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Birth Chart of Joshua Hong

Rashi is Aries (Moon in Aries)
Birth Nakshatra is Ashwini
Ascendant is in Aries
Rising Nakshatra is Ashwini
Birth Date : Saturday 30 December 1995
Birth Place : Los Angeles, city in California, United States of America
Birth Time : 2:00 PM (Regional Standard Time)

Note: For every unavailable birth time. Our default is 2:00pm local time.

Joshua Hong

Moon chart (Chandra kundli) and Ascendant chart (Janam kundli) of Joshua Hong

Joshua Hong chandra kundli or moon chart
Joshua Hong Kundli North Indian style
Joshua Hong Kundli South Indian style

Details of Planets during the Birth of Joshua Hong

Planets Sign Degrees Placement Mov Nakshatra Lord Pada Next sign of transit for planet Change in direction of Movement 360°
Lagna 13° 01‘ 07“
Ashwini Ke 4
NA NA 13.02
Sun 14° 00‘ 25“
Friendly sign D
Purva Ashadha Ve 1
(Sun into Capricorn)
14th Jan, 1996 08:53 am
NA 254.01
Moon 08° 13‘ 58“
Neutral sign D
Ashwini Ke 3
(Moon into Taurus)
30th Dec, 1995 07:20 am
NA 8.23
Mercury 03° 05‘ 58“
Neutral sign D
Uttara Ashadha Su 2
(Mercury into Sagittarius)
21st Jan, 1996 11:38 pm
(Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn)
9th Jan, 1996 01:51 pm
Venus 16° 33‘ 01“
Friendly sign D
Shravana Mo 2
(Venus into Aquarius)
9th Jan, 1996 06:44 pm
(Venus Retrograde in Gemini)
19th May, 1996 10:07 pm
Mars 28° 36‘ 25“
Friendly sign D
Uttara Ashadha Su 1
(Mars into Capricorn)
31st Dec, 1995 04:41 am
(Mars Retrograde in Virgo)
5th Feb, 1997 04:34 pm
Jupiter 04° 32‘ 11“
Own sign D
Mula Ke 2
(Jupiter into Capricorn)
25th Dec, 1996 06:28 pm
(Jupiter Retrograde in Sagittarius)
4th May, 1996 07:30 am
Saturn 24° 38‘ 02“
Own sign D
Purva Bhadrapada Ju 2
(Saturn into Pisces)
16th Feb, 1996 04:49 am
(Saturn Retrograde in Pisces)
18th Jul, 1996 12:39 pm
Rahu 27° 48‘ 42“
Chitra Ma 2
(Rahu into Leo)
24th Jun, 1997 12:52 am
NA 177.81
Ketu 27° 48‘ 42“
Revati Me 4
(Ketu into Aquarius)
24th Jun, 1997 12:52 am
NA 357.81
Uranus 04° 36‘ 03“
Uttara Ashadha Su 3
(Uranus into Aquarius)
9th Apr, 2001 11:14 pm
NA 274.6
Neptune 29° 57‘ 02“
Uttara Ashadha Su 1
(Neptune into Aquarius)
24th Apr, 2008 05:45 am
NA 269.95
Pluto 07° 13‘ 32“
Anuradha Sa 2
(Pluto into Sagittarius)
8th Feb, 2005 03:47 am
NA 217.23

In Birth chart (Janam Kundli) of Joshua Hong : Moon is in sign of Aries, Sun is in sign of Sagittarius, Mars is in sign of Sagittarius, Mercury is in sign of Capricorn, Venus is in sign of Capricorn, Jupiter is in sign of Sagittarius and Saturn is in sign of Aquarius.

While Rahu is in sign of Virgo and Ketu is in sign of Pisces.

The other outer planets like, Uranus is in Capricorn, Neptune is in Sagittarius and Pluto is in sign of Scorpio.

Birth chart readings and Horoscope for Joshua Hong

What is the Moon Sign of Joshua Hong?

