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Birth Chart of Kim Kardashian

Rashi is Pisces (Moon in Pisces)
Birth Nakshatra is Uttara Bhadrapada
Ascendant is in Scorpio
Rising Nakshatra is Jyeshta
Birth Date : Tuesday 21 October 1980
Birth Place : Los Angeles, city in California, United States of America
Birth Time : 10:46 AM (Regional Standard Time)

Note: For every unavailable birth time. Our default is 2:00pm local time.

Kim Kardashian

Moon chart (Chandra kundli) and Ascendant chart (Janam kundli) of Kim Kardashian

Kim Kardashian chandra kundli or moon chart
Kim Kardashian Kundli North Indian style
Kim Kardashian Kundli South Indian style

Details of Planets during the Birth of Kim Kardashian

Planets Sign Degrees Placement Mov Nakshatra Lord Pada Next sign of transit for planet Change in direction of Movement 360°
Lagna 19° 16‘ 06“
Jyeshta Me 1
NA NA 229.27
Sun 04° 01‘ 01“
Debilitated sign D
Chitra Ma 4
(Sun into Scorpio)
15th Nov, 1980 11:06 am
NA 184.02
Moon 03° 41‘ 13“
Friendly sign D
Uttara Bhadrapada Sa 1
(Moon into Aries)
21st Oct, 1980 12:42 pm
NA 333.69
Mercury 25° 20‘ 23“
Friendly sign D
Vishakha Ju 2
(Mercury into Scorpio)
1st Dec, 1980 05:06 am
(Mercury Retrograde in Libra)
22nd Oct, 1980 05:58 pm
Venus 25° 08‘ 08“
Enemy sign D
Purva Phalguni Ve 4
(Venus into Virgo)
24th Oct, 1980 06:04 pm
(Venus Retrograde in Capricorn)
31st Dec, 1981 11:45 am
Mars 12° 19‘ 36“
Own sign D
Anuradha Sa 3
(Mars into Sagittarius)
13th Nov, 1980 05:10 am
(Mars Retrograde in Virgo)
20th Feb, 1982 11:12 am
Jupiter 04° 24‘ 03“
Enemy sign D
Uttara Phalguni Su 3
(Jupiter into Libra)
26th Oct, 1981 11:58 pm
(Jupiter Retrograde in Virgo)
24th Jan, 1981 11:33 am
Saturn 09° 13‘ 13“
Friendly sign D
Uttara Phalguni Su 4
(Saturn into Libra)
5th Oct, 1982 04:59 pm
(Saturn Retrograde in Virgo)
18th Jan, 1981 08:29 am
Rahu 21° 49‘ 06“
Ashlesha Me 2
(Rahu into Gemini)
23rd Dec, 1981 07:22 pm
NA 111.82
Ketu 21° 49‘ 06“
Shravana Mo 4
(Ketu into Sagittarius)
23rd Dec, 1981 07:22 pm
NA 291.82
Uranus 29° 44‘ 17“
Vishakha Ju 3
(Uranus into Sagittarius)
1st Jan, 1987 10:41 pm
NA 209.74
Neptune 26° 07‘ 05“
Jyeshta Me 3
(Neptune into Sagittarius)
16th Jan, 1981 12:42 am
NA 236.12
Pluto 27° 29‘ 56“
Chitra Ma 2
(Pluto into Libra)
6th Dec, 1980 02:26 am
NA 177.5

In Birth chart (Janam Kundli) of Kim Kardashian : Moon is in sign of Pisces, Sun is in sign of Libra, Mars is in sign of Scorpio, Mercury is in sign of Libra, Venus is in sign of Leo, Jupiter is in sign of Virgo and Saturn is in sign of Virgo.

While Rahu is in sign of Cancer and Ketu is in sign of Capricorn.

The other outer planets like, Uranus is in Libra, Neptune is in Scorpio and Pluto is in sign of Virgo.

Birth chart readings and Horoscope for Kim Kardashian

What is the Moon Sign of Kim Kardashian?

