Scorpio and Virgo Compatibility: 9 types of relationships between a Virgo and Scorpio couple
Following are the different types of relationships between a Virgo partner and a Scorpio partner.
1. Type 1 (Uttara Phalguni and Vishakha couple): This is a type of relationship between a Scorpio and a Virgo where flourishes a great friendship. Such couples can be very friends. But they have to be careful that apart from good friendship there can be many issues with this bond as the relationship grows. The first is the lack of sexual compatibility. Then Scorpio has some need at the spiritual side of their being which might be much different from their Virgo partner. The friendship between this Virgo and Scorpio partner is the biggest factor that can bring satisfaction of togetherness and happiness of the relationship.
2. Type 2 (Uttara Phalguni and Anuradha couple): This relationship type is very unique to a Virgo and Scorpio relationship. And this is because both the Scorpio and Virgo partner might have different priorities in their life but somehow they mix so well in their personal relationship. A Scorpio loves Virgo completely which is so much fulfilling to a Virgo partner. And in response, Virgo returns the same intensity of love to their Scorpio partner along with supporting their dreams and goals. Yes, they both are different personalities but are still made for each other.
3. Type 3 (Uttara Phalguni and Jyeshta couple): This is a Scorpio and Virgo relationship that might not work so smoothly. In this type of relationship, a Scorpio can simply confuse the straightforward Virgo person. Virgo partner is what they say. Scorpio's tendency to be not consistent by giving them attention at some times and being unknowingly away other times can irritate Virgo. This relationship is Roller Coaster.
4. Type 4 (Hasta and Vishakha couple): This is yet another kind of Scorpio and Virgo relationship which has some uniqueness to it. Scorpio here is a good guiding friend and a mentor to a Virgo person. Here we see the natural tuning of the earth sign and water sign. This helpful and guiding nature of a Scorpio might be sometimes mistaken by a Virgo person for love. We do not say that there can't be a love relationship between these two partners. It is just that this relationship might need some time, effort and patience, especially from the Virgo person.
5. Type 5 (Hasta and Anuradha couple): This is a very good Virgo Scorpio relationship. Both of you can become a good anchor for each other since you kind of complement each other's needs in the relationship. Scorpio has the ability to make Virgo face the realities of life without discomforting them. Virgo might be emotionally fragile and Scorpio is strong to support them with emotions. Scorpio helps Virgo to overcome their insecurities and Virgo's love fulfil the need of a Scorpio partner.
6. Type 6 (Hasta and Jyeshta couple): There might be an initial fascination about each other between this type of Virgo and Scorpio couple. But this is a different type of Scorpio partner. Scorpio's changing passion for Virgo can leave them confused. Plus Virgo might be worried about never matching up with their Scorpio lover. And Scorpio might overlook the bright side of Virgo which might cause some difficulties as well.
7. Type 7 (Chitra and Vishakha couple): This is one of the happy pairs of Scorpio and Virgo lovers. In fact, this is a type of Virgo and Scorpio relationship with the best sexual compatibility, good intimate love match and chemistry. Overall they make good partners where both find love and happiness in the relationship. With some small efforts, they can build a very strong relationship.
8. Type 8 (Chitra and Anuradha couple): This is a difficult Scorpio Virgo relationship. This relationship might be all about two different people with two different beliefs and hence a stressed relationship to stay in. Here Scorpio's intense love might be inhabitable for Virgo and Virgo's way of proving their point might hurt the togetherness of a couple.
9. Type 9 (Chitra and Jyeshta couple): This is a type of relationship where there are two disagreeing yet loving partners. Scorpio can be sensuous and a great lover. There might be some instant dislikes from the Virgo's side and the Scorpio might even disagree at some points as well. But both of these partners can over time develop a strong attraction for each other.
Virgo and Scorpio in Bed and Sexual Compatibility
If we talk about the sexual compatibility of a Virgo Scorpio couple then there are majorly always going to be two polar extremes. Either there is going to be a fantastic sexual companionship or it is going to be a serious sexual dissatisfaction. And this fact is independent of whether the couple is the Scorpio man and Virgo woman or the Virgo man and Scorpio Woman. So let's see how the sexual chemistry will be in both of the cases.
Virgo Man and Scorpio Woman in Bed
Scorpio women are much stronger in their sexual needs and their sexual performance is high as well. Women are unpredictable as they say but if I have to further classify. There is a Scorpio woman who has a pure craving for love and she might consider sex as the art of expressing love. Most of the Virgo men can readily supply it and the sexual area of the marriage flourishes. But there is some Scorpio man who might just make a - not so good type of sexual union.
