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Birth Chart of Cameron Diaz

Rashi is Aries (Moon in Aries)
Birth Nakshatra is Krittika
Ascendant is in Gemini
Rising Nakshatra is Punarvasu
Birth Date : Wednesday 30 August 1972
Birth Place : San Diego, city in California, United States of America
Birth Time : 2:53 AM (Regional Standard Time)

Note: For every unavailable birth time. Our default is 2:00pm local time.

Cameron Diaz

Moon chart (Chandra kundli) and Ascendant chart (Janam kundli) of Cameron Diaz

Cameron Diaz chandra kundli or moon chart
Cameron Diaz Kundli North Indian style
Cameron Diaz Kundli South Indian style

Details of Planets during the Birth of Cameron Diaz

Planets Sign Degrees Placement Mov Nakshatra Lord Pada Next sign of transit for planet Change in direction of Movement 360°
Lagna 28° 17‘ 39“
Punarvasu Ju 3
NA NA 88.29
Sun 12° 44‘ 52“
Own sign D
Magha Ke 4
(Sun into Virgo)
15th Sep, 1972 10:21 pm
NA 132.75
Moon 27° 53‘ 24“
Neutral sign D
Krittika Su 1
(Moon into Gemini)
30th Aug, 1972 02:55 pm
NA 27.89
Mercury 25° 36‘ 27“
Enemy sign D
Ashlesha Me 3
(Mercury into Leo)
1st Sep, 1972 08:46 am
(Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio)
15th Nov, 1972 12:27 pm
Venus 26° 58‘ 06“
Friendly sign D
Punarvasu Ju 3
(Venus into Cancer)
1st Sep, 1972 05:50 am
(Venus Retrograde in Capricorn)
2nd Jan, 1974 10:06 pm
Mars 15° 24‘ 38“
Friendly sign D
Purva Phalguni Ve 1
(Mars into Virgo)
20th Sep, 1972 12:13 pm
(Mars Retrograde in Aries)
19th Sep, 1973 03:16 pm
Jupiter 04° 09‘ 55“
Own sign D
Mula Ke 2
(Jupiter into Capricorn)
24th Jan, 1973 11:21 pm
(Jupiter Retrograde in Capricorn)
30th May, 1973 01:57 pm
Saturn 25° 14‘ 36“
Friendly sign D
Mrigashirsha Ma 1
(Saturn into Gemini)
10th Jun, 1973 05:49 am
(Saturn Retrograde in Taurus)
2nd Oct, 1972 08:37 am
Rahu 29° 26‘ 03“
Uttara Ashadha Su 1
(Rahu into Sagittarius)
5th Sep, 1972 01:41 am
NA 269.43
Ketu 29° 26‘ 03“
Punarvasu Ju 3
(Ketu into Gemini)
5th Sep, 1972 01:41 am
NA 89.43
Uranus 21° 48‘ 51“
Hasta Mo 4
(Uranus into Libra)
17th Oct, 1973 02:29 pm
NA 171.81
Neptune 08° 11‘ 42“
Anuradha Sa 2
(Neptune into Sagittarius)
16th Jan, 1981 12:42 am
NA 218.2
Pluto 06° 35‘ 45“
Uttara Phalguni Su 3
(Pluto into Libra)
6th Dec, 1980 02:26 am
NA 156.6

In Birth chart (Janam Kundli) of Cameron Diaz : Moon is in sign of Aries, Sun is in sign of Leo, Mars is in sign of Leo, Mercury is in sign of Cancer, Venus is in sign of Gemini, Jupiter is in sign of Sagittarius and Saturn is in sign of Taurus.

While Rahu is in sign of Sagittarius and Ketu is in sign of Gemini.

The other outer planets like, Uranus is in Virgo, Neptune is in Scorpio and Pluto is in sign of Virgo.

Birth chart readings and Horoscope for Cameron Diaz

What is the Moon Sign of Cameron Diaz?

