If we go to the very basic rule for the formation of a Raja Yog in Birth Chart, it is just a connection between Kendra and Trikona houses (connection of angle and trine). While we know that trine houses (1,5,9) are best known as houses capable of giving wealth.
The dhana yog related and wealth signifying houses are 1st, 5th, 9th, 2nd and 11th.
Lets see the conditions for formation of Raja yogas given by Sage Parasara.
The technical thinking behind these rules says, if angles can be associated with power and rise, and trines with wealth. Then raja yogas also have much to do with financial rise of a person.
The better idea of which can be found by analysing these Raja yogas for different Ascendant. We will go with the basics which says 1,5,9,2 and 11 houses are the prime significators of wealth and capable of bestowing good financial condition to native.
Aries Ascendant :
Which yogas for Aries Lagna can make native wealthy ?

Angle lords : Mars (1st), Moon (4th), Venus (7th), Saturn(10th)
Trine lords : Mars (1st), Sun(5th), Jupiter(9th)
Wealth related lords for Aries: Mars (1st), Venus(2nd), Sun(5th), Jupiter(9th), Saturn(11th)
Raja yog combinations of wealth for Aries Lagna :
Sun in 1st house : For Aries ascendant Sun stands exalted 5th lord in 1st house, being a trine lord he does signifies wealth and his placement conditions gives a massive strength to Sun by being posited in kendra house and exalted sign. By this position Sun not only can exponentially increase native’s fame and name, but also his wealth during the dasha.
But still this is only the half picture. If there are other factors which pull down these strong and favourable Sun, he will only give some not-so-noticeable results. Contrary if some other planet is supportive towards it, the probability of reaping good result increases. For example : If Mars joins Sun in 1st house of Aries ascendant, now Mars is in his own moolatrikona sign. Two strongly placed planets in Ascendant, one 5th lord and other ascendant lord itself, will cause Maharaja Yog - most powerful of all raja yogas as per parasara hora. And from the wealth point, this is a strong connection between two houses related to wealth, 1st house and 5th house.
Jupiter, Moon and Mars in 1st house : If Jupiter, Moon and Mars joins together in 1st house for Aries, this becomes a very powerful combination of Raja yogas. There are reasons why you will find this combination even in many of classical jyotisha texts. The 3 of these planet together in Aries forms many Raja yogas. From the wealth point of view, Mars is the 1st trine lord and Jupiter 9th trine lord, while Moon rules 4th house, which also signifies assets like land, farm, cattle and money treasury.
What makes these yog (combination) so profound is the harmony between participating planets. If you look, all the three planets are very good natural friends of each other and no one gets debilitated in Aries sign. On the top of everything, Jupiter plus Moon cause famous Gaja Kesari yog and, Mars plus Moon gives rise to Chandra Mangala yog, both of these yogas are known for wealth and general prosperity.
- Conjunction or exchange of signs between Saturn and Venus : Not only functionally good planets, but these functional malefic for Aries Lagna can provided good indications of financial well being if placed together in kendra, trine or own houses. Venus rules the 2nd house of wealth and Saturn rules 11th house of gains. The best placement is Saturn in 2nd house and Venus in 11th house causing sign exchange between them and strong connection between these to wealth giver houses. Their placement in trine house is also optimal. The 7th kendra house placement of both can give very high strength to both the planets Saturn being exalted and Venus in own moolatrikona sign. I’m only mentioning this in the end, due to the reason that 7th house placement of both will do good in terms of wealth, but will tend to harm the marital bliss if Navamsa chart doesn’t supports.
- Jupiter in Cancer and Saturn in Capricorn (mutual aspect) : This is the best Raja yog for Aries rising and formed in best possible way. (The connection between 9th trine and 10th kendra house is considered best of all Raja yogas for any ascendant.) Jupiter in 4th house in Cancer is exalted and Saturn in 10th house is in own sign. Jupiter rules 9th trine while Saturn lords over 11th house of gains. Both these planets are neutral towards each other and these are the very potent positions for both planets. In the Dasha of any one, the activating Raja yog can without doubt cause a rise in financial status of the person.
- Sun in Leo and Saturn in Aquarius (mutual aspect) : Even though Sun and Saturn are inimical towards each other, these mutual aspect from 5th and 11th house makes in to the list of best Dhana Raja yogas for Aries ascendant because of its capability to give results. These is the Raja yog which can cause exponential rise in wealth and gains. Like in the above case both lords are strongly placed and mutual aspect causes a yog (connection) between 5th and 11th houses, both signifies wealth.
Taurus Ascendant :
Fruitful Dhana yogas for Taurus Ascendant

