These are the most common scenarios among people where Birth dates are known, Birth locations are known, but the Birth times are not known with precise accuracy. Although in todays world, in 2019, it will be a rare case where time of births of new generation won’t be known. But still there are many who don’t know the very accurate time details of their birth. Ascendant chart (Lagna kundli) changes approximately about in 2 hour.
If I talk about very ancient India where Vedic Astrology flourished, the time keeping was almost astronomical in nature, or I would say it depended so much on the positions of stars and Moon. This was the time when Jyotishis predicted the events of life and fortune of a new born only with the help of these time keeping tools.
The noble class peoples like kings do had their Raj Puhorit (a Brahmin who was kept in service for all the rituals and rites of royal family, and were consulted for auspicious and inauspicious times to perform them) to keep the trace of heavenly bodies during birth of prince or princess. But what about people of normal class ?
How Birth Chart was studied in Ancient India ?
With time keeping very much relied on planetary positions and Most importantly Moon. The analysis of Chandra Kundli (or Moon chart) was predominant during ancient time in India.
Keeping everything over one table. The Moon chart and Lagna chart are just different prospectives to look at the patterns of same fortune of same native. Many time the ancient classic texts of astrology tells Jyotishis to look for certain combination from both prospective and strongest of both should be considered. And most of the time the common elements of the chart repeats from many different Lagna’s or any other factor repays for it in different charts.
Bottom line for this article is if your birth not know to the extent that a change in Lagna sign is observed. Look for Moon charts instead, which changes every two and half day. The more and more study of your Moon chart will bring you closer to your real Lagna chart fortune (since both represent same fate).
Let us take the chart of Microsoft Billionaire, Bill Gates. I’m taking this chart under study and illustration of this techniques with the view point of Raja yogas and Dhana yogas.

Lagna chart (Janma kundli) | Moon chart (Chandra kundli) | |
1. Chandra Adhi Yog | This is common Graha yog from both prospective. Benefics in 6th, 7th, 8th from moon. | |
2. Saturn, Venus & Sun in Libra | This conjunction in 5th house from Lagna forms very opulent Lakshmi Yog and causes conjunction between 5th lord Venus and 9th lord Saturn, one in own sign and other in exaltation giving rise to a 5th, 9th trine Dhana yog. | This same conjunction in Libra goes to 8th house from Moon Lagna. The 6th lord Sun, 8th lord Venus and 12th lord Saturn all join together in 8th house in strength gives a very powerful Viparita Raja Yog. And Saturn and Sun being malefic enhances this Yog. |
3. Mars & Mercury in Virgo | The Lagna lord and 4th lord Mercury goes exalted in Virgo (4th house) and in conjunction with Mars (11th lord of gains) from a 1-11 Dhana yog and 1-4 Raja yog. | Virgo happens to be 7th house from Moon chart. And for Moon Lagna (Pisces) Mars signifies wealth being 9th trine lord and lord of 2nd house of wealth. Lastly it forms Raja yog with 4th and 7th lord Mercury. |
4. Mar & Moon in mutual aspect | Gives rise to Dhana Yog by mutual aspect of 2nd lord of wealth and 11th lord of gains. | Forms superior Dhana Yog by mutual aspect of 5th, 9th trine lord and 2nd lord. |
5. Moon & Mercury in mutual aspect | Gives 1-2 lords Dhana Yog by aspect. | Give rise to 4-5 lord Raja yog and 5-7 Raja yog by aspect. |
Common patterns in Janma Lagna (Ascendant chart) and Chandra Lagna (Moon chart) for Bill Gates :
Strong 1st house condition : In Lagna chart, Lagna Lord (Mercury) is exalted in own sign in Kendra house (Bhadra Yog). In Moon chart, Lagna is aspected by exalted Mercury (lord of 4th & 7th) and Mars, the 9th lord of best trine house. From both the angle of observation, Lagna stands to be very very strong, gaining strength from different ways.
Connection between 5th and 9th trine houses : These connection is very favourable from the point of view of wealth and happens to be in good houses in both the Lagnas. In Lagna chart, 5th lord Venus and 9th lord Saturn together in 5th house. In Moon chart, 5th lord Moon and 9th lord Mars in mutual aspect over 1-7 axis of chart (hence, in good houses).
Strong connections between wealth related houses (1st, 5th, 9th, 2nd & 11th) :
In Lagna chart, 5th and 9th lord connects in 5th house and aspects 11th house (both), 2nd house (saturn). Mars & Mercury together in mutual aspect with Moon connects 1st, 2nd and 11th house and Mars aspects his own 11th house.
In Moon chart, 1st lord Jupiter aspects 2nd house. 11th lord Saturn aspects 2nd house and 5th trine house. 5th lord Moon in 1st, 9th and 2nd lord Mars in 7th house mutually aspects, connects 5th, 9th and 2nd house.
My point of illustrating these planetary combinations listed above is, if the auspicious factors are strong and destined to reap fruits for native, they generally show up from both the prospectives, that is, the Lagna chart and the Moon chart. So if native happens to have unknown birth time but known birth date, he should approach the Moon chart for looking at the fortune patterns and utilise Moon chart until the correct birth time is rectified by learned astrologer.