Moon Sign of Cameron Diaz is Aries.
The Moon is placed in the sign of Aries in birth chart.
And Moon is in Krittika Nakshatra.

Readings for Moon in Aries:

Aries (Mesha) - He likes travelling. He is impulsive. Has a liking for other sex, he is irritable, fickle minded, passionate, ambitious, bold, active and very sensitive about his self respect. Person is even aggressive and at times rash.

What is the Sun Sign of Cameron Diaz?

Sun Sign of Cameron Diaz is Leo.
The Sun is placed in the sign of Leo in birth chart.
And Sun is in Magha Nakshatra.
(This is Indian Sun sign not the western Sun sign. The main difference between two is - Indian sun signs are based on position of sun in zodiac, and is more accurate over western, which depends on date of birth.)

Readings for Sun in Leo:

Leo (Simha) - The own sign for Sun. Person is obstinate, firm, dominating, not always rich, does not like dependence on others and is liberal minded.

He is sickly, intelligent, unhappy and short tempered. He has good morals and few children.

Results given by Sun as lord of 5th sitting in 5th house.

Person is clever intelligent and famous. The gets happiness from children. He gets so good results of 5th house.

5th lord in the 5th house makes one wise, prudent, truthful, skilled in all works and glorious for sons.

How is Mars placed in Cameron Diaz‘s Kundli / Birth chart?

Mars in Cameron Diaz‘s birth chart is sitting in the sign of Leo. Mars is in Purva Phalguni Nakshatra.

Readings for Mars in Leo:

Leo (Simha) - He has learning towards astronomy, astrology and mathematics. He is obedient to parents, respects elders and has mental complaints. He is liberal, successful and restless.

He is short tempered, deceitful, sickly - particularly have stomach troubles, and is emotional. He has bad habits and may suffer loss of children.

Results given by Mars as lord of 8th sitting in 5th house.

He is idiot but long lived. Has few children.

If natural Malefic as the 8th lord occupies the 5th house, the native may not have son. Even if he gets a son, that son always suffers from some disease.

Results given by Mars as lord of 1st sitting in 5th house.

The person has good children, has spirit of sacrifice, he is respected, famous, wealthy, humble, learned, long lived and devoted.

1st lord in the 5th house makes the native learned, gentle and popular amongst people. He has sons. He performs superior duties or he may be in some superior job. He may have taste for music, dance or something alike.

How is Mercury placed in Cameron Diaz‘s Kundli / Birth chart?

Mercury in Cameron Diaz‘s birth chart is sitting in the sign of Cancer. Mercury is in Ashlesha Nakshatra.

Readings for Mercury in Cancer:

Cancer (Karaka) - He might have low stature. He is diplomatic, sensitive, sensual, liable to consumption, and of loose morals and wavering nature.

He is learned, fortunate, charitable, diplomatic, lazy and fond of music. He may be a liberal writer. He is heavy bodied and has comfort of conveyances.

Results given by Mercury as lord of 3rd sitting in 4th house.

He rebels against parents, is greedy, notorious, he squanders ancestral wealth and suffers with domestic unhappiness.

If a benefic as the 3rd lord occupies the 4th house, the native gets happiness from father and mother. If a Malefic as the lord of 3rd occupies the 4th house, the native ruins paternal property (even capital in business and industry). He becomes poor at long last.

Results given by Mercury as lord of 6th sitting in 4th house.

There is little happiness from mother, loos of land and property through enemies, backbiters, jealous and indebted.

6th lord in the 4th house may cause enmities even with father, mother and sons. He, however, gets paternal wealth quite easily.

How is Jupiter placed in Cameron Diaz‘s Kundli / Birth chart?

Jupiter in Cameron Diaz‘s birth chart is sitting in the sign of Sagittarius. Jupiter is in Mula Nakshatra.

Readings for Jupiter in Sagittarius:

Sagittarius (Dhanu) - This is Jupiter's own sign. Person with this position of Jupiter is wealthy, learned, influential, noble, dependable, charitable and has good organising capacity and good talking skills.

