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Birth Chart of Martin Sheen

Rashi is Cancer (Moon in Cancer)
Birth Nakshatra is Ashlesha
Ascendant is in Capricorn
Rising Nakshatra is Uttara Ashadha
Birth Date : Saturday 3 August 1940
Birth Place : Dayton, city in Ohio, United States of America
Birth Time : 8:03 PM (Regional Standard Time)

Note: For every unavailable birth time. Our default is 2:00pm local time.

Martin Sheen

Moon chart (Chandra kundli) and Ascendant chart (Janam kundli) of Martin Sheen

Martin Sheen chandra kundli or moon chart
Martin Sheen Kundli North Indian style
Martin Sheen Kundli South Indian style

Details of Planets during the Birth of Martin Sheen

Planets Sign Degrees Placement Mov Nakshatra Lord Pada Next sign of transit for planet Change in direction of Movement 360°
Lagna 04° 53‘ 54“
Uttara Ashadha Su 3
NA NA 274.9
Sun 17° 32‘ 30“
Friendly sign D
Ashlesha Me 1
(Sun into Leo)
15th Aug, 1940 08:37 pm
NA 107.54
Moon 19° 44‘ 48“
Own sign D
Ashlesha Me 1
(Moon into Virgo)
4th Aug, 1940 09:50 pm
NA 109.75
Mercury 00° 59‘ 29“
Enemy sign D
Punarvasu Ju 4
(Mercury into Leo)
25th Aug, 1940 05:14 pm
(Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio)
31st Oct, 1940 08:39 pm
Venus 07° 29‘ 18“
Friendly sign D
Ardra Ra 1
(Venus into Cancer)
1st Sep, 1940 06:05 am
(Venus Retrograde in Capricorn)
12th Jan, 1942 07:40 pm
Mars 26° 08‘ 20“
Debilitated sign D
Ashlesha Me 3
(Mars into Leo)
8th Aug, 1940 11:35 am
(Mars Retrograde in Aries)
6th Sep, 1941 01:37 pm
Jupiter 20° 10‘ 17“
Friendly sign D
Bharani Ve 3
(Jupiter into Taurus)
26th Apr, 1941 04:22 pm
(Jupiter Retrograde in Aries)
4th Sep, 1940 08:14 am
Saturn 20° 23‘ 44“
Debilitated sign D
Bharani Ve 3
(Saturn into Taurus)
18th Jun, 1941 07:41 am
(Saturn Retrograde in Aries)
27th Aug, 1940 02:36 am
Rahu 20° 12‘ 17“
Hasta Mo 4
(Rahu into Leo)
5th Sep, 1941 05:49 pm
NA 170.2
Ketu 20° 12‘ 17“
Revati Me 2
(Ketu into Aquarius)
5th Sep, 1941 05:49 pm
NA 350.2
Uranus 01° 54‘ 18“
Krittika Su 2
(Uranus into Aries)
14th Dec, 1940 07:51 am
NA 31.9
Neptune 29° 46‘ 33“
Uttara Phalguni Su 1
(Neptune into Libra)
5th Dec, 1952 11:31 pm
NA 149.78
Pluto 08° 49‘ 52“
Pushya Sa 2
(Pluto into Leo)
7th Nov, 1952 08:48 pm
NA 98.83

In Birth chart (Janam Kundli) of Martin Sheen : Moon is in sign of Cancer, Sun is in sign of Cancer, Mars is in sign of Cancer, Mercury is in sign of Cancer, Venus is in sign of Gemini, Jupiter is in sign of Aries and Saturn is in sign of Aries.

While Rahu is in sign of Virgo and Ketu is in sign of Pisces.

The other outer planets like, Uranus is in Taurus, Neptune is in Leo and Pluto is in sign of Cancer.

Birth chart readings and Horoscope for Martin Sheen

What is the Moon Sign of Martin Sheen?

Moon Sign of Martin Sheen is Cancer.
The Moon is placed in the sign of Cancer in birth chart.
And Moon is in Ashlesha Nakshatra.

