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Rashi is Pisces
(Moon in Pisces)
Birth Nakshatra is Revati
Ascendant is in Gemini
Rising Nakshatra is Ardra
Birth Date : Friday 21 March 1958
Birth Place : Lake Charles, city in Louisiana, United States of America
Birth Time : 2:00 PM (Regional Standard Time)
Note: For every unavailable birth time. Our default is 2:00pm local time.
Planets | Sign Degrees | Placement | Mov | Next sign of transit for planet | Change in direction of Movement | 360° | |
Lagna | 14° 58‘ 20“ Gemini |
NA | NA | NA | NA | 74.97 | |
Sun | 06° 27‘ 26“ Pisces |
Friendly sign | D |
(Sun into Aries) 13th Apr, 1958 12:29 pm |
NA | 336.46 | |
Moon | 20° 56‘ 32“ Pisces |
Friendly sign | D |
(Moon into Taurus) 22nd Mar, 1958 07:15 pm |
NA | 350.94 | |
Mercury | 22° 32‘ 27“ Pisces |
Debilitated sign | D |
(Mercury into Aries) 25th Mar, 1958 11:25 pm |
(Mercury Retrograde in Aries) 6th Apr, 1958 09:24 am |
352.54 | |
Venus | 21° 36‘ 40“ Capricorn |
Friendly sign | D |
(Venus into Aquarius) 30th Mar, 1958 06:35 am |
(Venus Retrograde in Leo) 10th Aug, 1959 06:16 pm |
291.61 | |
Mars | 09° 05‘ 52“ Capricorn |
Exalted sign | D |
(Mars into Aquarius) 17th Apr, 1958 06:29 pm |
(Mars Retrograde in Taurus) 10th Oct, 1958 04:49 am |
279.1 | |
Jupiter | 05° 44‘ 57“ Libra |
Enemy sign | R |
(Jupiter into Virgo) 17th May, 1958 01:22 pm |
(Jupiter Progressive in Virgo) 18th Jun, 1958 08:56 pm |
185.75 | |
Saturn | 01° 23‘ 06“ Sagittarius |
Neutral sign | D |
(Saturn into Scorpio) 1st Jun, 1958 11:58 pm |
(Saturn Retrograde in Sagittarius) 4th Apr, 1958 03:02 pm |
241.38 | |
Rahu | 09° 00‘ 08“ Libra |
NA | R |
(Rahu into Virgo) 24th Sep, 1958 02:10 am |
NA | 189 | |
Ketu | 09° 00‘ 08“ Aries |
NA | R |
(Ketu into Pisces) 24th Sep, 1958 02:10 am |
NA | 9 | |
Uranus | 13° 38‘ 20“ Cancer |
NA | R |
(Uranus into Leo) 14th Sep, 1960 09:46 am |
NA | 103.64 | |
Neptune | 10° 06‘ 07“ Libra |
NA | R |
(Neptune into Scorpio) 26th Dec, 1966 10:49 pm |
NA | 190.1 | |
Pluto | 06° 12‘ 45“ Leo |
NA | R |
(Pluto into Virgo) 5th Oct, 1968 11:01 pm |
NA | 126.21 |
In Birth chart (Janam Kundli) of Grant Cardone :
Moon is in sign of Pisces,
Sun is in sign of Pisces,
Mars is in sign of Capricorn,
Mercury is in sign of Pisces,
Venus is in sign of Capricorn,
Jupiter is in sign of Libra and
Saturn is in sign of Sagittarius.
While Rahu is in sign of Libra and Ketu is in sign of Aries.
The other outer planets like, Uranus is in Cancer, Neptune is in Libra and Pluto is in sign of Leo.
Moon Sign of Grant Cardone is Pisces.
The Moon is placed in the sign of Pisces in birth chart.
And Moon is in Revati Nakshatra.