Then comes a Scorpio lady who is much interested and capable in the sensual part of the relationship. But she might be moody as well, like sometimes being much involved and sometimes much away from the emotional connect of the partner. Practically the sexual relationship will still be good in most cases with a Virgo man. But there are also a small number of Scorpio and Virgo pair who will do very well in the sensual area of the partner and turn out to be very satisfying partners in the sexual lovemaking.
Scorpio Man and Virgo Woman in Bed
There will be two different possibilities of Virgo Woman when we talk about an intimate couple of Scorpio man and Virgo woman. A Scorpio man is generally very active in his sexual behaviour. So what might be expected for a Scorpio man and Virgo woman in the bed?
For Virgo woman, there is some variable characteristic to their sexual preferences. From the wide range of Virgo girls, some like those authentic and secret lovemaking events like the intimacy of bedroom followed by a candlelight dinner. Then there might be a Virgo female who has a strong drive but only after a certain age or certain maturity in their life. Not to forget why the Virgo zodiac sign has the symbol of a virgin girl.
So overall a Virgo woman has a sexual appetite which in much synchronisation with what a Scorpio can perform in sex and romance. There will be only a few cases where there might be a strong sexual repulsion between a Virgo Scorpio couple.
Compatibility 55%
Virgo and Scorpio Friendship Compatibility
If we take a sample size of 10 Virgo Scorpio couples, only 3-4 couples out of 10 might have those temperamental similarities. These figures are based on astrological analysis and tell a rough probability about the friendship between Virgo and Scorpio.
Friendship also demands a mutual affection apart from the other bonds like an intimate or romantic bond. In the partners of Scorpio and Virgo since the zodiac sign rulers, Mars and Mercury are so much different from each other. There is not much of that naturally available mutual understanding. The couple is mostly anchored, if they are, by the other things of relationship like intimate chemistry, the need for love from each other and the need to complete each other in the relationship. Therefore I can say that a chance of a very strong friendship between Virgo and Scorpio are very sparse. Due to this friendship compatibility between Virgo and Scorpio. The relationships are like: Either it will work very well OR it completely won't work.
Friendship 38%
The Love life of Virgo and Scorpio
Love life can highly depend on the other factors discussed above in this article, as it is a result of everything combined at all levels like causal friendship, a romantic relationship and things deeper like intense emotional bonds.
For a Virgo and Scorpio couple here is something that needs to be known about their love life. A Scorpio and a Virgo partner can be good lovers provided that there are some strong areas in the relationship. If you want to know how your love life would go then read below.
A Virgo and a Scorpio lover should understand one another's needs and wants before starting any serious relationship commitments. It means that both of them must be clear about their desires and expectations. They should try to communicate openly and honestly with each other since somethings the communication between a Mercury sign and Mars sign can be a barrier.
Sometimes a Scorpio and Virgo couple might disagree but still feel that a relationship is happy and complete together. And this is a very good sign if it is with you and your partner. But sometimes when two people do not agree on anything, it may lead to an argument and even a breaking up of the relationship. So we must keep in mind that this is also a possibility with differing temperaments.
Compatibility 58%
FAQs on Virgo and Scorpio Relationship and Love match
Are Virgo and Scorpio a good match?
Based on the results from friendship analysis, sexual compatibility and the possible romantic relationship we can say that Virgo and Scorpio can make an average match.
Why is Virgo attracted to a Scorpio?
In some cases, a Scorpio and a Virgo partner might find end up with an excellent intimate tuning with each other. These are those cases where a Virgo can be much attracted towards a Scorpio partner.
Can Scorpio and Virgo be soulmates?
Yes! A Virgo and a Scorpios can become soul mates. However, most of the time, these couples have to go through many ups and downs in their lives. Sometimes, they get into arguments because of differences in personality traits. Therefore, in statistics, it is less likely to see a Scorpio and Virgo as soul mates.
How is the friendship between a Scorpio and a Virgo?
A Scorpio and Virgo can develop from an average level of friendship to a good friendship. But it is very rare to see Virgo and Scorpio as best friends.
Are Virgo and Scorpio sexually compatible?
There is a two-way answer to this question. Sometimes the sexual attractiveness for Virgo and Scorpio will be very good and sometimes they can be repulsive to each other. So it is better to start slowly and find it early in a relationship.
What does a Scorpio man think about his Virgo woman?
The Scorpio man usually likes it when her Virgo woman is a bit inclined for him and can offer genuine love as a response to his effort to make her feel strong about her insecurities. He feels melted whenever she shows interest in him.
Do Virgos and Scorpios enjoy sex?
Both of them enjoy having sex. But it depends a lot on how sexually attractive they find each other. If they find those natural attractions, they can end up with a good sex life even years after marriage.