Readings for Moon in Cancer:

Cancer (Karaka) - Native may remain under the influence of women, he has good nature but wavering mind. He is good looking, kind, sensitive, fond of travelling overseas and owns lands and buildings. He walks with a wavering gait.

What is the Sun Sign of Martin Sheen?

Sun Sign of Martin Sheen is Cancer.
The Sun is placed in the sign of Cancer in birth chart.
And Sun is in Ashlesha Nakshatra.
(This is Indian Sun sign not the western Sun sign. The main difference between two is - Indian sun signs are based on position of sun in zodiac, and is more accurate over western, which depends on date of birth.)

Readings for Sun in Cancer:

Cancer (Karaka) - The person is poor, sad, unhappy, sickly, a traveller, subordinate. Has lack of initiative, is dull and in rare cases may have homosexuals tendencies.

The person is very particular about his self respect, he is short tempered, suffers from bilious and windy troubles. He might be emotional. He might live in foreign lands, has thin body and broad forehead. He is courageous, wealthy, unstable and has little hair on the head.

Results given by Sun as lord of 5th sitting in 1st house.

He has good children, he is learned in Shastras. He is clever. Intelligent and a thinker.

5th lord in Lagna makes one learned in various subjects of learning, wise, sweet in speech, famous, quiet in nature and wise. The native performs righteous deeds. He has fine intellect. He has a constructive outlook.

How is Mars placed in Martin Sheen‘s Kundli / Birth chart?

Mars in Martin Sheen‘s birth chart is sitting in the sign of Cancer. Mars is in Ashlesha Nakshatra.

Readings for Mars in Cancer:

Cancer (Karaka) - This a sign of debilitation for Mars. This position of Mars can make a person intelligent, wealthy, rich and wicked. He has medical and surgical proficiency. He is fickle minded and has speculative nature.

He is cruel, courageous, rash, ambitious and prone to accidents. He is not so rich. There may be marks of wounds or cuts on face or body. He may remain unhappy.

Results given by Mars as lord of 5th sitting in 1st house.

He has good children, he is learned in Shastras. He is clever. Intelligent and a thinker.

5th lord in Lagna makes one learned in various subjects of learning, wise, sweet in speech, famous, quiet in nature and wise. The native performs righteous deeds. He has fine intellect. He has a constructive outlook.

Results given by Mars as lord of 10th sitting in 1st house.

He is learned, famous, wealthy, a poet, but remains sickly in childhood, later in life he picks up or gains good health. His wealth grows day by day.

10th lord in Lagna makes one serviceable to his parents. A Malefic 10th lord in Lagna, however, makes one bereft of intellect or practical acumen.

How is Mercury placed in Martin Sheen‘s Kundli / Birth chart?

Mercury in Martin Sheen‘s birth chart is sitting in the sign of Cancer. Mercury is in Punarvasu Nakshatra.

Readings for Mercury in Cancer:

Cancer (Karaka) - He might have low stature. He is diplomatic, sensitive, sensual, liable to consumption, and of loose morals and wavering nature.

The native is long lived, friendly, liberal and wealthy. He is a witty person and can be a mathematician. He is popular with opposite sex, is learned and has friendly nature.

Results given by Mercury as lord of 12th sitting in 1st house.

He is extravagant, has weak constitution and is bereft of wealth and education. This disposition also adversely affects the longevity of the native.

12th lord in Lagna makes one quite liberal and large hearted. The native is quite fortunate. He is handsome to look at and wears costly clothes.

Results given by Mercury as lord of 3rd sitting in 1st house.

The person is idiot, has loose morals, is cruel, is servant, has bad relations in family, he is not rich, but is quarrelsome.

3rd lord in 1st house or Lagna may make the native cunning. He causes division and friction amongst own people. He may not have wife and sons. He is a glutton.

How is Jupiter placed in Martin Sheen‘s Kundli / Birth chart?

Jupiter in Martin Sheen‘s birth chart is sitting in the sign of Aries. Jupiter is in Bharani Nakshatra.

