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Birth Chart of Nora Fatehi

Rashi is Aquarius (Moon in Aquarius)
Birth Nakshatra is Purva Bhadrapada
Ascendant is in Gemini
Rising Nakshatra is Ardra
Birth Date : Thursday 6 February 1992
Birth Place : Quebec City, city in Quebec, Canada
Birth Time : 2:00 PM (Regional Standard Time)

Note: For every unavailable birth time. Our default is 2:00pm local time.

Nora Fatehi

Moon chart (Chandra kundli) and Ascendant chart (Janam kundli) of Nora Fatehi

Nora Fatehi chandra kundli or moon chart
Nora Fatehi Kundli North Indian style
Nora Fatehi Kundli South Indian style

Details of Planets during the Birth of Nora Fatehi

Planets Sign Degrees Placement Mov Nakshatra Lord Pada Next sign of transit for planet Change in direction of Movement 360°
Lagna 07° 33‘ 52“
Ardra Ra 1
NA NA 67.56
Sun 22° 34‘ 13“
Enemy sign D
Shravana Mo 4
(Sun into Aquarius)
13th Feb, 1992 12:11 am
NA 292.57
Moon 25° 02‘ 29“
Neutral sign D
Purva Bhadrapada Ju 2
(Moon into Aries)
7th Feb, 1992 09:14 am
NA 325.04
Mercury 18° 26‘ 37“
Neutral sign D
Shravana Mo 3
(Mercury into Aquarius)
12th Feb, 1992 03:18 pm
(Mercury Retrograde in Pisces)
16th Mar, 1992 07:32 pm
Venus 20° 39‘ 12“
Neutral sign D
Purva Ashadha Ve 3
(Venus into Capricorn)
13th Feb, 1992 09:59 am
(Venus Retrograde in Pisces)
11th Mar, 1993 04:28 am
Mars 26° 38‘ 39“
Friendly sign D
Purva Ashadha Ve 4
(Mars into Capricorn)
9th Feb, 1992 07:04 pm
(Mars Retrograde in Cancer)
28th Nov, 1992 06:29 pm
Jupiter 17° 47‘ 41“
Friendly sign R
Purva Phalguni Ve 2
(Jupiter into Virgo)
11th Sep, 1992 08:17 am
(Jupiter Progressive in Leo)
30th Apr, 1992 02:27 pm
Saturn 15° 32‘ 20“
Own sign D
Shravana Mo 2
(Saturn into Aquarius)
5th Mar, 1993 08:01 am
(Saturn Retrograde in Capricorn)
28th May, 1992 08:44 am
Rahu 13° 13‘ 33“
Mula Ke 4
(Rahu into Scorpio)
29th Oct, 1992 07:01 pm
NA 253.23
Ketu 13° 13‘ 33“
Ardra Ra 2
(Ketu into Taurus)
29th Oct, 1992 07:01 pm
NA 73.23
Uranus 21° 10‘ 04“
Purva Ashadha Ve 3
(Uranus into Capricorn)
7th Feb, 1994 01:24 pm
NA 261.17
Neptune 22° 56‘ 06“
Purva Ashadha Ve 3
(Neptune into Capricorn)
2nd Feb, 1995 09:56 am
NA 262.93
Pluto 28° 13‘ 25“
Vishakha Ju 3
(Pluto into Scorpio)
7th Dec, 1992 11:00 am
NA 208.22

In Birth chart (Janam Kundli) of Nora Fatehi : Moon is in sign of Aquarius, Sun is in sign of Capricorn, Mars is in sign of Sagittarius, Mercury is in sign of Capricorn, Venus is in sign of Sagittarius, Jupiter is in sign of Leo and Saturn is in sign of Capricorn.

While Rahu is in sign of Sagittarius and Ketu is in sign of Gemini.

The other outer planets like, Uranus is in Sagittarius, Neptune is in Sagittarius and Pluto is in sign of Libra.

Birth chart readings and Horoscope for Nora Fatehi

What is the Moon Sign of Nora Fatehi?

Moon Sign of Nora Fatehi is Aquarius.
The Moon is placed in the sign of Aquarius in birth chart.
And Moon is in Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra.