The native is famous, fortunate, learned, intelligent and respected by government and people. He has children. He is religious and learned in shastras and Vedanta, but may renounce world.

Results given by Jupiter as lord of 12th sitting in 9th house.

He is selfish, poor and unfortunate.

12th lord in the 9th house rather gives uncomfortable results. It makes the native averse to virtuous deeds. It causes him loss of wealth in his old age.

Results given by Jupiter as lord of 9th sitting in 9th house.

He is very fortunate and gets all he wants. If 9th house has a movable sign he may go abroad and earn wealth, name and fame even there. He has long lived and prosperous father.

9th lord in the 9th house makes one an emblem of virtues and righteous deeds. The native is religious minded. He worships and prays to Devatas. He renders good to his relations. He donates. He has big eyes. He is a big donor.

How is Venus placed in Cameron Diaz‘s Kundli / Birth chart?

Venus in Cameron Diaz‘s birth chart is sitting in the sign of Gemini. Venus is in Punarvasu Nakshatra.

Readings for Venus in Gemini:

Gemini (Mithun) - He is wealthy, generous, respected, popular, intelligent, learned and fond of women.

He is happy, wealthy, learned and fortunate, but also miser and lazy. He can be an artist and fond of travelling. He has more sisters than brothers.

Results given by Venus as lord of 2nd sitting in 3rd house.

The person is quarrelsome, thief, have unstable life, discourteous and dishonest.

2nd lord in the 3rd house makes native dear to his friends, brothers and relations. He is endowed with comforts and has enjoyments of various kinds. He is strong and industrious.

Results given by Venus as lord of 7th sitting in 3rd house.

There is no marriage or delay in marriage. It also causes loss of children.

7th lord in the 3rd house confers helpful relations. Benefic 7th lord in the 3rd house confers a beautiful wife while Malefic 7th lord in the 3rd house confers a cruel and quarrelsome wife.

How is Saturn placed in Cameron Diaz‘s Kundli / Birth chart?

Saturn in Cameron Diaz‘s birth chart is sitting in the sign of Taurus. Saturn is in Mrigashirsha Nakshatra.

Readings for Saturn in Taurus:

Taurus (Vrishabh) - Native is deceitful, successful, likes loneliness, and worries about small things. He has self control.

There may be diseases of mouth. He has harsh tongue and may cause quarrels in family. If this Saturn is in Libra or Aquarius signs then the person is wealthy and has good family relations.

Results given by Saturn as lord of 10th sitting in 2nd house.

He is happy, wealthy, respected by government. He is even charitable. All his wealth is generally self acquired.

10th lord in the 2nd house makes one wealthy from the government sources. The native may suffer from cough and cold but he may be happy, brilliant, gentle and somewhat fickle by nature.

Results given by Saturn as lord of 11th sitting in 2nd house.

He has wealth of all kinds, he has all his ambitions fulfilled and he is successful in all ventures and even remains happy. The person may get sudden gains from speculation if there is an aspect or conjunction of the lord of the 5th house.

11th lord in 2nd house makes one a miser always intent of saving money and increasing one?s bank balance. The native also has conveyances. He loves his family.

How are Rahu and Ketu placed in Cameron Diaz‘s Kundli / Birth chart?

Rahu is sitting in the sign of Sagittarius and Ketu is sitting in the sign of Gemini in Cameron Diaz‘s birth chart. Rahu is in Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra and Ketu is in Punarvasu Nakshatra.

Readings for Rahu in Sagittarius:

Sagittarius (Dhanu) - The person is happy in early life. He may be adopted in childhood. He is a bad friend.

Readings for Ketu in Gemini:

Gemini (Mithun) - He suffers from windy troubles, he is proud and not easily satisfied. He is short lived and may loose his temper easily.