Moon Sign of Joshua Hong is Aries.
The Moon is placed in the sign of Aries in birth chart.
And Moon is in Ashwini Nakshatra.

Readings for Moon in Aries:

Aries (Mesha) - He likes travelling. He is impulsive. Has a liking for other sex, he is irritable, fickle minded, passionate, ambitious, bold, active and very sensitive about his self respect. Person is even aggressive and at times rash.

What is the Sun Sign of Joshua Hong?

Sun Sign of Joshua Hong is Sagittarius.
The Sun is placed in the sign of Sagittarius in birth chart.
And Sun is in Purva Ashadha Nakshatra.
(This is Indian Sun sign not the western Sun sign. The main difference between two is - Indian sun signs are based on position of sun in zodiac, and is more accurate over western, which depends on date of birth.)

Readings for Sun in Sagittarius:

Sagittarius (Dhanu) - He is happy, liked by people, earns will, is rich, honest and dependable, but he is short tempered. This because Sun is fiery planet and Dhanu is a fiery sign.

He is yogi, has good morals and good behaviour. He is courageous, can be a leader, or can be an astrologer. There is comfort of conveyances and servants. But this is bad position of Sun for native's father.

Results given by Sun as lord of 5th sitting in 9th house.

Son becomes famous, high officer or minister. The person himself is wealthy, happy, famous and author. He brings good name to his family.

5th lord in the 9th house gives one a kingly status. It makes the native a lamp of his family and also an author of books.

How is Mars placed in Joshua Hong‘s Kundli / Birth chart?

Mars in Joshua Hong‘s birth chart is sitting in the sign of Sagittarius. Mars is in Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra.

Readings for Mars in Sagittarius:

Sagittarius (Dhanu) - The person is popular, famous, achieves high authority in administration. He is good statesman, has few children and is quarrelsome. He is active, ambitious, aggressive, pushful and a law abiding person.

He is famous, but jealous and short tempered. He may keep false pride. Has bad relations with bothers and this position of planet in bad for father.

Results given by Mars as lord of 8th sitting in 9th house.

The person is long lived but unpopular. It causes obstruction for any rise in life. He has bad father and faces loss of wealth.

8th lord in the 9th house gives evil company. The native follows bad course of life. He kills and harms living beings. He goes against relations. He shuns good company.

Results given by Mars as lord of 1st sitting in 9th house.

Person is charitable, courageous, famous, proud, well behaved, have good morals and is religious minded, lucky and wealthy.

1st lord in the 9th house makes the native famous, wealthy, gentle, brave and a well known figure.

How is Mercury placed in Joshua Hong‘s Kundli / Birth chart?

Mercury in Joshua Hong‘s birth chart is sitting in the sign of Capricorn. Mercury is in Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra.

Readings for Mercury in Capricorn:

Capricorn (Makar) - He is inclined to enter business line. The person is economical, clever, suspicious, slow and hard working.

He is truthful, learned, popular and respected. He is also clever, studious, fortunate and obedient to parents. He can be a land lord.

Results given by Mercury as lord of 3rd sitting in 10th house.

It is stated in the classical texts that this is a good position for the lord of 3rd and makes the native prosperous, respected and fortunate. If the lord of 3rd is in the 10th house, the native has to put in colossal efforts to make himself prosperous in life. If the structure of horoscope is otherwise good and there are benefic influences by aspect or conjunction on the 10th house and the lord of 3rd, the native gets brilliant success in his efforts.

3rd lord in the 10th house makes the native a glory of his clan, family or dynasty. He is always in good dress. He is treated well by the rulers.

Results given by Mercury as lord of 6th sitting in 10th house.

As the lord of bad house it creates obstruction in profession through enemies. This is not a good position for 6th lord.

6th lord in the 10th house makes the native devoid of intellect. He is quarrelsome. He is engaged in evil deeds. His brother may also suffer.

How is Jupiter placed in Joshua Hong‘s Kundli / Birth chart?