Moon Sign of Kim Kardashian is Pisces.
The Moon is placed in the sign of Pisces in birth chart.
And Moon is in Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra.

Readings for Moon in Pisces:

Pisces (Meen) - The person is dealer in liquids, sea products, jewellery, cosmetics and perfumes. He is subdued by opposite sex, is learned, steady, simple, popular, modest, and spiritually inclined in later life. He may even be fond of occult activities.

What is the Sun Sign of Kim Kardashian?

Sun Sign of Kim Kardashian is Libra.
The Sun is placed in the sign of Libra in birth chart.
And Sun is in Chitra Nakshatra.
(This is Indian Sun sign not the western Sun sign. The main difference between two is - Indian sun signs are based on position of sun in zodiac, and is more accurate over western, which depends on date of birth.)

Readings for Sun in Libra:

Libra (Tula) - This is Sun's sign of debilitation. The person sells or makes liquor. He is insensitive, drunkard, his morals are not good, has abusive speech, bad character, is submissive and showy.

The person suffers bilious troubles and anxiety. He is short tempered, impatient, dull headed but wealthy.

Results given by Sun as lord of 6th sitting in 8th house.

He is unhealthy, has loose morals but he is wealthy. This give a kind of vipareeta raja yog and this makes the native wealthy. But this happens only when the mahadasha or antardahsa of lord of the 6th operates.

6th lord in the 8th house may cause death at the hands of enemies or even by some serious disease. It makes the life a miserable one. The native is sorrowful. He leads a scornful life. He is devoid of love.

How is Mars placed in Kim Kardashian‘s Kundli / Birth chart?

Mars in Kim Kardashian‘s birth chart is sitting in the sign of Scorpio. Mars is in Anuradha Nakshatra.

Readings for Mars in Scorpio:

Scorpio (Vrishchik) - The native is diplomatic, has good memory and malicious nature. He is very obstinate, aggressive, proud and successful.

He is famous, but jealous and short tempered. He may keep false pride. Has bad relations with bothers and this position of planet in bad for father.

Results given by Mars as lord of 9th sitting in 9th house.

He is very fortunate and gets all he wants. If 9th house has a movable sign he may go abroad and earn wealth, name and fame even there. He has long lived and prosperous father.

9th lord in the 9th house makes one an emblem of virtues and righteous deeds. The native is religious minded. He worships and prays to Devatas. He renders good to his relations. He donates. He has big eyes. He is a big donor.

Results given by Mars as lord of 2nd sitting in 9th house.

He is charitable, famous, religious minded, learned, respected and wealthy.

2nd lord in the 9th house may make the native either very fortunate or very unfortunate. If the 2nd lord be a natural Benefic and occupy the 9th house, the native may be quite fortunate. A natural Malefic as the 2nd lord in the 9th house may make the native like a beggar, short tempered and a babbler.

How is Mercury placed in Kim Kardashian‘s Kundli / Birth chart?

Mercury in Kim Kardashian‘s birth chart is sitting in the sign of Libra. Mercury is in Vishakha Nakshatra.

Readings for Mercury in Libra:

Libra (Tula) - He is fair looking person, has good intuition, he is courteous, faithful and philosophical. He possesses balanced mind.

The person is long lived, respected and proud. He is even respected by government. He suffers mental unhappiness. Can be an orator. He is wealthy and is likely to get inheritance.

Results given by Mercury as lord of 4th sitting in 8th house.

He gets unhappiness from mother who is long lived. There is loss of ancestral property, land, building and conveyances or the person may not be able to own land, building or conveyances. This is not a good position for the lord of the 4th house. It also disturbs domestic happiness and peace of mind.

A Malefic 4th lord in the 8th house makes one always sick on some account. He is busy with sinful deeds. He is sinful and violent.

Results given by Mercury as lord of 7th sitting in 8th house.

The wife is sickly. There may be loss of conjugal happiness. Wife may be wealthy if lord of 7th house is benefic and owns a good house counted from the 7th house.