Angle lords : Venus (1st), Sun (4th), Mars (7th), Saturn(10th)
Trine lords : Venus (1st), Mercury(5th), Saturn(9th)
Wealth related lords for Taurus: Venus (1st), Mercury(2nd and 5th), Saturn(9th), Jupiter(11th)
Wealth generating Raja yogas for Taurus Lagna :
Mercury and Saturn in 10th house : These is the best possible Raja yog which can be extremely fruitful in terms of wealth or income for Taurus Ascendant as per my perception. And why I’m giving it first place is due to the participating house lords.
Saturn is extremely auspicious in functional terms (Bhog of life) for Taurus ascendant as he plays the role of Yogakaraka, and by ruling 9th trikona and 10th kendra house he without joining any planet begets best Raja yog for Taurus native when placed in good houses.
Mercury on other hand having authority over two wealth related houses (2nd and 5th) becomes a good significator for wealth.
Both of these planets combining together in 10th house of career and status can result in very affluent income and riches.
Exchange of sign between 6th and 8th lord : For Taurus Lagna, Venus is the 6th lord but at the same time he is ascendant lord as well, and Jupiter is 8th lord along with being ruler of 11th house. When both exchange signs by Venus in 8th and Jupiter in 6th, they form a powerful Vipareeta Raja yog. What is fancy about this Raja yog is that both of these participator planets also rules 1st and 11th house which connects two houses of wealth as well.
Gemini Ascendant :
What are the results when all three trine/trikona lords are conjunct in birth chart ?

Angle lords : Mercury (1st and 4th), Jupiter (7th and 10th)
Trine lords : Mercury (1st), Venus(5th), Saturn(9th)
Wealth related lords for Gemini: Mercury (1st), Moon(2nd), Venus(5th), Saturn(9th), Mars(11th)
High source of income generating Raja yogas for Gemini Lagna :
Mercury, Venus and Saturn in 5th house: These combination of planets at birth for Gemini Lagna, can make a person millionaire for sure. If in this case the 5th house receives aspect of benefic and remains unharmed by malefics, native may rise even high to the level of a billionaire.
Mercury here forms two Raja yogas with Venus and Saturn each. The reasons behind why I’m giving so much significance to this combination are below :
- All the trine house (1,5,9) lords combines in 5th trine house, hence connecting all three prosperity signifying Lakshmi sthana. And notice the strength of all the planet by placement, Venus is in own moolatrikona house, Saturn exalted and Lagna lord Mercury is strong in friendly sign.
- Strong Venus and Saturn in trine house gives Lakshmi Yog, one of the most desired yogas for prosperity and abundance of money. This same yog is present in the birth chart of Microsoft billionaire Bill Gates.
Cancer Ascendant :
What are the best wealth giving Raja yogas for Cancer ascendant ?