More details

Cameron Michelle Diaz is an American entrepreneur, producer, author, and retired actress and model. The recipient of several accolades, including nominations for four Golden Globe Awards, a BAFTA Award and three Screen Actors Guild Awards, and a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, she was named the highest-paid Hollywood actress over 40 in 2013. As of 2018, the U.S. domestic box office grosses of Diaz‘s films total over US$3 billion, with worldwide grosses surpassing US$7 billion, making her the fifth highest-grossing U.S. domestic box office actress.

How planets are observed moved around Cameron Diaz‘s Birth?

Timeline of Planetary movements around the Birth of Cameron Diaz

9 months prior to Cameron‘s Birth

December 2, 1971

Mercury retrogrades in Sagittarius

December 10, 1971

Mercury enters Scorpio

December 15, 1971

Sun enters Sagittarius

December 16, 1971

Mars enters Pisces

December 17, 1971

Venus enters Capricorn

December 22, 1971

Mercury turns direct in Scorpio

January 4, 1972

Pluto retrogrades in Virgo

January 5, 1972

Jupiter enters Sagittarius

January 6, 1972

Mercury enters Sagittarius

January 10, 1972

Venus enters Aquarius

January 14, 1972

Sun enters Capricorn

January 22, 1972

Uranus retrogrades in Virgo

January 27, 1972

Mercury enters Capricorn

January 31, 1972

Saturn turns direct in Taurus

January 31, 1972

Mars enters Aries

February 4, 1972

Venus enters Pisces

February 12, 1972

Sun enters Aquarius

February 14, 1972

Mercury enters Aquarius

March 1, 1972

Venus enters Aries

March 1, 1972

Mercury enters Pisces

March 6, 1972

Neptune retrogrades in Scorpio

March 13, 1972

Sun enters Pisces

March 16, 1972

Mars enters Taurus

March 21, 1972

Mercury retrogrades in Pisces

March 28, 1972

Venus enters Taurus

April 12, 1972

Sun enters Aries

April 13, 1972

Mercury turns direct in Pisces

April 24, 1972

Jupiter retrogrades in Sagittarius

April 29, 1972

Venus enters Gemini

May 2, 1972

Mars enters Gemini

May 8, 1972

Mercury enters Aries

May 13, 1972

Sun enters Taurus

May 25, 1972

Mercury enters Taurus

May 26, 1972

Venus retrogrades in Gemini

June 8, 1972

Mercury enters Gemini

June 8, 1972

Pluto turns direct in Virgo

June 14, 1972

Sun enters Gemini

June 18, 1972

Mars enters Cancer

June 21, 1972

Uranus turns direct in Virgo

June 22, 1972

Venus enters Taurus

June 24, 1972

Mercury enters Cancer

July 8, 1972

Venus turns direct in Taurus

July 15, 1972

Sun enters Cancer

July 24, 1972

Mercury retrogrades in Cancer

July 26, 1972

Venus enters Gemini

August 4, 1972

Mars enters Leo

August 13, 1972

Neptune turns direct in Scorpio

August 15, 1972

Sun enters Leo

August 17, 1972

Mercury turns direct in Cancer

August 24, 1972

Jupiter turns direct in Sagittarius

Baby is Born

August 29, 1972

Birth of Cameron

September 1, 1972

Venus enters Cancer

September 1, 1972

Mercury enters Leo

September 5, 1972

Rahu enters Sagittarius

September 15, 1972

Sun enters Virgo

September 17, 1972

Mercury enters Virgo

September 20, 1972

Mars enters Virgo

September 29, 1972

Venus enters Leo

October 2, 1972

Saturn retrogrades in Taurus

October 4, 1972

Mercury enters Libra

October 16, 1972

Sun enters Libra

October 25, 1972

Venus enters Virgo

October 25, 1972

Mercury enters Scorpio

November 5, 1972

Mars enters Libra

November 15, 1972

Sun enters Scorpio

November 15, 1972

Mercury retrogrades in Scorpio

November 18, 1972

Venus enters Libra

3 months after Cameron‘s Birth