Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra Best marriage Compatibility

Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra Best marriage Compatibility

We will go through the best compatible Nakshatras with Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra. And explore their mutual compatibility.

Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra: Best Nakshatra for Marriage

Uttara Bhadrapada and Revati Compatibility

Uttara Bhadra and Revati Nakshatra: Revati loves you unconditionally. They understand your spiritual complexities and introduce you to spiritual love. You overcome your fears and embrace this special feeling. You make your relationship sacred. When faced with difficulties, you are strong together and your love deepens and flourishes with time. 91% compatible

Uttara Bhadrapada and Uttara Ashadha Compatibility

Uttara Bhadra and Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra: Uttara Ashadha are so grateful for your love and unconditional support that they want to fulfil all your desires. You appreciate their emotional control but also understand their angst. You are never happier than when you are caring for them. For all their complexities, they have the capacity to love you very deeply. 83% compatible

Uttara Bhadrapada and Shravana Compatibility

Uttara Bhadra and Shravana Nakshatra: Shravana instinctively understand your needs, it is something few others are not able to do. They care for you and love you. Their emotional neediness makes you feel wanted. You help them find balance and equilibrium. Shravana makes you feel comfortable with your emotions. You express your love to them without hesitation. 80% compatible

Uttara Bhadrapada and Uttara Bhadrapada Compatibility

Uttara Bhadra and Uttara Bhadrapada nakshatra: Both of you are dutiful and hard-working. You can form a spiritually powerful relationship. You must not forget to have fun and enjoy life. Both of you find it hard to express your emotions. Remember to talk about love and take time out from caring for the world to care for each other. 77% compatible

Uttara Bhadrapada and Purva Bhadrapada Compatibility

Uttara Bhadra and Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra: You are cosmic twins: both very different, yet you express the other's unspoken needs. You love Purva Bhadra's idealism and adore the way they encourage you to open up and be more adventurous. You are happy to be supportive; you do not expect anything in return for your efforts. You feel life has rewarded you with their love. 76% compatible

Uttara Bhadrapada and Rohini Compatibility

Uttara Bhadra and Ardra Nakshatra: Ardra are intelligent, unusual and creative; you love all their qualities. You understand their restlessness, learn to trust their intuitiveness and help them come to terms with their dissatisfactions. Ardra loves you back with total faith. You need to let them know that fidelity is important to you and they are usually happy to please. 72% compatible

Uttara Bhadrapada and Uttara Phalguni Compatibility

Uttara Bhadra and Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra: Your best sexual relationship but also a spiritually complex one. You appear highly compatible, but on a psychological level, this partnership can cause sorrow and unhappiness by your inability to appreciate each other. Forget about responsibility and duty and concentrate on love and happiness. 75% compatible

Uttara Bhadrapada and Ardra Compatibility

Uttara Bhadra and Ardra Nakshatra: Ardra are intelligent, unusual and creative; you love all their qualities. You understand their restlessness, learn to trust their intuitiveness and help them come to terms with their dissatisfactions. Ardra loves you back with total faith. You need to let them know that fidelity is important to you and they are usually happy to please. 72% compatible

Uttara Bhadrapada and Hasta Compatibility

Uttara Bhadra and Hasta Nakshatra: You love Hasta's sophisticated persona but you also recognise their insecurities. At first, they appear to shun all your efforts to support them. Your patience wins out; they warm to you and lean on you for love and support. You learn to express your emotions to Hasta. Together you can create a special bond. 72% compatible

Uttara Bhadrapada and Punarvasu Compatibility

Uttara Bhadra and Punarvasu Nakshatra: Punarvasu are not always able to give you the total commitment you desire, but you are usually willing to compromise. They can be your great friends. You value their advice and you love their bright and spiritual minds. You are happy to be supportive and Punarvasu make you feel loved and wanted. 70% compatible

Uttara Bhadrapada and Shatabhisha Compatibility

Uttara Bhadra and Shatabhisha Nakshatra: If you want to keep your Shatabhishak partner in love, you need to pay attention to your style, the way you dress and your general sensuality. These are important to them and can create problems. They do love you. Your relationship works well so maybe you should make this extra effort for them. 66% compatible

Uttara Bhadrapada and Mula Compatibility

Uttara Bhadra and Mula Nakshatra: You love the spirituality of Mula and the way they deal with their challenges. You are willing to be their root. Mula love you back but can never give you their all. You understand their pain and their dilemmas at times better than they do themselves. Mula can hurt you by rejecting you but they also know you are just the partner they need. 66% compatible

Uttara Bhadrapada and Ashwini Compatibility

Uttara Bhadra and Ashwini Nakshatra: You fall for the unconventional Ashwini but you can spoil it by making conventional demands. Your expectations of Ashwini are not what they are happy to fulfil. Don't be shy to expose your sensuality to them. They will love it. They are also hiding their spiritual self. Revealing these hidden facets can create a strong bond. 64% compatible

Uttara Bhadrapada and Purva Ashadha Compatibility

Uttara Bhadra and Purva Ashadha Nakshatra: Loving Purva Ashadha is hard for you, as you never know what to expect. You need to have a philosophical attitude towards them and lots of tolerance. You develop an easy relationship: you love their creativity and you are not fazed by their sudden changes of direction. You try to keep their feet on the ground. 61% compatible

Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra Compatibility table

Uttara Bhadrapada



Uttara Bhadrapada

Uttara Ashadha


Uttara Bhadrapada



Uttara Bhadrapada

Uttara Bhadrapada


Uttara Bhadrapada

Purva Bhadrapada


Uttara Bhadrapada



Uttara Bhadrapada

Uttara Phalguni


Uttara Bhadrapada



Uttara Bhadrapada



Uttara Bhadrapada



Uttara Bhadrapada



Uttara Bhadrapada



Uttara Bhadrapada



Uttara Bhadrapada

Purva Ashadha


Check our older and more indepth article on Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra:

Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra meaning and compatibility | Aaps.space
When Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra is the birth star it indicates happy people who are also able speakers. These natives have children and grandchildren. They are the one conquers their enemies and one who is virtuous.
Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra meaning and compatibility | Aaps.space
