Punarvasu Nakshatra Best marriage Compatibility

Punarvasu Nakshatra Best marriage Compatibility

Let's check which Nakshatras goes well with Punarvasu Nakshatra in the matters of compatibility and marriage.

Punarvasu Nakshatra: Best Nakshatra for Marriage

Punarvasu and Bharani Compatibility

Punarvasu and Bharani Nakshatra: Your best relationship. Bharani can teach you about love, commitment and sensuality. Mesmeric and fascinating - this is how you view Bharani. You are willing to make adjustments to suit them, as you desire them so much. You find intimacy and love with Bharani. You become their lover, not their guru. 76% compatible

Punarvasu and Pushya Compatibility

Punarvasu and Pushya Nakshatra: Your best relationship. Pushya is cool but they are amusing and fun, having a great sense of humour. You will bathe Pushya in your warmth. Their support makes you feel secure; you want to commit to them. Even if you go off occasionally you know your Pushya love is there for you in a strong, supportive and loyal manner. 76% compatible

Punarvasu and Swati Compatibility

Punarvasu and Swati Nakshatra: Loving Swati is easy for you: you sense their kindred spirit. You may appear very different and have incompatible ideas but your soul needs the same things - adventure, non-conformity, and freedom. But both of you still need love. You respect Swati's ideas and show them how to get the best out of them. 74% compatible

Punarvasu and Uttara Bhadrapada Compatibility

Punarvasu and Uttara Bhadrapada nakshatra: Uttara Bhadrapada will support and love you. They allow you your freedom yet remind you periodically of your responsibilities. They encourage you in your spiritual search and their love makes you keep coming back to them. Try not to promise them commitment if you are unable to follow through. They will be flexible. 70% compatible

Punarvasu and Revati Compatibility

Punarvasu and Revati Nakshatra: Revati will charm you into loving them. Revati is insecure and you will be in your element advising and guiding them. Revati also has the tendency to be possessive and they can cling emotionally. While you are happy to give them their emotional sustenance, you should let them know of your need for freedom. 69% compatible

Punarvasu and Shravana Compatibility

Punarvasu and Shravana Nakshatra: Shravana listens to you and understands your needs before you have spoken to them. They help you understand how to use your restlessness more creatively. You can enjoy a great and loving relationship, but it still remains largely uncommitted. Exploring philosophy and creative ideas gives you a joint focus. 68% compatible

Punarvasu and Rohini Compatibility

Punarvasu and Rohini Nakshatra: You fall for Rohini's magnetism and sensuality. Their romantic nature adds to your love. Once you get involved, you will stay focused on them. Let them know you love them frequently. Do not use your friends or colleagues to make them jealous. If they lose trust in you, the cool, moody and jealous Rohini emerges. 66% compatible

Punarvasu and Purva Phalguni Compatibility

Punarvasu and Purva Phalguni Nakshatra: This relationship can work well despite Purva Phalguni and Punarvasu being inimical sexually. Enhance the areas of compatibility, the fun, the socialising, the thirst for knowledge, the shared interests and play down your differences. Resist the temptation to play sexual games and intimidate. 62% compatible

Punarvasu and Anuradha Compatibility

Punarvasu and Anuradha Nakshatra: Anuradha force you to stop and think about love and life. Anuradha's gentle questioning of your ways lights an inner spark within you. Anuradha helps you to overcome any lack of intimacy by loving enough for two. Also, they are supportive and selfless, so have the comfort of knowing that they will be there for you. 62% compatible

Punarvasu Nakshatra Compatibility table











Uttara Bhadrapada












Purva Phalguni





Check our older indepth article on Punarvasu Nakshatra:

Punarvasu Nakshatra meaning and compatibility | Aaps.space
If Punarvasu Nakshatra is the Birth star, the person is of good nature. Punarvasu native is quiet, patient and devout. Such people live in comfort. They might be sickly, thirsty, pleased with trifles, and possessed of contrary views.
Punarvasu Nakshatra meaning and compatibility | Aaps.space
