kundli or moon chart
Oliver Stone Kundli North Indian style
Oliver Stone Kundli South Indian style

Details of Planets during the Birth of Oliver Stone

Planets Sign Degrees Placement Mov Nakshatra Lord Pada Next sign of transit for planet Change in direction of Movement 360°
Lagna 07° 08‘ 42“
Swati Ra 1
NA NA 187.15
Sun 28° 07‘ 18“
Own sign D
Uttara Phalguni Su 1
(Sun into Virgo)
16th Sep, 1946 09:27 am
NA 148.12
Moon 22° 31‘ 14“
Neutral sign D
Bharani Ve 3
(Moon into Gemini)
16th Sep, 1946 07:45 am
NA 22.52
Mercury 28° 41‘ 44“
Friendly sign D
Uttara Phalguni Su 1
(Mercury into Virgo)
15th Sep, 1946 02:26 pm
(Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio)
10th Nov, 1946 11:42 pm
Venus 14° 07‘ 34“
Own sign D
Swati Ra 3
(Venus into Scorpio)
3rd Oct, 1946 07:32 pm
(Venus Retrograde in Scorpio)
27th Oct, 1946 11:51 pm
Mars 29° 54‘ 35“
Neutral sign D
Chitra Ma 2
(Mars into Scorpio)
27th Oct, 1946 09:35 pm
(Mars Retrograde in Leo)
8th Jan, 1948 08:44 am
Jupiter 04° 02‘ 36“
Enemy sign D
Chitra Ma 4
(Jupiter into Scorpio)
17th Jan, 1947 03:20 pm
(Jupiter Retrograde in Scorpio)
14th Mar, 1947 06:31 am
Saturn 11° 11‘ 39“
Enemy sign D
Pushya Sa 3
(Saturn into Leo)
26th Jul, 1948 03:01 am
(Saturn Retrograde in Cancer)
20th Nov, 1946 10:34 am
Rahu 21° 50‘ 34“
Rohini Mo 4
(Rahu into Aries)
18th Nov, 1947 05:35 am
NA 51.84
Ketu 21° 50‘ 34“
Jyeshta Me 2
(Ketu into Libra)
18th Nov, 1947 05:35 am
NA 231.84
Uranus 27° 44‘ 28“
Mrigashirsha Ma 2
(Uranus into Gemini)
4th Jul, 1947 12:26 am
NA 57.74
Neptune 13° 45‘ 31“
Hasta Mo 2
(Neptune into Libra)
5th Dec, 1952 11:31 pm
NA 163.76
Pluto 18° 35‘ 24“
Ashlesha Me 1
(Pluto into Leo)
7th Nov, 1952 08:48 pm
NA 108.59

In Birth chart (Janam Kundli) of Oliver Stone : Moon is in sign of Aries, Sun is in sign of Leo, Mars is in sign of Virgo, Mercury is in sign of Leo, Venus is in sign of Libra, Jupiter is in sign of Libra and Saturn is in sign of Cancer.

While Rahu is in sign of Taurus and Ketu is in sign of Scorpio.

The other outer planets like, Uranus is in Taurus, Neptune is in Virgo and Pluto is in sign of Cancer.

Birth chart readings and Horoscope for Oliver Stone

What is the Moon Sign of Oliver Stone?

Moon Sign of Oliver Stone is Aries.
The Moon is placed in the sign of Aries in birth chart.
And Moon is in Bharani Nakshatra.

Readings for Moon in Aries:

Aries (Mesha) - He likes travelling. He is impulsive. Has a liking for other sex, he is irritable, fickle minded, passionate, ambitious, bold, active and very sensitive about his self respect. Person is even aggressive and at times rash.

What is the Sun Sign of Oliver Stone?

Sun Sign of Oliver Stone is Leo.
The Sun is placed in the sign of Leo in birth chart.
And Sun is in Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra.
(This is Indian Sun sign not the western Sun sign. The main difference between two is - Indian sun signs are based on position of sun in zodiac, and is more accurate over western, which depends on date of birth.)

Readings for Sun in Leo:

Leo (Simha) - The own sign for Sun. Person is obstinate, firm, dominating, not always rich, does not like dependence on others and is liberal minded.

He is sickly, intelligent, unhappy and short tempered. He has good morals and few children.

Results given by Sun as lord of 5th sitting in 5th house.

Person is clever intelligent and famous. The gets happiness from children. He gets so good results of 5th house.

5th lord in the 5th house makes one wise, prudent, truthful, skilled in all works and glorious for sons.

How is Mars placed in Oliver Stone‘s Kundli / Birth chart?

Mars in Oliver Stone‘s birth chart is sitting in the sign of Virgo. Mars is in Chitra Nakshatra.

Readings for Mars in Virgo:

Virgo (Kanya) - Person may have poor digestion. The married life is unhappy, there may be accidents, and he is conceited, boastful and deceptive.

He is courageous, powerful, patient and vanquishes his enemies. He may be a police officer. He may be indebted. Has skin troubles, blood poisoning and he may be an extravagant.