7th lord in the 8th house may give illicit connections. Malefic 7th lord may deprive one of conjugal happiness. Benefic 7th lord in the 8th house will confer conjugal happiness.

How is Jupiter placed in Kim Kardashian‘s Kundli / Birth chart?

Jupiter in Kim Kardashian‘s birth chart is sitting in the sign of Virgo. Jupiter is in Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra.

Readings for Jupiter in Virgo:

Virgo (Kanya) - He is ambitious, selfish, fortunate, miser learned and patient.

He is fortunate, learned, an orator and head of a clan. He is humble person with patients. And lives happy married life.

Results given by Jupiter as lord of 1st sitting in 7th house.

He is well behaved, husband of a devoted, chaste and beautiful wife, as well as fortunate and long lived.

1st lord in the 7th house makes the native brilliant and domineering. He is gentle. His wife is also gentle and sweet in speech.

Results given by Jupiter as lord of 10th sitting in 7th house.

He is learned and studious. He is even a good thinker. Has good married life. His wife may also be earning and may be helping him in his profession.

10th lord in the 7th house confers a faithful, fortune, happy, beautiful and liberal wife.

How is Venus placed in Kim Kardashian‘s Kundli / Birth chart?

Venus in Kim Kardashian‘s birth chart is sitting in the sign of Leo. Venus is in Purva Phalguni Nakshatra.

Readings for Venus in Leo:

Leo (Simha) - He makes money through or from women. He is passionate, emotional, hasty, has superiority complex and achieves victory over enemies.

There are benefit of conjugal happiness, many friends, urinary trouble and disease in secret parts. He is poor, immoral and has no enemies.

Results given by Venus as lord of 3rd sitting in 6th house.

The person is quarrelsome, has bad connections with close relatives. But is helpful to brothers and respected.

3rd lord in the 6th house gives fears and hallucinations, enmities with relations and eye-trouble.

Results given by Venus as lord of 8th sitting in 6th house.

Person defeats his enemies, he is sickly. There is danger of snake but or accidents particularly by drowning, he may get wealth Suddenly. This vipareeta Raja yog.

The Sun as the 8th lord in the 6th house makes the native oppose the government in power. If an exalted Jupiter as the 8th lord or a well aspected 8th lord Jupiter occupies the 6th house, the native must be long lived.

How is Saturn placed in Kim Kardashian‘s Kundli / Birth chart?

Saturn in Kim Kardashian‘s birth chart is sitting in the sign of Virgo. Saturn is in Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra.

Readings for Saturn in Virgo:

Virgo (Kanya) - The person is poor, quarrelsome, rude, and of malicious nature. He is an orthodox type person and has weak health.

He is short tempered, poor, wanderer, lazy and performs lower type of deeds. He is passionate and may have illicit connection with persons of older age. There are troubles in conjugal life or there may be no marriage or marriage may be at late stages of life.

Results given by Saturn as lord of 11th sitting in 7th house.

There gains from wife's side, that is from the father-in-law's family. He is liberal, lusty and dominated by his wife.

11th lord in the 7th house may give wealthy or earning wife who is gentle, faithful and beautiful.

Results given by Saturn as lord of 11th sitting in 7th house.

There gains from wife's side, that is from the father-in-law's family. He is liberal, lusty and dominated by his wife.

11th lord in the 7th house may give wealthy or earning wife who is gentle, faithful and beautiful.

How are Rahu and Ketu placed in Kim Kardashian‘s Kundli / Birth chart?

Rahu is sitting in the sign of Cancer and Ketu is sitting in the sign of Capricorn in Kim Kardashian‘s birth chart. Rahu is in Ashlesha Nakshatra and Ketu is in Shravana Nakshatra.

Readings for Rahu in Cancer:

Cancer (Karaka) - He is liberal, sickly, poor, clever, deceitful and have many enemies.

Readings for Ketu in Capricorn:

Capricorn (Makar) - Native may go to exile. He is hard working courageous and famous.