Readings for Moon in Aquarius:

Aquarius (Kumbha) - The native is fair looking. Has well formed body, is tall. By nature he is diplomatic, has good far-sight, is learned, emotional, mystical, has healing power, has good intuition, he is fond meditation and religious activities. He gets visions and may renounce world at later stages in life.

What is the Sun Sign of Nora Fatehi?

Sun Sign of Nora Fatehi is Capricorn.
The Sun is placed in the sign of Capricorn in birth chart.
And Sun is in Shravana Nakshatra.
(This is Indian Sun sign not the western Sun sign. The main difference between two is - Indian sun signs are based on position of sun in zodiac, and is more accurate over western, which depends on date of birth.)

Readings for Sun in Capricorn:

Capricorn (Makar) - The person is mean, obstinate, miser, lazy but sometimes hard working. He is prudent and progresses slowly.

He has emaciated or thin body and there may be trouble of left eye. Person is lazy and has no friends. He goes to foreign countries and propers there.

Results given by Sun as lord of 7th sitting in 12th house.

A very bad position for the lord of 7th house, as the 12th house will be 6th to the 7th house and therefore the house of diseases debts and enemies for the wife. The wife remains sickly, there are losses of wealth through wife or on account of her health. In a female?s horoscope she may get unhealthy or poor husband.

7th lord in the 12th house confers a quarrelsome, wicked, arrogant and covetous wife. She may do any mean act.

How is Mars placed in Nora Fatehi‘s Kundli / Birth chart?

Mars in Nora Fatehi‘s birth chart is sitting in the sign of Sagittarius. Mars is in Purva Ashadha Nakshatra.

Readings for Mars in Sagittarius:

Sagittarius (Dhanu) - The person is popular, famous, achieves high authority in administration. He is good statesman, has few children and is quarrelsome. He is active, ambitious, aggressive, pushful and a law abiding person.

He has harsh tongue, false pride and is short tempered. He courageous and wealthy. Wealth may be from an undesirable means.

Results given by Mars as lord of 10th sitting in 11th house.

He has happiness from children. The person is truthful and always happy. There are good gains of wealth by own efforts, that is by his professional career.

10th lord in the 11th house makes one rich, affluent and famous. He gets recognition from the government.

Results given by Mars as lord of 3rd sitting in 11th house.

This is again considered a good position for the lord of 3rd house by our ancient ages. The gains will be there, but they will not be easy gains. To get them the native will have to put in hard work. In this position there is likelihood of the native getting gains through brothers.

3rd lord in the 11th house makes the native enjoy comforts, pleasures and wealth. He gets honour and recognition. His brothers are benefitted from him.

How is Mercury placed in Nora Fatehi‘s Kundli / Birth chart?

Mercury in Nora Fatehi‘s birth chart is sitting in the sign of Capricorn. Mercury is in Shravana Nakshatra.

Readings for Mercury in Capricorn:

Capricorn (Makar) - He is inclined to enter business line. The person is economical, clever, suspicious, slow and hard working.

He is learned, lazy and speaks little. He is learned in shastras, is a writer and has knowledge of Vendanta. He is even charitable.

Results given by Mercury as lord of 5th sitting in 12th house.

There can be loss of children or childlessness or adoption. This is the bad position because 12th house is the house of loss for native and it is 8th from 5th house.

A Malefic 5th lord in the 12th house makes one unhappy whereas a benefic 5th lord in the 12th house makes one happy and live abroad.

Results given by Mercury as lord of 8th sitting in 12th house.

The person is extravagant. Has no good longevity. But has good wealth.

Malefic 8th lord in the 12th house makes the native unkind, deformed in body, bereft of wife and short-lived or poor in longevity.

How is Jupiter placed in Nora Fatehi‘s Kundli / Birth chart?

Jupiter in Nora Fatehi‘s birth chart is sitting in the sign of Leo. Jupiter is in Purva Phalguni Nakshatra.

Readings for Jupiter in Leo:

Leo (Simha) - Native has impressive appearance, moderate stature and he is ambitious. He is happy, active, intelligent, author and holds governmental positions. He may have some literary pursuits.

