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Rashi is Sagittarius
(Moon in Sagittarius)
Birth Nakshatra is Mula
Ascendant is in Libra
Rising Nakshatra is Vishakha
Birth Date : Wednesday 24 August 1977
Birth Place : Indianapolis, city in Indiana, United States of America
Birth Time : 2:00 PM (Regional Standard Time)
Note: For every unavailable birth time. Our default is 2:00pm local time.
Planets | Sign Degrees | Placement | Mov | Next sign of transit for planet | Change in direction of Movement | 360° | |
Lagna | 28° 31‘ 40“ Libra |
NA | NA | NA | NA | 208.53 | |
Sun | 07° 00‘ 58“ Leo |
Own sign | D |
(Sun into Virgo) 16th Sep, 1977 07:59 am |
NA | 127.02 | |
Moon | 13° 02‘ 58“ Sagittarius |
Friendly sign | D |
(Moon into Capricorn) 24th Aug, 1977 12:30 am |
NA | 253.05 | |
Mercury | 26° 07‘ 31“ Leo |
Friendly sign | R |
(Mercury into Virgo) 30th Sep, 1977 10:53 am |
(Mercury Progressive in Leo) 14th Sep, 1977 10:03 am |
146.13 | |
Venus | 00° 59‘ 27“ Cancer |
Enemy sign | D |
(Venus into Leo) 17th Sep, 1977 02:21 am |
(Venus Retrograde in Libra) 17th Oct, 1978 10:58 pm |
90.99 | |
Mars | 01° 01‘ 07“ Gemini |
Neutral sign | D |
(Mars into Cancer) 12th Oct, 1977 02:41 pm |
(Mars Retrograde in Cancer) 12th Dec, 1977 02:07 pm |
61.02 | |
Jupiter | 06° 16‘ 22“ Gemini |
Enemy sign | D |
(Jupiter into Cancer) 4th Aug, 1978 11:41 pm |
(Jupiter Retrograde in Gemini) 24th Oct, 1977 05:28 am |
66.27 | |
Saturn | 27° 25‘ 54“ Cancer |
Enemy sign | D |
(Saturn into Leo) 7th Sep, 1977 12:45 am |
(Saturn Retrograde in Leo) 11th Dec, 1977 06:36 am |
117.43 | |
Rahu | 22° 58‘ 15“ Virgo |
NA | R |
(Rahu into Leo) 17th Nov, 1978 04:28 pm |
NA | 172.97 | |
Ketu | 22° 58‘ 15“ Pisces |
NA | R |
(Ketu into Aquarius) 17th Nov, 1978 04:28 pm |
NA | 352.97 | |
Uranus | 13° 55‘ 16“ Libra |
NA | D |
(Uranus into Scorpio) 22nd Dec, 1979 10:52 am |
NA | 193.92 | |
Neptune | 18° 56‘ 29“ Scorpio |
NA | R |
(Neptune into Sagittarius) 16th Jan, 1981 03:42 am |
NA | 228.94 | |
Pluto | 18° 03‘ 11“ Virgo |
NA | D |
(Pluto into Libra) 6th Dec, 1980 05:26 am |
NA | 168.05 |
In Birth chart (Janam Kundli) of John Green :
Moon is in sign of Sagittarius,
Sun is in sign of Leo,
Mars is in sign of Gemini,
Mercury is in sign of Leo,
Venus is in sign of Cancer,
Jupiter is in sign of Gemini and
Saturn is in sign of Cancer.
While Rahu is in sign of Virgo and Ketu is in sign of Pisces.
The other outer planets like, Uranus is in Libra, Neptune is in Scorpio and Pluto is in sign of Virgo.
Moon Sign of John Green is Sagittarius.
The Moon is placed in the sign of Sagittarius in birth chart.
And Moon is in Mula Nakshatra.
Readings for Moon in Sagittarius:
Sagittarius (Dhanu) - Person has good intellect, has happy married life and gets inheritance. He likes literature and arts. He can be showy and an author.
