Pushya Nakshatra Best marriage Compatibility

Pushya Nakshatra Best marriage Compatibility

We are taking a look at Nakshatras which are best compatible with Pushya Nakshatra.

Pushya Nakshatra: Best Nakshatra for Marriage

Pushya and Ashwini Compatibility

Pushya and Ashwini Nakshatra: Your best relationship. Ashwini is attractive, magnificent and sexy. But Ashwini will take time to recognise you as their potential partner. You are patient and wait for Ashwini. Ashwini will bring enthusiasm and love into your life. You will support and love them through the ups and downs of their life. 83% compatible

Pushya and Ashlesha Compatibility

Pushya and Ashlesha Nakshatra: Ashlesha knows how to break down your barriers and speak in your language of love, although initially only to love you and leave you. But the moment they get to know you, they find your warm and loving secret self and your steadiness and loyalty. You love their sensuality. An unconventional relationship with deep emotional ties. 80% compatible

Pushya and Pushya Compatibility

Pushya and Pushya Nakshatra: This is a good relationship based on shared ideals and deep understanding. You instinctively know what the other wants and are able to be open and honest about your feelings to each other. You may appear to be a boring and pragmatic couple, but in truth, there is humour, emotional commitment and pure love. 77% compatible

Pushya and Punarvasu Compatibility

Pushya and Punarvasu Nakshatra: You are attracted by Punarvasu's bright personality and their interesting lifestyle. And even also the recognition they give and feeling that they can make you complete. They can give you that for which you have been searching all your life. You flourish in their love. You lose your fear of emotions and are willing to take a chance on love. 76% compatible

Pushya and Rohini Compatibility

Pushya and Rohini Nakshatra: You may find Rohini too emotional and fickle. Rohini will find you rigid and inflexible. As you get closer, you discover Rohini's ability to bring laughter and joy. They will lighten your load, romance, seduce and help you express your sensuality. They can be needed for your support and you are there for them. 75% compatible

Pushya and Shravana Compatibility

Pushya and Shravana Nakshatra: There is poor sexuality or sexual compatibility between both. But things will be compensated by other areas of life, making your love last. Your nourishing nature towards Shravana will attract them towards you. Though there may be some ups and downs, your journey together will lead to a more spiritual side of love between both of you. 75% compatible

Pushya and Revati Compatibility

Pushya and Revati Nakshatra: Revati charms you, can be your friend and lover. You have many interests in common. Communicating is easy; they help you overcome your fear of emotions. Revati needs your support and you are happy to provide that. They take their commitment to you seriously and work hard to make the relationship special and loving. 72% compatible

Pushya and Hasta Compatibility

Pushya and Hasta Nakshatra: You love Hasta's ability to feel; they help you overcome your own fear or emotions. They are sophisticated on the outside but will be earthy, sensuous lovers - you like this secret side of their personality. You have strong sexual connections. You like their independence and support them with love, which is reciprocated fully. 69% compatible

Pushya and Swati Compatibility

Pushya and Swati Nakshatra: A good relationship that brings together shared ambitions and great friendship. Swati are unusual and you make a special effort to know them and their views on life. You are much more flexible with Swati than with others. Both of you may struggle with your emotions and need to talk about your fears and uncertainties. 69% compatible

Pushya and Krittika Compatibility

Pushya and Krittika Nakshatra: Krittika is your best sexual partner. They are shy and diffident sexually. You can see through their insecurities and make them comfortable with their passions. Krittika's autocratic behaviour can at times annoy you. Take care you do not dash their emotions with your coldness. They express their love because they trust you. 68% compatible

Pushya and Uttara Ashadha Compatibility

Pushya and Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra: You love the simplicity and naturalness of Uttara Ashadha. They may be in opulent surroundings but their own tastes are austere. You sense their loneliness and you want to love them. The Leo Pushya have an intuitive understanding of Uttara Ashadha as they are ruled by the same Sun-Saturn combination. 63% compatible

Pushya and Bharani Compatibility

Pushya and Bharani Nakshatra: Bharani stands for everything you disapprove of. They are sensual, indulgent and self-involved. Why are you struggling against this attraction? Their passionate nature will help you come out of your shell. Balance your pragmatic personality with their more exotic one. Your sexuality flowers under their expertise. Avoid trying to control them. 61% compatible

Pushya and Purva Bhadrapada Compatibility

Pushya and Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra: You put a lot of effort into your relationship with Purva Bhadrapada. You love them unconditionally, try to be the image of their ideal love, run their home efficiently, and make the relationship strong and successful. Remind your Purva Bhadrapada lover about your contribution to their life or they may start taking you for granted. 60% compatible

Pushya Nakshatra Compatibility Table
































Uttara Ashadha






Purva Bhadrapada


Check our indepth article on Pushya Nakshatra:

Pushya Nakshatra meaning and compatibility | Aaps.space
Pushya native, with this nakshatra as Janma tara or birth star, are able to control their passions. They are generally much liked by others. They are learned in various lore and are also rich. These people are fond of doing charitable acts.
Pushya Nakshatra meaning and compatibility | Aaps.space
