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Horoscope of Fumiyo Kohinata

Rashi is Leo (Moon in Leo)
Birth Nakshatra is Purva Phalguni
Ascendant is in Gemini
Rising Nakshatra is Ardra
Birth Date : Saturday 23 January 1954
Birth Place : Mikasa, city in Hokkaido Prefecture, Japan
Birth Time : 2:00 PM (Regional Standard Time)

Note: For every unavailable birth time. Our default is 2:00pm local time.

Fumiyo Kohinata

Moon chart (Chandra kundli) and Ascendant chart (Janam kundli) of Fumiyo Kohinata

Fumiyo Kohinata chandra kundli or moon chart
Fumiyo Kohinata Kundli North Indian style
Fumiyo Kohinata Kundli South Indian style

Details of Planets during the Birth of Fumiyo Kohinata

Planets Sign Degrees Placement Mov Nakshatra Lord Pada Next sign of transit for planet Change in direction of Movement 360°
Lagna 08° 34‘ 20“
Ardra Ra 1
NA NA 68.57
Sun 08° 33‘ 31“
Enemy sign D
Uttara Ashadha Su 4
(Sun into Aquarius)
12th Feb, 1954 08:20 pm
NA 278.56
Moon 25° 38‘ 15“
Friendly sign D
Purva Phalguni Ve 4
(Moon into Libra)
24th Jan, 1954 10:29 am
NA 145.64
Mercury 14° 13‘ 24“
Neutral sign D
Shravana Mo 2
(Mercury into Aquarius)
1st Feb, 1954 03:30 am
(Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius)
20th Feb, 1954 04:33 pm
Venus 06° 55‘ 33“
Friendly sign D
Uttara Ashadha Su 4
(Venus into Aquarius)
10th Feb, 1954 06:11 am
(Venus Retrograde in Scorpio)
26th Oct, 1954 01:37 am
Mars 25° 53‘ 16“
Neutral sign D
Vishakha Ju 2
(Mars into Scorpio)
29th Jan, 1954 04:32 am
(Mars Retrograde in Sagittarius)
23rd May, 1954 09:45 pm
Jupiter 22° 52‘ 08“
Enemy sign R
Rohini Mo 4
(Jupiter into Gemini)
20th Apr, 1954 07:48 am
(Jupiter Progressive in Taurus)
10th Feb, 1954 06:32 pm
Saturn 14° 42‘ 20“
Exalted sign D
Swati Ra 3
(Saturn into Scorpio)
12th Nov, 1955 03:38 pm
(Saturn Retrograde in Libra)
17th Feb, 1954 03:29 pm
Rahu 29° 28‘ 22“
Uttara Ashadha Su 1
(Rahu into Sagittarius)
30th Jan, 1954 07:21 am
NA 269.47
Ketu 29° 28‘ 22“
Punarvasu Ju 3
(Ketu into Gemini)
30th Jan, 1954 07:21 am
NA 89.47
Uranus 26° 28‘ 08“
Punarvasu Ju 2
(Uranus into Cancer)
14th Jul, 1954 03:58 pm
NA 86.47
Neptune 01° 57‘ 19“
Chitra Ma 3
(Neptune into Scorpio)
27th Dec, 1966 12:49 pm
NA 181.96
Pluto 00° 11‘ 28“
Magha Ke 1
(Pluto into Cancer)
9th Mar, 1954 04:03 pm
NA 120.19

In Birth chart (Janam Kundli) of Fumiyo Kohinata : Moon is in sign of Leo, Sun is in sign of Capricorn, Mars is in sign of Libra, Mercury is in sign of Capricorn, Venus is in sign of Capricorn, Jupiter is in sign of Taurus and Saturn is in sign of Libra.

While Rahu is in sign of Sagittarius and Ketu is in sign of Gemini.

The other outer planets like, Uranus is in Gemini, Neptune is in Libra and Pluto is in sign of Leo.

Birth chart readings and Horoscope for Fumiyo Kohinata

What is the Moon Sign of Fumiyo Kohinata?