Angle lords : Moon (1st), Venus(4th), Saturn(7th), Mars(10th)
Trine lords : Moon (1st), Mars(5th), Jupiter(9th)
Wealth related lords for Cancer: Moon (1st), Sun(2nd), Mars(5th), Jupiter(9th), Venus(11th)
Best yogas which confer influencing Power and rich Wealth for Cancer Ascendant :
GajaKesari Yog in Ascendant: The Cancer lagna is one of the best Ascendants to have GajaKesari yog by Conjunction. As per ancient texts, Prince Ram (the lead character of Ramayana lore in Hindu history) had cancer rising with exalted Jupiter and Moon at home in it. This lead to a very powerful GajaKesari Yog, that too in Ascendant and including ascendant lord Moon. The Power, fame and influence of Ram is still so prominent amongst many people across the world, even when it is more than 5 thousand years passed since Ram walked earth. Although other planets do contributed to Ram’s overall majestic persona, this was one of the notable factors.
Not only fame and name, but this GajaKesari yog is even very evident from the wealth point of view. Look how it joins 1st and 9th trikona lords in 1st house with phenomenal strengths, where Jupiter also gets directional strength.
Sun and Mars in 10th house: Now even this yog shows similar magnitude like the one given about for cancer. The 10th house for Cancer is Aries, where Sun stands exalted and is the home for Mars. Both the planets here even get full directional strengths.
Yet it is important to note that Mars who is Yogakaraka for Cancer lagna can alone give Raja yog if placed in Aries, Sun joining him enhances this further to a very very potent wealth giving dhana yog as well. There Mars rules 5th trine and 10th angle houses and Sun rules 2nd house of income and generated wealth.
Jupiter and Venus in 9th house: These two top rated benefic planets in 9th house of fortune can create a golden fortune in their dasha period when such placed. Such a powerful status of 9th house in Jyotisha shastra is due to plenty of reasons and if we see by the interpersonal relativity of houses, 9th house happens to be 5th from 5th house and is counted 11th house from original 11th house. Both the houses, 5th and 11th comprises the wealth axis of 5-11 in birth chart.
These two are the best benefics and in 9th house of Pisces makes Jupiter in own sign and Venus in sign of exaltation. Jupiter rules the 9th trikona and Venus not only rules and angle but also rules 11th house related to wealth gains.
Leo Ascendant :
Which yogas for Leo Ascendant can raise a person to opulence and mega rich status ?

Angle lords : Sun(1st), Mars(4th), Saturn(7th), Venus(10th)
Trine lords : Sun(1st), Jupiter(5th), Mars(9th)
Wealth related lords for Leo : Sun(1st), Mercury(2nd and 11th), Jupiter(5th), Mars(9th)
Astrological Yogas which can bring commanding status along with ever flowing riches for Leo Ascendant :
Mars in Ascendant for Leo : The planet Mars in any good house (angle or trine) is a straightaway blessings for a Leo Lagna person. If you have read so far, now you are very aware that Mars plays the role of Yogakaraka, having capacity to give raja yoga alone by ruling two very auspicious houses, 4th and 9th. And when such planet is placed in 1st house in the sign of a friend, these positive effects can magnify to a great extent. It alone creates two very powerful Raja yogas : 4-1 Raja yog and 9-1 Raja yog. You can see such Mars in birth chart of many big names, one such example is : Ariana Grande
Sun and Mercury in 9th house : Sun the Lagna lord for Leo going into 9th house again is very high value placement for a person with Leo ascendant. First of all it creates 1-9 Raja yog and combining with Mercury it will raise this Raja yog to a wealth potential yog.
If you see Mercury for Leo lagna has special wealth giving abilities. Though it does not rules any angle or trine houses, the so called good houses. But rules two very important houses with wealth point of view, 2nd and 11th house. Even if Mercury is placed alone without joining any planet in an angle or a trine, it will be much fruitful in terms of wealth. Then what will be said for Mercury in 9th house with Lagna lord Sun. It definitely increases its ability for giving wealth. Wealth houses here combined are 1st houses, 2nd house and 11th house with 9th house.
Jupiter in 5th houses aspecting 1st, 9th and 11th house : Jupiter rules 5th house for Leo, and yes it is a very good placement with wealth prospective (5th lord in 5th house). But If I add these Jupiter to the above given two planetary conditions, all combined together these will make the outcomes even more phenomenal. If all these conditions comes together there will be no doubt that person having it, will become MEGA rich in wealth and opulence.
Let me explain you why : The first two planetary placements were very very auspicious on their own selves, and together causes exchange of planets by 1st lord Sun going in 9th house and 9th lord Mars in 1st houses, FURTHER increasing the power of both these yogas.
Now if you add Jupiter in 5th house for same birth chart having those combination, he will aspect not only all planets of combination (Sun, Mars, Mercury), but he will also aspect the three very important houses related to wealth. The 1st house, 9th house and 11th house. So this Jupiter is adding so much value on the top of everything by sitting in a wealth house and aspecting other three wealth house. And at last casting his benefic aspect on all auspicious yogas.