Chandra Mangala Yog

Chandra Mangala Yog is simply a Moon-Mars combination formed by conjunction of these to planets in Birth chart.

A conjuction of Moon And Mars in any sign in Birth chart gives rise to Chandra Mangala yog. The mutual aspect or exchange of sign between them can give similar kind of effects, but these conditions do not form a part of classic definition.


“One deals with drinks, earthen jars crude instruments, and women. He is disobedient to his mother. Goddess Lakshmi will never desert him just as modesty does not leave a noblewomen of any good family.”


The description has clearly suggested that Mars's qualities getting absorbed within Moon with additional outcome like “disobedience towards mother” logically fitting with nature of planets as Moon signifies Mother and Mars is the planet of quarrels and conflicts.

One dealing with earthen jars and crude instruments as they belong to Mars’s department, along with indulgence areas of life - pleasures from drinks and women because of Moon’s rulership over sensual pleasures and indulgence of any kind gives us the idea of prescribed results to this Yog.

The last part of description says about never ending blessings of Goddess Lakshmi which is very unclear part of this Yog description to be related with this Moon-Mars combination. A simple notion of Moons associative nature can be taken as a reason for this. Hence we know it is always good from any chart's point of view that moon gets company of a planet, moreover the company of friendly planet is further cherished by Moon just like Jupiter’s conjunction to Moon is a very positive factor for overall chart (See Anapha, Sunapha and Dhururdhara Yog). But this justification will still remain a speculation and will be open researchers of Jyotisha.

Jupiter, Mars and Sun being top rated friends of Moon, their association with Moon is generally good except that Moon-Sun conjunction which brings phenomena of New Moon.