Readings for Moon in Pisces:
Pisces (Meen) - The person is dealer in liquids, sea products, jewellery, cosmetics and perfumes. He is subdued by opposite sex, is learned, steady, simple, popular, modest, and spiritually inclined in later life. He may even be fond of occult activities.
Sun Sign of Grant Cardone is Pisces.
The Sun is placed in the sign of Pisces in birth chart.
And Sun is in Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra.
(This is Indian Sun sign not the western Sun sign. The main difference between two is - Indian sun signs are based on position of sun in zodiac, and is more accurate over western, which depends on date of birth.)
Readings for Sun in Pisces:
Pisces (Meen) - He is fond of peace, he is a dealer in jewellery, performs liquid preparations, sea products. He is wealthy. Is liked by women and is fond of occult activities.
As per Chandra kundli / Moon chart,
Sun is sitting in 1st house in Pisces and aspects 7th house.
The person is very particular about his self respect, he is short tempered, suffers from bilious and windy troubles. He might be emotional. He might live in foreign lands, has thin body and broad forehead. He is courageous, wealthy, unstable and has little hair on the head.
Results given by Sun as lord of 6th sitting in 1st house.
The person is sickly, famous, inimical to his relations, rich and courageous. The native is more unhealthy than famous or rich, in this placement of planet.
6th lord in the Lagna confers a miserable life. A Malefic 6th lord in Lagna causes loss of wealth and enmities with relations.
Mars in Grant Cardone‘s birth chart is sitting in the sign of Capricorn. Mars is in Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra.
Readings for Mars in Capricorn:
Capricorn (Makar) - This is a sign of exaltation for Mars. This position of Mars makes person rich and give high political position. He may be a commander, high police officer, an administrator, industrious and influential. He has many sons. He is generous, brave, respected and influential.
As per Chandra kundli / Moon chart,
Mars is sitting in 11th house in Capricorn and aspects 2nd house, 5th house and 6th house.
He has harsh tongue, false pride and is short tempered. He courageous and wealthy. Wealth may be from an undesirable means.
Results given by Mars as lord of 9th sitting in 11th house.
He always gains. He is devoted and obedient to elders and his guru. The person is clever and charitable.
9th lord in the 11th house makes one a minister. It confers vehicles and conveyances to the native.
Results given by Mars as lord of 2nd sitting in 11th house.
The person is a famous businessman, very wealthy, he is famous, conquest over enemies, and he is fortunate. This is an excellent position for the lord of 2nd house. This position brings easy gains to the native.
2nd lord in the 11th house makes the native practical, sweet in speech and brave but devoid of wealth. A benefic 2nd lord in the 11th house can only confer wealth.
Mercury in Grant Cardone‘s birth chart is sitting in the sign of Pisces. Mercury is in Revati Nakshatra.
Readings for Mercury in Pisces:
Pisces (Meen) - This sign becomes the sign of debilitation for Mercury. He may be servant and of imitable nature, brooding (engaged in something the makes one sad, worried and angry), faces failure in life and is petty minded.
As per Chandra kundli / Moon chart,
Mercury is sitting in 1st house in Pisces and aspects 7th house.
The native is long lived, friendly, liberal and wealthy. He is a witty person and can be a mathematician. He is popular with opposite sex, is learned and has friendly nature.
Results given by Mercury as lord of 4th sitting in 1st house.
He is obedient and loyal to parents, loved by parents particularly mother. The person improves the position of his family, he is wealthy, inherits ancestral property, owns land, buildings and conveyance.
4th lord in Lagna confers maternal and fraternal (of brothers) affections. The native may enjoy comforts of various kinds. He may not have paternal happiness.
Results given by Mercury as lord of 7th sitting in 1st house.
Person is adulterous, clever and impatient. He has a long lived wife.
7th lord in Lagna confers quite a faithful wife who may be sweet tongued and quite charming.
Jupiter in Grant Cardone‘s birth chart is sitting in the sign of Libra. Jupiter is in Chitra Nakshatra.