Readings for Jupiter in Aries:

Aries (Mesha) - The person is of fiery nature, he is powerful, wealthy, learned, and has many children. He is generous, courteous but has sense of superiority. He possesses happy married life and holds high positions.

He performs good deeds and is famous and respected. He may hold the position of dignity like judge or minister, prime minister or president. He is just person. Can be a successful astrologer. He is truthful, rich and obedient to his Guru and parents.

Results given by Jupiter as lord of 9th sitting in 10th house.

Person becomes king or like a king or he can be a minister, prime minister, president or a high government official or a very successful businessman. This disposition also give rise to a powerful Raja yog.

9th lord in the 10th house makes one a government official or it makes one earns from the government. It may make one a lawmaker, legislator, a judge, a minister, a ruler etc. The native may serve his parents . He may have a loving wife.

Results given by Jupiter as lord of 6th sitting in 10th house.

As the lord of bad house it creates obstruction in profession through enemies. This is not a good position for 6th lord.

6th lord in the 10th house makes the native devoid of intellect. He is quarrelsome. He is engaged in evil deeds. His brother may also suffer.

How is Venus placed in Martin Sheen‘s Kundli / Birth chart?

Venus in Martin Sheen‘s birth chart is sitting in the sign of Gemini. Venus is in Ardra Nakshatra.

Readings for Venus in Gemini:

Gemini (Mithun) - He is wealthy, generous, respected, popular, intelligent, learned and fond of women.

He is lazy, sinful, just, wealthy, extravagant and voracious eater. He has connections with persons of the opposite sex. He may have seminal disorders.

Results given by Venus as lord of 11th sitting in 12th house.

The person spends on good causes. He is extravagant, and fond of women.

11th lord in the 12th house confers little wealth after much efforts. The native may die abroad.

Results given by Venus as lord of 4th sitting in 12th house.

There is domestic unhappiness. Person may have to live in foreign lands and face loss of ancestral property. If 4th lord is natural benefic end of life may be peaceful or else If 4th lord is Malefic it may be otherwise.

4th lord in the 12th house makes one constantly ill and unhappy in life.

How is Saturn placed in Martin Sheen‘s Kundli / Birth chart?

Saturn in Martin Sheen‘s birth chart is sitting in the sign of Aries. Saturn is in Bharani Nakshatra.

Readings for Saturn in Aries:

Aries (Mesha) - Aries is a sign of debilitation for Saturn. He is idiot, wanderer, cruel, quarrelsome, perverse or illogical, sorrowful and unhappy. He commits frauds.

The native is Leader, just, hard worker and respected by government. He may have stomach problems. The person will be rich. Some opinion even says that Saturn in tenth may bring a sudden fall from high position. This can be only true if Saturn is bad placed or weak.

Results given by Saturn as lord of 7th sitting in 10th house.

The person is happy. His wife may also be caring and a little dominating. There is success in business partnerships.

7th lord in the 10th house confers some job under the government. A Malefic 7th lord in the 10th house, however, may strain relations with family members.

Results given by Saturn as lord of 8th sitting in 10th house.

There are losses and obstructions in profession. The person has loose morals and he is a backbiter.

8th lord in the 10th house may engage the native in immoral or petty jobs. Malefic 8th lord in the 10th house may deny maternal happiness and confer low kind of livelihood to the native. Probably, 8th lord in the 10th house gives a job below expectations.

How are Rahu and Ketu placed in Martin Sheen‘s Kundli / Birth chart?

Rahu is sitting in the sign of Virgo and Ketu is sitting in the sign of Pisces in Martin Sheen‘s birth chart. Rahu is in Hasta Nakshatra and Ketu is in Revati Nakshatra.

Readings for Rahu in Virgo:

Virgo (Kanya) - He is popular, soft-spoken, poet, writer, singer and wealthy.

Readings for Ketu in Pisces:

Pisces (Meen) - He goes to foreign lands. He is emotional, hard working and devotional. He is inclined towards spiritualism.