Jupiter in Joshua Hong‘s birth chart is sitting in the sign of Sagittarius. Jupiter is in Mula Nakshatra.

Readings for Jupiter in Sagittarius:

Sagittarius (Dhanu) - This is Jupiter's own sign. Person with this position of Jupiter is wealthy, learned, influential, noble, dependable, charitable and has good organising capacity and good talking skills.

The native is famous, fortunate, learned, intelligent and respected by government and people. He has children. He is religious and learned in shastras and Vedanta, but may renounce world.

Results given by Jupiter as lord of 12th sitting in 9th house.

He is selfish, poor and unfortunate.

12th lord in the 9th house rather gives uncomfortable results. It makes the native averse to virtuous deeds. It causes him loss of wealth in his old age.

Results given by Jupiter as lord of 9th sitting in 9th house.

He is very fortunate and gets all he wants. If 9th house has a movable sign he may go abroad and earn wealth, name and fame even there. He has long lived and prosperous father.

9th lord in the 9th house makes one an emblem of virtues and righteous deeds. The native is religious minded. He worships and prays to Devatas. He renders good to his relations. He donates. He has big eyes. He is a big donor.

How is Venus placed in Joshua Hong‘s Kundli / Birth chart?

Venus in Joshua Hong‘s birth chart is sitting in the sign of Capricorn. Venus is in Shravana Nakshatra.

Readings for Venus in Capricorn:

Capricorn (Makar) - He is fond of low class women, has no principles and loose morals. He also has a weak body.

He is fond of pleasures and conveyances. He is very rich, passionate, popular, and has children and stable wealth. He is helpful to others and can be a jeweller.

Results given by Venus as lord of 2nd sitting in 10th house.

The said person is respected by government, has gains from governmental sources like government service or contracts. He is fortunate, wealthy and have good morals.

2nd lord in the 10th house makes the native earns money from the government. If the 10th house occupies a benefic sign and the 2nd lord be placed there, the native maintains his parents and relations.

Results given by Venus as lord of 7th sitting in 10th house.

The person is happy. His wife may also be caring and a little dominating. There is success in business partnerships.

7th lord in the 10th house confers some job under the government. A Malefic 7th lord in the 10th house, however, may strain relations with family members.

How is Saturn placed in Joshua Hong‘s Kundli / Birth chart?

Saturn in Joshua Hong‘s birth chart is sitting in the sign of Aquarius. Saturn is in Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra.

Readings for Saturn in Aquarius:

Aquarius (Kumbh) - Own sign of Saturn. The person is diplomatic, able, intellectual and happy. His enemies prove more powerful.

The person has long life. He is happy and hard working. He has good health. He is powerful and own successful business. He is learned and powerful. He may be childless or have some daughters.

Results given by Saturn as lord of 10th sitting in 11th house.

He has happiness from children. The person is truthful and always happy. There are good gains of wealth by own efforts, that is by his professional career.

10th lord in the 11th house makes one rich, affluent and famous. He gets recognition from the government.

Results given by Saturn as lord of 11th sitting in 11th house.

This will be the placement in own house for 11th lord and therefore will bring easy gains of wealth. The native will be happy both in regards of wealth as well as children. His elder brother will be prosperous and long lived. He will have good and true friends.

11th lord in the 11th house makes one quite wealthy. The native has the honour from the government. He has many conveyances.

How are Rahu and Ketu placed in Joshua Hong‘s Kundli / Birth chart?

Rahu is sitting in the sign of Virgo and Ketu is sitting in the sign of Pisces in Joshua Hong‘s birth chart. Rahu is in Chitra Nakshatra and Ketu is in Revati Nakshatra.

Readings for Rahu in Virgo:

Virgo (Kanya) - He is popular, soft-spoken, poet, writer, singer and wealthy.

Readings for Ketu in Pisces:

Pisces (Meen) - He goes to foreign lands. He is emotional, hard working and devotional. He is inclined towards spiritualism.