He is fortunate, learned, an orator and head of a clan. He is humble person with patients. And lives happy married life.

Results given by Jupiter as lord of 2nd sitting in 7th house.

The person is fond of pleasure. Wife of such person helps in accumulation of wealth, he gains after marriage, he is fond of women other than his own wife, in rare cases a person may commit suicide.

2nd lord in the 7th house makes the native a well wisher. He enjoys life quite well. If the 2nd lord be a natural Benefic the native may have a wealthy wife. On the other hand a natural Malefic as the 2nd lord in the 7th house may give a wicked wife who may not beget a son.

Results given by Jupiter as lord of 11th sitting in 7th house.

There gains from wife's side, that is from the father-in-law's family. He is liberal, lusty and dominated by his wife.

11th lord in the 7th house may give wealthy or earning wife who is gentle, faithful and beautiful.

How is Venus placed in Nora Fatehi‘s Kundli / Birth chart?

Venus in Nora Fatehi‘s birth chart is sitting in the sign of Sagittarius. Venus is in Purva Ashadha Nakshatra.

Readings for Venus in Sagittarius:

Sagittarius (Dhanu) - Person is wealthy, powerful, influential, respected and has a happy domestic life. He may have a high position.

Such a person is quick to make friends. You tend to be quite popular and liked among your social sphere. You also get a lot of support from your friend circle when needed. You may receive financial assistance from your social connections. Natives with this placement of Venus have a strong desire to relax with friends. However, these natives should be careful that they do not over-indulge when hanging out with friends

Results given by Venus as lord of 4th sitting in 11th house.

The person is wealthy, respected, comfortable, happy, and gains from his mother.

4th lord in the 11th house gives a father who always lives abroad. If 4th lord be a natural Malefic, the native may also be born abroad. Lomasa says that 4th lord in the 11th house make one wealthy by one?s own efforts.

Results given by Venus as lord of 9th sitting in 11th house.

He always gains. He is devoted and obedient to elders and his guru. The person is clever and charitable.

9th lord in the 11th house makes one a minister. It confers vehicles and conveyances to the native.

How is Saturn placed in Nora Fatehi‘s Kundli / Birth chart?

Saturn in Nora Fatehi‘s birth chart is sitting in the sign of Capricorn. Saturn is in Shravana Nakshatra.

Readings for Saturn in Capricorn:

Capricorn (Makar) - One of the own sin for Saturn. The person is intelligent, hard working, learned, suspicious, revengeful and philosophical. He has good domestic life if Chandra or Moon is not afflicted.

There is insanity and imprisonment. The native is lazy, sickly, extravagant, immoral, jealous and has bad habits. He has hard tongue. He is suspicious. He may be harmful to maternal relations.

Results given by Saturn as lord of 12th sitting in 12th house.

This is the own house for 12th lord and every planet is happy and beneficial in his own house. This position will give the person good gains in wealth and comfort of bed. He may get company of many women. If the lord of 12 house is Jupiter, Sun, Moon or Saturn, the expenditure will be on good causes, otherwise on getting pleasures.

12th lord in the 12th house destroys enemies and confers wealth. It may also confer wealth from the government. It means 12th lord in the 12th house may also confer government job.

Results given by Saturn as lord of 1st sitting in 12th house.

The person is cruel, deceitful, sick and he has poor start in life. He goes away from his native place.

1st lord in the 12th house make the native cruel, talkative, proud, wicked and a rolling stone gathering no moss. He travels abroad or he is always on his legs.

How are Rahu and Ketu placed in Nora Fatehi‘s Kundli / Birth chart?

Rahu is sitting in the sign of Sagittarius and Ketu is sitting in the sign of Gemini in Nora Fatehi‘s birth chart. Rahu is in Mula Nakshatra and Ketu is in Ardra Nakshatra.

Readings for Rahu in Sagittarius:

Sagittarius (Dhanu) - The person is happy in early life. He may be adopted in childhood. He is a bad friend.

Readings for Ketu in Gemini:

Gemini (Mithun) - He suffers from windy troubles, he is proud and not easily satisfied. He is short lived and may loose his temper easily.