Moon Sign of Fumiyo Kohinata is Leo.
The Moon is placed in the sign of Leo in birth chart.
And Moon is in Purva Phalguni Nakshatra.

Readings for Moon in Leo:

Leo (Simha) - He is bold, arrogant and is not liked by other sex. He may have stomach troubles. Remains unhappy. There is mental anxiety. He is proud, ambitious and has orthodox views.

What is the Sun Sign of Fumiyo Kohinata?

Sun Sign of Fumiyo Kohinata is Capricorn.
The Sun is placed in the sign of Capricorn in birth chart.
And Sun is in Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra.
(This is Indian Sun sign not the western Sun sign. The main difference between two is - Indian sun signs are based on position of sun in zodiac, and is more accurate over western, which depends on date of birth.)

Readings for Sun in Capricorn:

Capricorn (Makar) - The person is mean, obstinate, miser, lazy but sometimes hard working. He is prudent and progresses slowly.

He conquers his enemies, is famous and has good vitality. He is brave, just and healthy. This position of Sun is bad for maternal relations.

Results given by Sun as lord of 1st sitting in 6th house.

The person has poor health, poor start in life, has enemies but he is powerful and miser.

1st lord in the 6th house makes native endowed with landed property. It confers economic prosperity. It makes the native a miser who gives trouble to his brothers and relations.

How is Mars placed in Fumiyo Kohinata‘s Kundli / Birth chart?

Mars in Fumiyo Kohinata‘s birth chart is sitting in the sign of Libra. Mars is in Vishakha Nakshatra.

Readings for Mars in Libra:

Libra (Tula) - He is tall, has good body and fair complexion. He is ambitious and works hard to become wealthy. He may be aggressive, but is generally kind, gentle and fond of women. He might even get into trouble on account of his excesses of this activity.

He is famous, brave, patient, courageous, expert in many fields and has harsh tongue. There can be loss of brothers and sisters.

Results given by Mars as lord of 4th sitting in 3rd house.

The person quarrels with mother, causes losses to mother, there can be loss of paternal property, there is not much good domestic life. This is not a good place for 4th house.

4th lord in the 3rd house makes one dear to his brothers and relations. The native serves his parents. He has got economic prosperity and sons.

Results given by Mars as lord of 9th sitting in 3rd house.

Person will have happy relations with brothers and sisters. He is wealthy, clever and has good manners. It should be noted that 3rd house dusthana, but lord of 9th give good results in his house. Firstly because he is a lord of a very auspicious house and secondly because he aspects his own 9th house from this position making it powerful.

9th lord in the 3rd house makes one brave, fond of brothers and relations, popular in mass and skilled in parental or hereditary occupation.

How is Mercury placed in Fumiyo Kohinata‘s Kundli / Birth chart?

Mercury in Fumiyo Kohinata‘s birth chart is sitting in the sign of Capricorn. Mercury is in Shravana Nakshatra.

Readings for Mercury in Capricorn:

Capricorn (Makar) - He is inclined to enter business line. The person is economical, clever, suspicious, slow and hard working.

He is quarrelsome, lazy, sickly, proud, lusty and may have illicit love affairs. He possesses weak constitutions.

Results given by Mercury as lord of 11th sitting in 6th house.

The person is sickly. Never goes straight in life. He is troubled by enemies. Also suffers losses through enemies. He goes away to foreign lands.

11th lord in the 6th house may give prosperity to maternal uncle. The native may have buffalos. He, however may fear from the rulers and thieves.

Results given by Mercury as lord of 2nd sitting in 6th house.

The person accumulates wealth but even loses it on account of acts of his enemies, by theft or by being deceived by others, he earns by doing service, has poor eyesight. This is not a good position for the lord of the 2nd house.

2nd lord in the 6th house makes the native happy in respect of maternal relations. He destroys his enemies and opponents. He has gains of land. He is very active in gathering wealth. He knows how to squeeze out money.