Results given by Mars as lord of 8th sitting in 6th house.

Person defeats his enemies, he is sickly. There is danger of snake but or accidents particularly by drowning, he may get wealth Suddenly. This vipareeta Raja yog.

The Sun as the 8th lord in the 6th house makes the native oppose the government in power. If an exalted Jupiter as the 8th lord or a well aspected 8th lord Jupiter occupies the 6th house, the native must be long lived.

Results given by Mars as lord of 1st sitting in 6th house.

The person has poor health, poor start in life, has enemies but he is powerful and miser.

1st lord in the 6th house makes native endowed with landed property. It confers economic prosperity. It makes the native a miser who gives trouble to his brothers and relations.

How is Mercury placed in Oliver Stone‘s Kundli / Birth chart?

Mercury in Oliver Stone‘s birth chart is sitting in the sign of Leo. Mercury is in Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra.

Readings for Mercury in Leo:

Leo (Simha) - The person is wanderer, proud, orator, impulsive and likes wandering. He may have early marriage. And generally such person likes to be in stable profession like government service.

Native is happy, intelligent, respected and fond of instrumental music. He is, of a hard working nature and can be a poet.

Results given by Mercury as lord of 3rd sitting in 5th house.

Person is not intelligent, but has children. He is able to earn enough for his livelihood and has good relations with brothers.

3rd lord in the 5th house makes the native long-lived and benevolent. He enjoys comforts of life. He protects sons and relations.

Results given by Mercury as lord of 6th sitting in 5th house.

Person may have inimical relations with children. There will be unstable wealth. But this position is good for health. Placement of 6th lord in 5th house destroys enemies and bad health. In other words he keeps good health, is free from enemies, debts etc.

6th lord in the 5th house may cause enmities both with father and son, if the 6th lord be a natural Malefic. A benefic 6th lord in the 5th house, however, gives happiness to the native.

How is Jupiter placed in Oliver Stone‘s Kundli / Birth chart?

Jupiter in Oliver Stone‘s birth chart is sitting in the sign of Libra. Jupiter is in Chitra Nakshatra.

Readings for Jupiter in Libra:

Libra (Tula) - He is good looking, open minded, strong, able religious minded and just.

He is fortunate, learned, an orator and head of a clan. He is humble person with patients. And lives happy married life.

Results given by Jupiter as lord of 12th sitting in 7th house.

Person faces losses through women, there is little married happiness. There may be separation between husband and wife.

12th lord in the 7th house makes the native troublesome for his wife but it must weaken his enemies. It means that such position is not conducive for conjugal happiness but it must vanquish the enemies.

Results given by Jupiter as lord of 9th sitting in 7th house.

The Person is learned and famous. He has good gains after marriage.

9th lord in the 7th house confers a truthful, favourable faithful, wealthy, beautiful and serviceable wife.

How is Venus placed in Oliver Stone‘s Kundli / Birth chart?

Venus in Oliver Stone‘s birth chart is sitting in the sign of Libra. Venus is in Swati Nakshatra.

Readings for Venus in Libra:

Libra (Tula) - The own sign for Venus. Native is intelligent, generous, philosophical, good looking, passionate, proud, and respected. He has good intuition and a happy marriage. He may have intellectual pursuits and wide travels. He may become a great statesman. He is of balanced nature, is inclined to write poetry or fiction on romantic themes.

There is conjugal happiness. He is liberal, popular, wealthy, passionate, fortunate and fond of music. Native may have illicit connections. There will be improvement in life after marriage.

Results given by Venus as lord of 2nd sitting in 7th house.

The person is fond of pleasure. Wife of such person helps in accumulation of wealth, he gains after marriage, he is fond of women other than his own wife, in rare cases a person may commit suicide.

2nd lord in the 7th house makes the native a well wisher. He enjoys life quite well. If the 2nd lord be a natural Benefic the native may have a wealthy wife. On the other hand a natural Malefic as the 2nd lord in the 7th house may give a wicked wife who may not beget a son.

Results given by Venus as lord of 7th sitting in 7th house.

This will be the own house for 7th lord. Person will have a good healthy wife. There are chances of early marriage. He will get good children, he will be wealthy and have good position in life. If in business he has good relations with partners.

7th lord in the 7th house confers conjugal happiness and capable sons.

How is Saturn placed in Oliver Stone‘s Kundli / Birth chart?

Saturn in Oliver Stone‘s birth chart is sitting in the sign of Cancer. Saturn is in Pushya Nakshatra.

Readings for Saturn in Cancer:

Cancer (Karaka) - He is poor, pleasure seeking, obstinate, rich but selfish and has few children. He may be deprived of mother?s association.

The person is infamous, short tempered and deceitful, but fortunate. He has emaciated body. Has little domestic happiness. He can be Melancholy. This position of Saturn is bad for mother.

Results given by Saturn as lord of 10th sitting in 4th house.