More details

Ramón Antonio Gerardo Estévez (born August 3, 1940), known professionally as Martin Sheen, is an American actor. He first became known for his roles in the films The Subject Was Roses (1968) and Badlands (1973), and later achieved wide recognition for his leading role as Captain Benjamin Willard in Apocalypse Now (1979), as United States President Josiah Bartlet in the television series The West Wing (1999–2006), and as Robert Hanson in the Netflix television series Grace and Frankie (2015–present).

How planets are observed moved around Martin Sheen‘s Birth?

Timeline of Planetary movements around the Birth of Martin Sheen

9 months prior to Martin‘s Birth

November 4, 1939

Pluto retrogrades in Cancer

November 8, 1939

Mars enters Aquarius

November 16, 1939

Sun enters Scorpio

November 18, 1939

Mercury retrogrades in Scorpio

November 24, 1939

Jupiter turns direct in Pisces

November 25, 1939

Venus enters Sagittarius

December 8, 1939

Mercury turns direct in Scorpio

December 15, 1939

Sun enters Sagittarius

December 19, 1939

Venus enters Capricorn

December 24, 1939

Mars enters Pisces

December 27, 1939

Saturn turns direct in Aries

December 28, 1939

Neptune retrogrades in Virgo

January 1, 1940

Mercury enters Sagittarius

January 12, 1940

Venus enters Aquarius

January 14, 1940

Sun enters Capricorn

January 20, 1940

Mercury enters Capricorn

January 26, 1940

Uranus turns direct in Aries

February 6, 1940

Venus enters Pisces

February 6, 1940

Mars enters Aries

February 7, 1940

Mercury enters Aquarius

February 12, 1940

Sun enters Aquarius

February 17, 1940

Rahu enters Virgo

February 25, 1940

Mercury enters Pisces

March 2, 1940

Venus enters Aries

March 6, 1940

Mercury retrogrades in Pisces

March 13, 1940

Sun enters Pisces

March 17, 1940

Mercury enters Aquarius

March 22, 1940

Mars enters Taurus

March 28, 1940

Mercury turns direct in Aquarius

March 29, 1940

Venus enters Taurus

April 10, 1940

Mercury enters Pisces

April 12, 1940

Sun enters Aries

April 12, 1940

Pluto turns direct in Cancer

April 16, 1940

Jupiter enters Aries

April 28, 1940

Venus enters Gemini

April 30, 1940

Neptune enters Leo

May 2, 1940

Mercury enters Aries

May 6, 1940

Mars enters Gemini

May 13, 1940

Sun enters Taurus

May 18, 1940

Mercury enters Taurus

May 30, 1940

Uranus enters Taurus

June 1, 1940

Mercury enters Gemini

June 3, 1940

Neptune turns direct in Leo

June 5, 1940

Venus retrogrades in Gemini

June 14, 1940

Sun enters Gemini

June 19, 1940

Mercury enters Cancer

June 22, 1940

Mars enters Cancer

July 6, 1940

Neptune enters Virgo

July 8, 1940

Mercury retrogrades in Cancer

July 15, 1940

Sun enters Cancer

July 18, 1940

Venus turns direct in Gemini

August 1, 1940

Mercury turns direct in Cancer

Baby is Born

August 2, 1940

Birth of Martin

August 8, 1940

Mars enters Leo

August 15, 1940

Sun enters Leo

August 25, 1940

Mercury enters Leo

August 27, 1940

Saturn retrogrades in Aries

August 31, 1940

Uranus retrogrades in Taurus

September 1, 1940

Venus enters Cancer

September 4, 1940

Jupiter retrogrades in Aries

September 10, 1940

Mercury enters Virgo

September 15, 1940

Sun enters Virgo

September 24, 1940

Mars enters Virgo

September 28, 1940

Mercury enters Libra

September 30, 1940

Venus enters Leo

October 16, 1940

Sun enters Libra

October 22, 1940

Mercury enters Scorpio

October 26, 1940

Venus enters Virgo

October 31, 1940

Mercury retrogrades in Scorpio

3 months after Martin‘s Birth