How is Jupiter placed in Fumiyo Kohinata‘s Kundli / Birth chart?

Jupiter in Fumiyo Kohinata‘s birth chart is sitting in the sign of Taurus. Jupiter is in Rohini Nakshatra.

Readings for Jupiter in Taurus:

Taurus (Vrishabh) - The native is learned, has stability in life, has fixed ideas about things. He is showy. He is very able, but sensual, inclined to the evil of self gratification.

He performs good deeds and is famous and respected. He may hold the position of dignity like judge or minister, prime minister or president. He is just person. Can be a successful astrologer. He is truthful, rich and obedient to his Guru and parents.

Results given by Jupiter as lord of 8th sitting in 10th house.

There are losses and obstructions in profession. The person has loose morals and he is a backbiter.

8th lord in the 10th house may engage the native in immoral or petty jobs. Malefic 8th lord in the 10th house may deny maternal happiness and confer low kind of livelihood to the native. Probably, 8th lord in the 10th house gives a job below expectations.

Results given by Jupiter as lord of 5th sitting in 10th house.

10th house is the excellent position for the lord of 5th. He becomes wealthy, holds high position in government or some other high positions. He gets name and fame, but has few children.

5th lord in the 10th house gives one a government job. It may even make one a minister or an equal to that. It confers name and fame and also maternal happiness.

How is Venus placed in Fumiyo Kohinata‘s Kundli / Birth chart?

Venus in Fumiyo Kohinata‘s birth chart is sitting in the sign of Capricorn. Venus is in Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra.

Readings for Venus in Capricorn:

Capricorn (Makar) - He is fond of low class women, has no principles and loose morals. He also has a weak body.

There are benefit of conjugal happiness, many friends, urinary trouble and disease in secret parts. He is poor, immoral and has no enemies.

Results given by Venus as lord of 10th sitting in 6th house.

There are ups and downs in professions life. The native is troubled from enemies in his profession. For a person in service. This position of the lord of 10th house may result in being often superseded by his juniors who may be engaged in inimical activities against him.

10th lord in the 6th house makes one afraid of enemies. The native may be a miser. He suffers from various troubles. He has got bad livelihood.

Results given by Venus as lord of 3rd sitting in 6th house.

The person is quarrelsome, has bad connections with close relatives. But is helpful to brothers and respected.

3rd lord in the 6th house gives fears and hallucinations, enmities with relations and eye-trouble.

How is Saturn placed in Fumiyo Kohinata‘s Kundli / Birth chart?

Saturn in Fumiyo Kohinata‘s birth chart is sitting in the sign of Libra. Saturn is in Swati Nakshatra.

Readings for Saturn in Libra:

Libra (Tula) - Libra is where Saturn is exalted. This makes person famous, rich, respected, powerful and a leader of men. He may be a politician and has sound judgement. He is fond of women and is charitable.

He has good health. The person might be yogi or wrestler and defeats enemies. He is fortunate, learned and a quick worker.

Results given by Saturn as lord of 6th sitting in 3rd house.

The person is short tempered, inimical to younger brother and sister.

6th lord in the 3rd house makes the native vexatious (annoying) and harassing towards his relations. He becomes quarrelsome in his old days and may die at an alien (unknown) place.

Results given by Saturn as lord of 7th sitting in 3rd house.

There is no marriage or delay in marriage. It also causes loss of children.

7th lord in the 3rd house confers helpful relations. Benefic 7th lord in the 3rd house confers a beautiful wife while Malefic 7th lord in the 3rd house confers a cruel and quarrelsome wife.

How are Rahu and Ketu placed in Fumiyo Kohinata‘s Kundli / Birth chart?

Rahu is sitting in the sign of Sagittarius and Ketu is sitting in the sign of Gemini in Fumiyo Kohinata‘s birth chart. Rahu is in Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra and Ketu is in Punarvasu Nakshatra.

Readings for Rahu in Sagittarius:

Sagittarius (Dhanu) - The person is happy in early life. He may be adopted in childhood. He is a bad friend.