Sun Sign of John Green is Leo.
The Sun is placed in the sign of Leo in birth chart.
And Sun is in Magha Nakshatra.
(This is Indian Sun sign not the western Sun sign. The main difference between two is - Indian sun signs are based on position of sun in zodiac, and is more accurate over western, which depends on date of birth.)
Readings for Sun in Leo:
Leo (Simha) - The own sign for Sun. Person is obstinate, firm, dominating, not always rich, does not like dependence on others and is liberal minded.
As per Chandra kundli / Moon chart,
Sun is sitting in 9th house in Leo and aspects 3rd house.
He is yogi, has good morals and good behaviour. He is courageous, can be a leader, or can be an astrologer. There is comfort of conveyances and servants. But this is bad position of Sun for native's father.
Results given by Sun as lord of 9th sitting in 9th house.
He is very fortunate and gets all he wants. If 9th house has a movable sign he may go abroad and earn wealth, name and fame even there. He has long lived and prosperous father.
9th lord in the 9th house makes one an emblem of virtues and righteous deeds. The native is religious minded. He worships and prays to Devatas. He renders good to his relations. He donates. He has big eyes. He is a big donor.
Mars in John Green‘s birth chart is sitting in the sign of Gemini. Mars is in Mrigashirsha Nakshatra.
Readings for Mars in Gemini:
Gemini (Mithun) - He is fond of domestic life, has refined taste. He is learned, has well built body, is ambitious, a good poet or musician. He has diplomatic intelligent and can become a good detective.
As per Chandra kundli / Moon chart,
Mars is sitting in 7th house in Gemini and aspects 10th house, 1st house and 2nd house.
Native remains unhappiness in married life, there may be loss of life partner. He is short tempered, cunning, poor, jealous and has harsh tongue.
Results given by Mars as lord of 12th sitting in 7th house.
Person faces losses through women, there is little married happiness. There may be separation between husband and wife.
12th lord in the 7th house makes the native troublesome for his wife but it must weaken his enemies. It means that such position is not conducive for conjugal happiness but it must vanquish the enemies.
Results given by Mars as lord of 5th sitting in 7th house.
Person is respected and charitable. He gets happiness from children and the placement is good for conjugal life.
5th lord in the 7th house gives a faithful, fortunate, gentle, beautiful and sweet tongued wife.
Mercury in John Green‘s birth chart is sitting in the sign of Leo. Mercury is in Purva Phalguni Nakshatra.
Readings for Mercury in Leo:
Leo (Simha) - The person is wanderer, proud, orator, impulsive and likes wandering. He may have early marriage. And generally such person likes to be in stable profession like government service.
As per Chandra kundli / Moon chart,
Mercury is sitting in 9th house in Leo and aspects 3rd house.
This person possesses good morals. He can be a poet, singer, editor, writer or an astrologer. He is learned, fortunate and likes to be a businessman.
Results given by Mercury as lord of 7th sitting in 9th house.
A person is happy, wealthy and gains after marriage. Many women will come in his life.
7th lord in the 9th house confers a gentle, beautiful and quite dear wife. A Malefic 7th lord in the 9th house may, however, confer an ugly and quarrelsome wife.
Results given by Mercury as lord of 10th sitting in 9th house.
Although 9th house is 12th from the 10th house, so the house of losses for the 10th. But 9th is the most auspicious house counted from the lagna. Therefore, the disposition of the lord of the 10th in the 9th house gives rise to powerful Raja yog giving the person name, fame and wealth. He has good children and is learned and happy.
10th lord in the 9th house makes one truthful, wealthy, affluent and devoted to parents.
Jupiter in John Green‘s birth chart is sitting in the sign of Gemini. Jupiter is in Mrigashirsha Nakshatra.
Readings for Jupiter in Gemini:
Gemini (Mithun) - He is an able debater, has a well built and tall body. He is generous and learned linguist.