More details

Kimberly Noel Kardashian is an American media personality, socialite, model, businesswoman, producer, and actress. Kardashian first gained media attention as a friend and stylist of Paris Hilton but received wider notice after a 2002 sex tape, Kim Kardashian, Superstar, with her then-boyfriend Ray J was released in 2007. Later that year, she and her family began to appear in the E! reality television series Keeping Up with the Kardashians (2007–2021). Its success soon led to the creation of the spin-off series Kourtney and Kim Take New York (2011–2012) and Kourtney and Kim Take Miami (2009–2013).

How planets are observed moved around Kim Kardashian‘s Birth?

Timeline of Planetary movements around the Birth of Kim Kardashian

9 months prior to Kim‘s Birth

January 24, 1980

Pluto retrogrades in Virgo

February 3, 1980

Mercury enters Aquarius

February 4, 1980

Venus enters Pisces

February 12, 1980

Sun enters Aquarius

February 25, 1980

Mercury retrogrades in Aquarius

February 28, 1980

Uranus retrogrades in Scorpio

February 29, 1980

Venus enters Aries

March 13, 1980

Sun enters Pisces

March 19, 1980

Mercury turns direct in Aquarius

March 24, 1980

Neptune retrogrades in Scorpio

March 28, 1980

Venus enters Taurus

April 6, 1980

Mars turns direct in Leo

April 9, 1980

Mercury enters Pisces

April 13, 1980

Sun enters Aries

April 26, 1980

Jupiter turns direct in Leo

April 28, 1980

Mercury enters Aries

April 30, 1980

Venus enters Gemini

May 13, 1980

Uranus enters Libra

May 13, 1980

Mercury enters Taurus

May 13, 1980

Sun enters Taurus

May 22, 1980

Saturn turns direct in Leo

May 24, 1980

Venus retrogrades in Gemini

May 27, 1980

Mercury enters Gemini

June 5, 1980

Rahu enters Cancer

June 14, 1980

Sun enters Gemini

June 16, 1980

Venus enters Taurus

June 21, 1980

Mercury enters Cancer

June 28, 1980

Mercury retrogrades in Cancer

June 28, 1980

Pluto turns direct in Virgo

June 28, 1980

Mars enters Virgo

July 4, 1980

Mercury enters Gemini

July 6, 1980

Venus turns direct in Taurus

July 15, 1980

Sun enters Cancer

July 22, 1980

Mercury turns direct in Gemini

July 28, 1980

Venus enters Gemini

July 30, 1980

Uranus turns direct in Libra

August 4, 1980

Mercury enters Cancer

August 15, 1980

Sun enters Leo

August 18, 1980

Mars enters Libra

August 21, 1980

Mercury enters Leo

August 31, 1980

Neptune turns direct in Scorpio

September 1, 1980

Venus enters Cancer

September 6, 1980

Mercury enters Virgo

September 15, 1980

Sun enters Virgo

September 25, 1980

Mercury enters Libra

September 26, 1980

Jupiter enters Virgo

September 29, 1980

Venus enters Leo

October 2, 1980

Mars enters Scorpio

October 10, 1980

Uranus enters Scorpio

October 16, 1980

Sun enters Libra

Baby is Born

October 20, 1980

Birth of Kim

October 22, 1980

Mercury retrogrades in Libra

October 24, 1980

Venus enters Virgo

November 12, 1980

Mercury turns direct in Libra

November 13, 1980

Mars enters Sagittarius

November 15, 1980

Sun enters Scorpio

November 18, 1980

Venus enters Libra

December 1, 1980

Mercury enters Scorpio

December 6, 1980

Pluto enters Libra

December 12, 1980

Venus enters Scorpio

December 15, 1980

Sun enters Sagittarius

December 20, 1980

Mercury enters Sagittarius

December 22, 1980

Mars enters Capricorn

January 5, 1981

Venus enters Sagittarius

January 8, 1981

Mercury enters Capricorn

January 13, 1981

Sun enters Capricorn

January 16, 1981

Neptune enters Sagittarius

January 18, 1981

Saturn retrogrades in Virgo

3 months after Kim‘s Birth