Readings for Jupiter in Libra:
Libra (Tula) - He is good looking, open minded, strong, able religious minded and just.
As per Chandra kundli / Moon chart,
Jupiter is sitting in 8th house in Libra and aspects 12th house, 2nd house and 4th house.
The native is long lived, has good manners, is soft spoken and a writer. He loses his wealth and gets disease in his secret part.
Results given by Jupiter as lord of 1st sitting in 8th house.
The person is miser and has bad health. He is short lived, gets diseases in secret organs, and is immoral if the planet is a Malefic.
1st lord in the 8th house makes the native a miser. He amasses wealth. A Benefic 1st lord in the 8th house makes one long lived whereas a Malefic 1st lord in the 8th house confers short life.
Results given by Jupiter as lord of 10th sitting in 8th house.
He has bad morals. He is backbiter, black mailer and losses in profession. Has to face disgrace but is long lived.
10th lord in the 8th house gives constant illness. It may even give some mysterious disease or disease in some private part.
Venus in Grant Cardone‘s birth chart is sitting in the sign of Capricorn. Venus is in Shravana Nakshatra.
Readings for Venus in Capricorn:
Capricorn (Makar) - He is fond of low class women, has no principles and loose morals. He also has a weak body.
As per Chandra kundli / Moon chart,
Venus is sitting in 11th house in Capricorn and aspects 5th house.
Such a person is quick to make friends. You tend to be quite popular and liked among your social sphere. You also get a lot of support from your friend circle when needed. You may receive financial assistance from your social connections. Natives with this placement of Venus have a strong desire to relax with friends. However, these natives should be careful that they do not over-indulge when hanging out with friends
Results given by Venus as lord of 3rd sitting in 11th house.
This is again considered a good position for the lord of 3rd house by our ancient ages. The gains will be there, but they will not be easy gains. To get them the native will have to put in hard work. In this position there is likelihood of the native getting gains through brothers.
3rd lord in the 11th house makes the native enjoy comforts, pleasures and wealth. He gets honour and recognition. His brothers are benefitted from him.
Results given by Venus as lord of 8th sitting in 11th house.
He is long lived but remains poor.
8th lord in the 11th house makes the native unhappy in his childhood but quite happy in old days.
Saturn in Grant Cardone‘s birth chart is sitting in the sign of Sagittarius. Saturn is in Mula Nakshatra.
Readings for Saturn in Sagittarius:
Sagittarius (Dhanu) - He is active, clever, famous and happy. He loves peace and may have unhappy married life, but he is generally happy.
As per Chandra kundli / Moon chart,
Saturn is sitting in 10th house in Sagittarius and aspects 12th house, 4th house and 7th house.
The native is Leader, just, hard worker and respected by government. He may have stomach problems. The person will be rich. Some opinion even says that Saturn in tenth may bring a sudden fall from high position. This can be only true if Saturn is bad placed or weak.
Results given by Saturn as lord of 11th sitting in 10th house.
The 10th house is 12th from 11th house therefore house of loss for 11th. But again 10th is a powerful and auspicious house from lagna. Therefore the this placement is good for the native, but the gains of wealth will come as a result of hard work in the profession. No easy gains. In this disposition there is also a tendency for the native to renounce the world and become a sanyasi.
11th lord in the 10th house makes one quite wealthy in many respects. The native serves his parents quite well.
Results given by Saturn as lord of 11th sitting in 10th house.
The 10th house is 12th from 11th house therefore house of loss for 11th. But again 10th is a powerful and auspicious house from lagna. Therefore the this placement is good for the native, but the gains of wealth will come as a result of hard work in the profession. No easy gains. In this disposition there is also a tendency for the native to renounce the world and become a sanyasi.
11th lord in the 10th house makes one quite wealthy in many respects. The native serves his parents quite well.
Rahu is sitting in the sign of Libra and Ketu is sitting in the sign of Aries in Grant Cardone‘s birth chart. Rahu is in Swati Nakshatra and Ketu is in Ashwini Nakshatra.