As per Chandra kundli / Moon chart,
Jupiter is sitting in 7th house in Gemini and aspects 11th house, 1st house and 3rd house.
He is fortunate, learned, an orator and head of a clan. He is humble person with patients. And lives happy married life.
Results given by Jupiter as lord of 4th sitting in 7th house.
There are gains from father-in-law, there remains conjugal happiness. He get good education, but may get a step mother.
4th lord in the 7th house gives a beautiful wife. A benefic 4th lord in the 7th house gives an affectionate wife. Mars as the 4th lord in the 7th house gives an impotent wife. Other says the presence of Mercury, Saturn or Ketu in the 7th house can confer an impotent spouse.
Results given by Jupiter as lord of 1st sitting in 7th house.
He is well behaved, husband of a devoted, chaste and beautiful wife, as well as fortunate and long lived.
1st lord in the 7th house makes the native brilliant and domineering. He is gentle. His wife is also gentle and sweet in speech.
Venus in John Green‘s birth chart is sitting in the sign of Cancer. Venus is in Punarvasu Nakshatra.
Readings for Venus in Cancer:
Cancer (Karaka) - The person is of emotional nature and may marry more than once. He is timid, has sorrowful nature and is sensitive. He has many children.
As per Chandra kundli / Moon chart,
Venus is sitting in 8th house in Cancer and aspects 2nd house.
He goes to foreign lands and may have illicit relations with persons of opposite sex. He is cruel, sickly and short tempered. He may have inclination towards occult science. He is studious, but may remain unhappy.
Results given by Venus as lord of 6th sitting in 8th house.
He is unhealthy, has loose morals but he is wealthy. This give a kind of vipareeta raja yog and this makes the native wealthy. But this happens only when the mahadasha or antardahsa of lord of the 6th operates.
6th lord in the 8th house may cause death at the hands of enemies or even by some serious disease. It makes the life a miserable one. The native is sorrowful. He leads a scornful life. He is devoid of love.
Results given by Venus as lord of 11th sitting in 8th house.
The person is long lived but life is full of obstacles and losses. His wife dies during his lifetime.
11th lord in the 8th house makes one wealthy by trade or by favour of the government. In other words, it may give good earning from some government job or from trade and business.
Saturn in John Green‘s birth chart is sitting in the sign of Cancer. Saturn is in Ashlesha Nakshatra.
Readings for Saturn in Cancer:
Cancer (Karaka) - He is poor, pleasure seeking, obstinate, rich but selfish and has few children. He may be deprived of mother?s association.
As per Chandra kundli / Moon chart,
Saturn is sitting in 8th house in Cancer and aspects 10th house, 2nd house and 5th house.
The person is deceitful, talkative, learned, liberal and long lived. He is timid. There can be diseases of generative organs or piles. There are chances of leprosy.
Results given by Saturn as lord of 2nd sitting in 8th house.
The person is deceitful, lazy, fatalist and wealthy. There are chances of sudden gains of wealth by inheritance or some other sources.
2nd lord in the 8th house makes the native a Kapalika. He has got a suicidal tendency. Even though born in a high family, he soon gets degraded. (Kapala means skull and 'Kapalik' means skull-men. Peoples like Kapalik and Tantriks are associated with evil house and evil lords.)
Results given by Saturn as lord of 3rd sitting in 8th house.
The person may get troubles from brothers or loss of brothers, sisters, can have bad relations with near relatives, there is a lack of courage. But it is good for longevity as both the 3rd and 8th house are of longevity.
3rd lord in the 8th house may give illness to brother. It may cause trouble in arms and hands. Malefic 3rd lord in the 8th house may make the native seriously ill in his 8th year. A benefic 3rd lord in the 8th house destroys diseases.
Rahu is sitting in the sign of Virgo and Ketu is sitting in the sign of Pisces in John Green‘s birth chart. Rahu is in Hasta Nakshatra and Ketu is in Revati Nakshatra.