More details

Nora Fatehi is a Canadian dancer, model, actress, singer and producer who is best known for her work in the Indian film industry. She has appeared in Hindi, Telugu, Malayalam and Tamil language films. She made her film debut in the Bollywood film Roar: Tigers of the Sundarbans. She gained popularity in Telugu cinema by doing item numbers in films like Temper, Baahubali: The Beginning and Kick 2 and has also starred in two Malayalam films, Double Barrel and Kayamkulam Kochunni.

How planets are observed moved around Nora Fatehi‘s Birth?

Timeline of Planetary movements around the Birth of Nora Fatehi

9 months prior to Nora‘s Birth

May 10, 1991

Mercury enters Aries

May 14, 1991

Sun enters Taurus

May 15, 1991

Mars enters Cancer

May 16, 1991

Saturn retrogrades in Capricorn

May 30, 1991

Venus enters Cancer

June 1, 1991

Mercury enters Taurus

June 15, 1991

Sun enters Gemini

June 16, 1991

Mercury enters Gemini

June 30, 1991

Mercury enters Cancer

July 2, 1991

Venus enters Leo

July 5, 1991

Mars enters Leo

July 16, 1991

Sun enters Cancer

July 20, 1991

Mercury enters Leo

July 28, 1991

Pluto turns direct in Libra

August 1, 1991

Venus retrogrades in Leo

August 7, 1991

Mercury retrogrades in Leo

August 14, 1991

Jupiter enters Leo

August 16, 1991

Sun enters Leo

August 22, 1991

Mars enters Virgo

August 28, 1991

Mercury enters Cancer

August 31, 1991

Mercury turns direct in Cancer

September 1, 1991

Venus enters Cancer

September 3, 1991

Mercury enters Leo

September 13, 1991

Venus turns direct in Cancer

September 16, 1991

Sun enters Virgo

September 19, 1991

Uranus turns direct in Sagittarius

September 24, 1991

Mercury enters Virgo

September 25, 1991

Venus enters Leo

September 26, 1991

Neptune turns direct in Sagittarius

October 4, 1991

Saturn turns direct in Capricorn

October 7, 1991

Mars enters Libra

October 11, 1991

Mercury enters Libra

October 17, 1991

Sun enters Libra

October 30, 1991

Mercury enters Scorpio

November 2, 1991

Venus enters Virgo

November 16, 1991

Sun enters Scorpio

November 20, 1991

Mars enters Scorpio

November 26, 1991

Mercury enters Sagittarius

November 28, 1991

Mercury retrogrades in Sagittarius

November 30, 1991

Venus enters Libra

November 30, 1991

Mercury enters Scorpio

December 16, 1991

Sun enters Sagittarius

December 18, 1991

Mercury turns direct in Scorpio

December 26, 1991

Venus enters Scorpio

December 30, 1991

Jupiter retrogrades in Leo

December 31, 1991

Mars enters Sagittarius

January 5, 1992

Mercury enters Sagittarius

January 14, 1992

Sun enters Capricorn

January 19, 1992

Venus enters Sagittarius

January 25, 1992

Mercury enters Capricorn

Baby is Born

February 5, 1992

Birth of Nora

February 9, 1992

Mars enters Capricorn

February 12, 1992

Mercury enters Aquarius

February 13, 1992

Sun enters Aquarius

February 13, 1992

Venus enters Capricorn

February 24, 1992

Pluto retrogrades in Libra

February 28, 1992

Mercury enters Pisces

March 8, 1992

Venus enters Aquarius

March 13, 1992

Sun enters Pisces

March 16, 1992

Mercury retrogrades in Pisces

March 19, 1992

Mars enters Aquarius

April 2, 1992

Venus enters Pisces

April 9, 1992

Mercury turns direct in Pisces

April 13, 1992

Sun enters Aries

April 20, 1992

Neptune retrogrades in Sagittarius

April 21, 1992

Uranus retrogrades in Sagittarius

April 26, 1992

Venus enters Aries

April 27, 1992

Mars enters Pisces

April 30, 1992

Jupiter turns direct in Leo

3 months after Nora‘s Birth