Readings for Rahu in Libra:
Libra (Tula) - The person is short lived, has dental troubles, but he is a good executive and get inheritance.
Readings for Ketu in Aries:
Aries (Mesha) - The native is Unstable, talkative and happy.
More details
Grant Cardone is the bestselling author of The 10X Rule and If You‘re Not First, You‘re Last as well as a sales trainer, speaker, and entrepreneur.
Timeline of Planetary movements around the Birth of Grant Cardone
June 25, 1957
Mercury enters Gemini
June 25, 1957
Venus enters Cancer
July 9, 1957
Mercury enters Cancer
July 11, 1957
Neptune turns direct in Libra
July 15, 1957
Sun enters Cancer
July 20, 1957
Venus enters Leo
July 25, 1957
Mercury enters Leo
July 28, 1957
Mars enters Leo
August 11, 1957
Saturn turns direct in Scorpio
August 14, 1957
Venus enters Virgo
August 16, 1957
Sun enters Leo
August 20, 1957
Mercury enters Virgo
August 27, 1957
Mercury retrogrades in Virgo
September 2, 1957
Mercury enters Leo
September 8, 1957
Venus enters Libra
September 13, 1957
Mars enters Virgo
September 16, 1957
Sun enters Virgo
September 18, 1957
Mercury turns direct in Leo
October 2, 1957
Mercury enters Virgo
October 3, 1957
Venus enters Scorpio
October 16, 1957
Sun enters Libra
October 19, 1957
Mercury enters Libra
October 29, 1957
Mars enters Libra
October 30, 1957
Venus enters Sagittarius
November 7, 1957
Mercury enters Scorpio
November 15, 1957
Sun enters Scorpio
November 17, 1957
Uranus retrogrades in Cancer
November 27, 1957
Mercury enters Sagittarius
November 28, 1957
Jupiter enters Libra
November 28, 1957
Venus enters Capricorn
December 4, 1957
Pluto retrogrades in Leo
December 13, 1957
Mars enters Scorpio
December 15, 1957
Sun enters Sagittarius
December 16, 1957
Mercury retrogrades in Sagittarius
January 5, 1958
Mercury turns direct in Sagittarius
January 7, 1958
Venus retrogrades in Capricorn
January 13, 1958
Sun enters Capricorn
January 25, 1958
Mars enters Sagittarius
February 1, 1958
Mercury enters Capricorn
February 4, 1958
Neptune retrogrades in Libra
February 8, 1958
Saturn enters Sagittarius
February 12, 1958
Sun enters Aquarius
February 15, 1958
Jupiter retrogrades in Libra
February 18, 1958
Venus turns direct in Capricorn
February 20, 1958
Mercury enters Aquarius
March 7, 1958
Mars enters Capricorn
March 9, 1958
Mercury enters Pisces
March 14, 1958
Sun enters Pisces
March 20, 1958
Birth of Grant
March 25, 1958
Mercury enters Aries
March 30, 1958
Venus enters Aquarius
April 4, 1958
Saturn retrogrades in Sagittarius
April 6, 1958
Mercury retrogrades in Aries
April 13, 1958
Sun enters Aries
April 15, 1958
Uranus turns direct in Cancer
April 17, 1958
Mars enters Aquarius
April 20, 1958
Mercury enters Pisces
April 29, 1958
Venus enters Pisces
April 30, 1958
Mercury turns direct in Pisces
May 9, 1958
Mercury enters Aries
May 11, 1958
Pluto turns direct in Leo
May 14, 1958
Sun enters Taurus
May 17, 1958
Jupiter enters Virgo
May 26, 1958
Venus enters Aries
May 28, 1958
Mars enters Pisces
June 1, 1958
Saturn enters Scorpio
June 2, 1958
Mercury enters Taurus
June 14, 1958
Sun enters Gemini
June 16, 1958
Mercury enters Gemini
June 18, 1958
Jupiter turns direct in Virgo