More details

Joshua Hong (Korean name: Hong Jisoo) is a Korean-American singer and member of the South Korean idol group SEVENTEEN under Pledis Entertainment. He was born in Los Angeles, California, US and graduated from Downtown Magnets High School. His parents are both Koreans.

How planets are observed moved around Joshua Hong‘s Birth?

Timeline of Planetary movements around the Birth of Joshua Hong

9 months prior to Joshua‘s Birth

April 1, 1995

Jupiter retrogrades in Scorpio

April 13, 1995

Sun enters Aries

April 14, 1995

Mercury enters Aries

April 16, 1995

Venus enters Pisces

April 27, 1995

Neptune retrogrades in Capricorn

April 28, 1995

Mercury enters Taurus

May 4, 1995

Uranus retrogrades in Capricorn

May 10, 1995

Mars enters Leo

May 11, 1995

Venus enters Aries

May 14, 1995

Sun enters Taurus

May 24, 1995

Mercury retrogrades in Taurus

June 5, 1995

Venus enters Taurus

June 15, 1995

Sun enters Gemini

June 16, 1995

Mercury turns direct in Taurus

June 29, 1995

Venus enters Gemini

July 5, 1995

Saturn retrogrades in Pisces

July 6, 1995

Mercury enters Gemini

July 10, 1995

Mars enters Virgo

July 16, 1995

Sun enters Cancer

July 22, 1995

Mercury enters Cancer

July 24, 1995

Venus enters Cancer

July 30, 1995

Neptune enters Sagittarius

August 2, 1995

Jupiter turns direct in Scorpio

August 6, 1995

Mercury enters Leo

August 8, 1995

Pluto turns direct in Scorpio

August 16, 1995

Sun enters Leo

August 17, 1995

Venus enters Leo

August 24, 1995

Mercury enters Virgo

August 28, 1995

Mars enters Libra

September 10, 1995

Venus enters Virgo

September 16, 1995

Sun enters Virgo

September 22, 1995

Mercury retrogrades in Virgo

October 4, 1995

Neptune turns direct in Sagittarius

October 5, 1995

Venus enters Libra

October 6, 1995

Uranus turns direct in Capricorn

October 11, 1995

Mars enters Scorpio

October 13, 1995

Mercury turns direct in Virgo

October 17, 1995

Sun enters Libra

October 29, 1995

Venus enters Scorpio

October 31, 1995

Mercury enters Libra

November 16, 1995

Sun enters Scorpio

November 18, 1995

Mercury enters Scorpio

November 21, 1995

Saturn turns direct in Aquarius

November 22, 1995

Mars enters Sagittarius

November 22, 1995

Venus enters Sagittarius

December 5, 1995

Rahu enters Virgo

December 6, 1995

Neptune enters Capricorn

December 6, 1995

Jupiter enters Sagittarius

December 7, 1995

Mercury enters Sagittarius

December 15, 1995

Sun enters Sagittarius

December 16, 1995

Venus enters Capricorn

December 27, 1995

Mercury enters Capricorn

Baby is Born

December 29, 1995

Birth of Joshua

December 31, 1995

Mars enters Capricorn

January 9, 1996

Mercury retrogrades in Capricorn

January 9, 1996

Venus enters Aquarius

January 14, 1996

Sun enters Capricorn

January 21, 1996

Mercury enters Sagittarius

January 30, 1996

Mercury turns direct in Sagittarius

February 3, 1996

Venus enters Pisces

February 7, 1996

Mars enters Aquarius

February 8, 1996

Mercury enters Capricorn

February 12, 1996

Sun enters Aquarius

February 29, 1996

Venus enters Aries

March 3, 1996

Mercury enters Aquarius

March 5, 1996

Pluto retrogrades in Scorpio

March 13, 1996

Sun enters Pisces

March 16, 1996

Mars enters Pisces

March 20, 1996

Mercury enters Pisces

March 28, 1996

Venus enters Taurus

3 months after Joshua‘s Birth