Purva Phalguni Nakshatra Bad marriage Compatibility

Purva Phalguni Nakshatra Bad marriage Compatibility

Lets check which Nakshatras are not compatible with Purva Phalguni Nakshatra.

Purva Phalguni Nakshatra: Worst Nakshatra for Marriage

Purva Phalguni and Chitra Compatibility

Purva Phalguni and Chitra Nakshatra: Chitra's Martian personality arouses extreme passion in you. In the aftermath of spent passion, you do not know how to relate to them. They can be selfish and self-involved. They ignore you and are careless with your emotions. They are not into commitment and their inability to love you does not make for happiness. 19% compatible

Purva Phalguni and Dhanishta Compatibility

Purva Phalguni and Dhanishta Nakshatra: You never know how Dhanishta can be loving and caring to all those less fortunate than them but when it comes to you, they become cold and uncaring. You feel you are living next to a volcano, you never know when they can burst out. Why can't they make a little effort to understand you? 19% compatible

Purva Phalguni and Pushya Compatibility

Purva Phalguni and Pushya Nakshatra: The cool Pushya appear solid and reliable, and they know how to have fun. You think you have found someone special. In the long run, you may find their qualities boring and Pushya too involved in their work to appreciate you. Keep your finances apart - frugal Pushya may not appreciate your extravagances. 39% compatible

Purva Phalguni and Ashlesha Compatibility

Purva Phalguni and Ashlesha Nakshatra: Yours is a sexually inimical relationship. The cat must tease the rat and play a game of dominance. You find Ashlesha strong and intimidating and therefore resort to tricks and underhand methods to scupper their superiority. These behaviour patterns manifest in your relationship without you being aware of it. 41% compatible

Purva Phalguni Nakshatra Compatibility table

Purva Phalguni



Purva Phalguni



Purva Phalguni



Purva Phalguni



Purva Phalguni Nakshatra Best marriage Compatibility
Lets find out which Nakshatras are most compatible with Purva Phalguni Nakshatra.
Purva Phalguni Nakshatra Best marriage Compatibility