Readings for Ketu in Gemini:

Gemini (Mithun) - He suffers from windy troubles, he is proud and not easily satisfied. He is short lived and may loose his temper easily.

More details

Fumiyo Kohinata is a Japanese actor.

How planets are observed moved around Fumiyo Kohinata‘s Birth?

Timeline of Planetary movements around the Birth of Fumiyo Kohinata

9 months prior to Fumiyo‘s Birth

May 3, 1953

Pluto turns direct in Cancer

May 4, 1953

Mercury enters Aries

May 4, 1953

Venus turns direct in Pisces

May 14, 1953

Sun enters Taurus

May 20, 1953

Mercury enters Taurus

May 27, 1953

Venus enters Aries

June 3, 1953

Mercury enters Gemini

June 4, 1953

Mars enters Gemini

June 14, 1953

Sun enters Gemini

June 21, 1953

Mercury enters Cancer

June 24, 1953

Saturn turns direct in Virgo

July 1, 1953

Venus enters Taurus

July 3, 1953

Neptune turns direct in Virgo

July 12, 1953

Mercury retrogrades in Cancer

July 16, 1953

Sun enters Cancer

July 19, 1953

Mars enters Cancer

July 29, 1953

Venus enters Gemini

August 5, 1953

Mercury turns direct in Cancer

August 16, 1953

Sun enters Leo

August 24, 1953

Venus enters Cancer

August 25, 1953

Pluto enters Leo

August 27, 1953

Mercury enters Leo

August 30, 1953

Jupiter enters Gemini

September 4, 1953

Mars enters Leo

September 12, 1953

Mercury enters Virgo

September 16, 1953

Sun enters Virgo

September 18, 1953

Venus enters Leo

September 30, 1953

Mercury enters Libra

October 6, 1953

Neptune enters Libra

October 13, 1953

Venus enters Virgo

October 15, 1953

Jupiter retrogrades in Gemini

October 17, 1953

Sun enters Libra

October 22, 1953

Mars enters Virgo

October 23, 1953

Mercury enters Scorpio

October 29, 1953

Uranus retrogrades in Gemini

November 4, 1953

Mercury retrogrades in Scorpio

November 6, 1953

Venus enters Libra

November 14, 1953

Mercury enters Libra

November 16, 1953

Sun enters Scorpio

November 24, 1953

Mercury turns direct in Libra

November 27, 1953

Pluto retrogrades in Leo

November 30, 1953

Jupiter enters Taurus

November 30, 1953

Venus enters Scorpio

December 5, 1953

Mercury enters Scorpio

December 9, 1953

Mars enters Libra

December 15, 1953

Sun enters Sagittarius

December 24, 1953

Venus enters Sagittarius

December 26, 1953

Mercury enters Sagittarius

January 14, 1954

Sun enters Capricorn

January 14, 1954

Mercury enters Capricorn

January 17, 1954

Venus enters Capricorn

Baby is Born

January 23, 1954

Birth of Fumiyo

January 27, 1954

Neptune retrogrades in Libra

January 29, 1954

Mars enters Scorpio

January 30, 1954

Rahu enters Sagittarius

February 1, 1954

Mercury enters Aquarius

February 10, 1954

Venus enters Aquarius

February 10, 1954

Jupiter turns direct in Taurus

February 12, 1954

Sun enters Aquarius

February 17, 1954

Saturn retrogrades in Libra

February 20, 1954

Mercury retrogrades in Aquarius

March 6, 1954

Venus enters Pisces

March 9, 1954

Pluto enters Cancer

March 14, 1954

Sun enters Pisces

March 15, 1954

Mercury turns direct in Aquarius

March 27, 1954

Mars enters Sagittarius

March 28, 1954

Uranus turns direct in Gemini

March 30, 1954

Venus enters Aries

April 9, 1954

Mercury enters Pisces

April 14, 1954

Sun enters Aries

April 20, 1954

Jupiter enters Gemini

3 months after Fumiyo‘s Birth