Readings for Rahu in Virgo:
Virgo (Kanya) - He is popular, soft-spoken, poet, writer, singer and wealthy.
Readings for Ketu in Pisces:
Pisces (Meen) - He goes to foreign lands. He is emotional, hard working and devotional. He is inclined towards spiritualism.
More details
John Michael Green is an American author, YouTube content creator, and podcaster. He won the 2006 Printz Award for his debut novel, Looking for Alaska, and has had several of his subsequent books debut at number one on The New York Times Best Seller list, including his most popular novel, The Fault in Our Stars.
Timeline of Planetary movements around the Birth of John Green
November 27, 1976
Saturn retrogrades in Cancer
December 1, 1976
Mercury enters Sagittarius
December 3, 1976
Venus enters Capricorn
December 8, 1976
Jupiter enters Aries
December 15, 1976
Sun enters Sagittarius
December 23, 1976
Mars enters Sagittarius
December 27, 1976
Mercury retrogrades in Sagittarius
December 29, 1976
Venus enters Aquarius
January 13, 1977
Sun enters Capricorn
January 15, 1977
Jupiter turns direct in Aries
January 16, 1977
Pluto retrogrades in Virgo
January 17, 1977
Mercury turns direct in Sagittarius
January 26, 1977
Venus enters Pisces
January 31, 1977
Mars enters Capricorn
February 5, 1977
Mercury enters Capricorn
February 12, 1977
Sun enters Aquarius
February 14, 1977
Uranus retrogrades in Libra
February 22, 1977
Jupiter enters Taurus
February 26, 1977
Mercury enters Aquarius
March 8, 1977
Venus enters Aries
March 11, 1977
Mars enters Aquarius
March 14, 1977
Sun enters Pisces
March 15, 1977
Mercury enters Pisces
March 15, 1977
Venus retrogrades in Aries
March 18, 1977
Neptune retrogrades in Scorpio
March 22, 1977
Venus enters Pisces
March 30, 1977
Mercury enters Aries
April 11, 1977
Saturn turns direct in Cancer
April 13, 1977
Sun enters Aries
April 19, 1977
Mars enters Pisces
April 19, 1977
Mercury retrogrades in Aries
April 27, 1977
Venus turns direct in Pisces
April 30, 1977
Rahu enters Virgo
May 13, 1977
Mercury turns direct in Aries
May 14, 1977
Sun enters Taurus
May 28, 1977
Mars enters Aries
May 29, 1977
Venus enters Aries
June 6, 1977
Mercury enters Taurus
June 14, 1977
Sun enters Gemini
June 21, 1977
Pluto turns direct in Virgo
June 23, 1977
Mercury enters Gemini
June 30, 1977
Venus enters Taurus
July 7, 1977
Mercury enters Cancer
July 8, 1977
Mars enters Taurus
July 15, 1977
Sun enters Cancer
July 16, 1977
Uranus turns direct in Libra
July 18, 1977
Jupiter enters Gemini
July 23, 1977
Mercury enters Leo
July 27, 1977
Venus enters Gemini
August 16, 1977
Sun enters Leo
August 21, 1977
Mars enters Gemini
August 22, 1977
Mercury retrogrades in Leo
August 22, 1977
Venus enters Cancer
August 23, 1977
Birth of John
August 25, 1977
Neptune turns direct in Scorpio
September 7, 1977
Saturn enters Leo
September 14, 1977
Mercury turns direct in Leo
September 16, 1977
Sun enters Virgo
September 17, 1977
Venus enters Leo
September 30, 1977
Mercury enters Virgo
October 11, 1977
Venus enters Virgo
October 12, 1977
Mars enters Cancer
October 16, 1977
Sun enters Libra
October 17, 1977
Mercury enters Libra
October 24, 1977
Jupiter retrogrades in Gemini
November 4, 1977
Venus enters Libra
November 5, 1977
Mercury enters Scorpio
November 15, 1977
Sun enters Scorpio