Swati Nakshatra Best marriage Compatibility

Swati Nakshatra Best marriage Compatibility

Lets see which Nakshatras are compatible with Swati Nakshatra and how their compatibility is in relationship dynamics.

Swati Nakshatra: Best Nakshatra for Marriage

Swati and Bharani Compatibility

Swati and Bharani Nakshatra: Best relationship. Great sex, good friends and lots of fun. Bharani brings out your sensual nature, make you feel wanted and love you passionately. You are hypnotised by their magnetism. They empower you, make you feel sexually confident. They enjoy your earthiness and release you from your sexual complexes. 78% compatible

Swati and Swati Compatibility

Swati and Swati Nakshatra: Relationships with your own Nakshatra work well, as you understand each other instinctively. This is the reason so many people choose partners from the same Nakshatra. Problems happen when you face difficulties and you are unable to find a different way of dealing with them. Love and affection overcome many hurdles. 77% compatible

Swati and Ardra Compatibility

Swati and Ardra Nakshatra: Love can be wonderful with Ardra. You understand each other completely. The ambitions and emotional needs of both of you are entwined. Both of you have a down to earth sexuality. Ardra can be very devoted to you and you open your feelings to them. When you pool your resources, you are able to fulfil each other's wildest dreams. 75% compatible

Swati and Purva Ashadha Compatibility

Swati and Purva Ashadha Nakshatra: Creative, talented, bright and intelligent Purva Ashadha can be your special friend. You should recognise deep bonds. Purva Ashadha will tame your wildness but encourage you with your originality and creativity. This can be a thrilling relationship where you can make lack of commitment an art form. 75% compatible

Swati and Punarvasu Compatibility

Swati and Punarvasu Nakshatra: Punarvasu is both wise and fun. You are both adventurers in different ways and you create a relationship that can be unconventional and loving. They usually help you with your ambitions and this is important for you. Punarvasu is usually not good at commitments but somehow you know how to make them change their mind. 74% compatible

Swati and Hasta Compatibility

Swati and Hasta Nakshatra: Your best sexual partner. Hasta is ideal for you: sexy, fun and sophisticated. They help you to get in touch with your emotions. You are both hard-working and ambitious. You use your creative and financially sound partnerships where love also flourishes. 72% compatible

Swati and Ashwini Compatibility

Swati and Ashwini Nakshatra: Ashwini will fascinate you and you can fall in love with them easily. But they can reject you sexually. Ashwini has a karmic lesson to teach Swati about sensuality. Once you look beyond the initial sexual rejection and work with the relationship, this will help you find a love that completes you; Ashwini maybe your soul mate. 70% compatible

Swati and Pushya Compatibility

Swati and Pushya Nakshatra: Your love usually starts as a practical friendship. You are similar, being ambitious, hard-working and focused. You have a fund of ideas but may have impractical ways of expressing them. Pushya gives you the strength to flourish in the competitive world. You also find love, and they love selflessly in return. 69% compatible

Swati and Uttara Phalguni Compatibility

Swati and Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra: You take time falling in love. You are not sure that you trust Uttara Phalguni. But you soon find that they are solid, caring and extremely supportive. They are usually influential and powerful and you like that. You bask in their warmth and loving; their love helps you to come out of your shell. 69% compatible

Swati and Purva Phalguni Compatibility

Swati and Purva Phalguni Nakshatra: Purva Phalguni helps you with your ideas, adding new life to them. They are fun to be with, social and sophisticated. You love their ability to be elegant, aesthetic and poetic. You are both into commitment and will try to establish a good relationship. Be careful that your ambitions do not overshadow your family life. 66% compatible

Swati and Chitra Compatibility

Swati and Chitra Nakshatra: You love the exotic Chitra. They excite you and make you feel sexy and loved. They are extremely creative and lead interesting lives, and you fit into their world easily. It is a scintillating (shinning) relationship as long as you work on keeping the sexual frisson (or thrill) alive. You have to learn to tolerate their independence and show your love to them. 65% compatible

Swati and Dhanishta Compatibility

Swati and Dhanishta Nakshatra: You desire Dhanishta's strength and courage. You feel they have reached the place where you would like to be, spiritually at least. You are always self-critical and do not recognise your good qualities. Putting yourself down in front of Dhanishta is not such a good idea. They need you to be confident and assured. 65% compatible

Swati and Moola Compatibility

Swati and Mula Nakshatra: This relationship can be intense and karmic. Mula appears to be your ideal partner, yet there is a distance you cannot fathom of the bridge. You try to hold on to them by being possessive but that makes them even more distant. Allow your inner feelings to show and appreciate the relationship for what it is. It can be blissful and joyous. 63% compatible

Swati and Shravana Compatibility

Swati and Shravana Nakshatra: You fall for Shravana very quickly but they keep on putting up invisible barriers. They will be warm one moment and cold the next. You are not sure whether they are teasing you. They may be protecting themselves from future hurt. Show them that they can trust you and they will start to bare their soul to you. 61% compatible

Swati and Anuradha Compatibility

Swati and Anuradha Nakshatra: You are attracted to Anuradha's strong and ambitious personality but you can then find them vulnerable and needy. If you pay attention to their dreams, they will love you back tenfold. Learn to be happy with what you have with them and your relationship goes from good to better. Let them trust you and make them feel secure. 58% compatible

Swati Nakshatra Compatibility table











Purva Ashadha















Uttara Phalguni



Purva Phalguni

















Check our older more indepth article on Swati Nakshatra:

Swati Nakshatra meaning and compatibility | Aaps.space
If the Birth star is Swati Nakshatra at the time of birth, the person will be of a mild and quiet nature who controls his or her passions and desires. A Swati person is skilled in the trade, plus he will be merciful and able to bear thirst. Swati natives especially female natives are sweet of speech. And in general Swati person will be of charitable nature.
Swati Nakshatra meaning and compatibility | Aaps.space
