Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra Best marriage Compatibility

Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra Best marriage Compatibility

Lets find the best and most compatible Nakshatra with Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra.

Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra: Best Nakshatra for Marriage

Uttara Phalguni and Purva Phalguni Compatibility

Uttara Phalguni and Purva Phalguni Nakshatra: Your best relationship: warm and loving partner. Purva Phalguni is your ideal partner. They touch your inner person; you feel love for them as they brighten up your life. Try not to feel too guilty about enjoying your happiness. This is as perfect as relationships can get. Don't spoil it by hoping for even more. 80% compatible

Uttara Phalguni and Anuradha Compatibility

Uttara Phalguni and Anuradha Nakshatra: Anuradha love you selflessly and completely. You find this intensely fulfilling. You support them and love them back. You are not always demonstrative but your love for them is real. With them, you are no longer unhappy with the burden of material expectations and recognise it as a part of your karmic process. 80% compatible

Uttara Phalguni and Purva Ashadha Compatibility

Uttara Phalguni and Purva Ashadha Nakshatra: You instantly touch the soul of Purva Ashadha. You are happy for them to be free to explore their spirituality. You can love them for who they are. But they love you back in a way they can love a few others. You both add colour to each other's unfinished picture and make your lives complete. 75% compatible

Uttara Phalguni and Mrigashirsha Compatibility

Uttara Phalguni and Mrigashirsha Nakshatra: Great friendship, similar life directions, and shared passions. Mrigasira's sharp intellect is a perfect foil for your practical nature. While Mrigasira does not usually like to make commitments, with you they make an exception. They help you find the courage to deal with your inner guilt. Great relationship. 73% compatible

Uttara Phalguni and Rohini Compatibility

Uttara Phalguni and Rohini Nakshatra: Rohini is happy to bask in your warmth and reflect your love back to you. They are emotional and romantic. You are never bored with them. You are always trying to please them and be there for them. Rohini brings out the romantic person in you. They wrap their love around you. You feel secure and happy within their aura. 72% compatible

Uttara Phalguni and Swati Compatibility

Uttara Phalguni and Swati Nakshatra: There is a fascination that transcends initial distrust. You start knowing the real Swati, their inner sensitivity and vulnerabilities. This relationship works because Swati always appear slightly mysterious to you. You never feel you know them fully and this keeps you interested, as you are always hoping to unravel their mystique. 69% compatible

Uttara Phalguni and Revati Compatibility

Uttara Phalguni and Revati Nakshatra: You love the charm and quick intellect of the Revati. Revati has deep spiritual roots. You appreciate and aspire towards spirituality but are blocked by life more rooted in reality. But Revati needs your reality and practicality while you can do with a bit of their mystic spirituality. Both of you benefit. 69% compatible

Uttara Phalguni and Uttara Ashadha Compatibility

Uttara Phalguni and Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra: You recognise the loneliness of Uttara Ashadha and try to support them through your love. As a Nakshatra who is completely involved in material pursuits, you appreciate the difficulties of the spiritual journey of Uttara Ashadha. You try to encourage them to be comfortable with their soul's desires. 68% compatible

Uttara Phalguni and Ardra Compatibility

Uttara Phalguni and Ardra Nakshatra: You do not trust fully but you find them irresistible. Ardra appears to be very analytical and unromantic but when you discover their emotional nature you are hooked. Ardra can make the mistake of loving you too much. Don't break their heart by losing interest in them just because they love you. 61% compatible

Uttara Phalguni and Uttara Phalguni Compatibility

Uttara Phalguni and Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra: Both of you present a powerful persona to the world and find satisfaction in your careers, social position and success. The downside is that you may ignore your emotional needs. You both need to appreciate the other's strength without trying to grasp all the power for yourself. 61% compatible

Uttara Phalguni and Bharani Compatibility

Uttara Phalguni and Bharani Nakshatra: You love the exotic and sensuous Bharani. They know how to get your passions flowing. You hardly ever get bored with Bharani. You should not give in to them too easily. Just like you, they can become complacent and ignore your needs if they become too comfortable with you. 60% compatible

Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra Compatibility table

Uttara Phalguni

Purva Phalguni


Uttara Phalguni



Uttara Phalguni

Purva Ashadha


Uttara Phalguni



Uttara Phalguni



Uttara Phalguni



Uttara Phalguni



Uttara Phalguni

Uttara Ashadha


Uttara Phalguni



Uttara Phalguni

Uttara Phalguni


Uttara Phalguni



Check our older more indepth article on Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra:

Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra meaning and compatibility | Aaps.space
When Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra is the birth star, it makes the native earn money by his learning. This person is generally liked by all. And live a comfortable life possessing luxuries.
Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra meaning and compatibility | Aaps.space