This is an excellent position for the lord of the tenth. From 4th house 10th lord aspect his own house. There is happiness from mother and native owns conveyances, lands and buildings, in addition to that he is wealthy and learned.

10th lord in the 4th house makes one serve his parents. The native may be wealthy and famous. He may have gains from the government. It may confer him a government job.

Results given by Saturn as lord of 11th sitting in 4th house.

There are gains of wealth from the mother or maternal relations, he is fond of pilgrimage to holy places. There is acquisition of lands and buildings.

11th lord in the 4th house may give paternal wealth. The native gains from father. He serves his parents.

How are Rahu and Ketu placed in Oliver Stone‘s Kundli / Birth chart?

Rahu is sitting in the sign of Taurus and Ketu is sitting in the sign of Scorpio in Oliver Stone‘s birth chart. Rahu is in Rohini Nakshatra and Ketu is in Jyeshta Nakshatra.

Readings for Rahu in Taurus:

Taurus (Vrishabh) - He is happy, ugly, emotional and wealthy.

Readings for Ketu in Scorpio:

Scorpio (Vrishchik) - The person is short tempered, and may have leprosy. But he is clever, talkative, deceitful and poor.

More details

William Oliver Stone is an American film director, producer, and screenwriter. Stone won an Academy Award for Best Adapted Screenplay as writer of Midnight Express, and wrote the gangster film remake Scarface.

How planets are observed moved around Oliver Stone‘s Birth?

Timeline of Planetary movements around the Birth of Oliver Stone

9 months prior to Oliver‘s Birth

December 15, 1945

Sun enters Sagittarius

December 17, 1945

Mercury turns direct in Scorpio

December 18, 1945

Jupiter enters Libra

December 24, 1945

Venus enters Sagittarius

January 4, 1946

Mercury enters Sagittarius

January 9, 1946

Neptune retrogrades in Virgo

January 13, 1946

Sun enters Capricorn

January 14, 1946

Mars enters Gemini

January 17, 1946

Venus enters Capricorn

January 24, 1946

Mercury enters Capricorn

February 10, 1946

Venus enters Aquarius

February 11, 1946

Jupiter retrogrades in Libra

February 11, 1946

Mercury enters Aquarius

February 12, 1946

Sun enters Aquarius

February 20, 1946

Uranus turns direct in Taurus

February 21, 1946

Mars turns direct in Gemini

February 27, 1946

Mercury enters Pisces

March 6, 1946

Venus enters Pisces

March 14, 1946

Sun enters Pisces

March 16, 1946

Mercury retrogrades in Pisces

March 20, 1946

Saturn turns direct in Gemini

March 30, 1946

Venus enters Aries

April 5, 1946

Mars enters Cancer

April 7, 1946

Jupiter enters Virgo

April 8, 1946

Mercury turns direct in Pisces

April 13, 1946

Sun enters Aries

April 21, 1946

Pluto turns direct in Cancer

April 23, 1946

Venus enters Taurus

May 1, 1946

Rahu enters Taurus

May 7, 1946

Mercury enters Aries

May 14, 1946

Sun enters Taurus

May 18, 1946

Venus enters Gemini

May 23, 1946

Mercury enters Taurus

June 6, 1946

Mercury enters Gemini

June 7, 1946

Mars enters Leo

June 12, 1946

Venus enters Cancer

June 14, 1946

Jupiter turns direct in Virgo

June 14, 1946

Sun enters Gemini

June 17, 1946

Neptune turns direct in Virgo

June 22, 1946

Mercury enters Cancer

July 7, 1946

Venus enters Leo

July 16, 1946

Sun enters Cancer

July 19, 1946

Mercury retrogrades in Cancer

July 29, 1946

Mars enters Virgo

August 2, 1946

Venus enters Virgo

August 12, 1946

Mercury turns direct in Cancer

August 16, 1946

Sun enters Leo

August 18, 1946

Jupiter enters Libra

August 30, 1946

Mercury enters Leo

August 30, 1946

Venus enters Libra

September 14, 1946

Mars enters Libra

Baby is Born

September 14, 1946

Birth of Oliver

September 15, 1946

Mercury enters Virgo

September 16, 1946

Sun enters Virgo

September 27, 1946

Uranus retrogrades in Taurus

October 3, 1946

Mercury enters Libra

October 3, 1946

Venus enters Scorpio

October 16, 1946

Sun enters Libra

October 24, 1946

Mercury enters Scorpio

October 27, 1946

Mars enters Scorpio

October 27, 1946

Venus retrogrades in Scorpio

November 10, 1946

Mercury retrogrades in Scorpio

November 14, 1946

Pluto retrogrades in Cancer

November 15, 1946

Sun enters Scorpio

November 20, 1946

Saturn retrogrades in Cancer

November 20, 1946

Venus enters Libra

November 26, 1946

Mercury enters Libra

November 30, 1946

Mercury turns direct in Libra

December 5, 1946

Mercury enters Scorpio

December 8, 1946

Mars enters Sagittarius

December 8, 1946

Venus turns direct in Libra

3 months after Oliver‘s Birth