Mula Nakshatra Bad marriage Compatibility

Mula Nakshatra Bad marriage Compatibility

Lets find out the Nakshatras which are not compatible with Moola Nakshatra.

Mula Nakshatra: Worst Nakshatra for Marriage

Mula and Punarvasu Compatibility

Mula and Punarvasu Nakshatra: Mula in Sanskrit means root; Punarvasu is rootlessness. You need wisdom and care while working out the issues. Your rejections can have a profound effect on Punarvasu. They can be jealous and possessive whereas you can be destructive, uncaring of the cost. They feel insecure and you feel aggravated. 29% compatible

Mula and Uttara Phalguni Compatibility

Mula and Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra: The conventional Uttara Phalguni attracts you very much. You are drawn to their ordered life and their high profile, usually successful careers. You enjoy basking in their warmth and love. However, too much conventionality soon bores you and your soul feels restricted by their love. You can hurt them by suddenly giving up on the relationship. 32% compatible

Mula and Ashwini Compatibility

Mula and Ashwini Nakshatra: Your subconscious tells you not to trust. It could be your past that is not allowing you to be happy in the present with Ashwini. They understand you better than you think. For this relationship to develop, you have to let them in. if you continue to hold them at a distance and direct your anger towards them, how can they love you? 33% compatible

Mula and Purva Phalguni Compatibility

Mula and Purva Phalguni Nakshatra: Creative, fun and party-loving Purva Phalguni are so different from you, not bothering about their spiritual self, happy to enjoy what life has to offer. Purva Phalguni's lack of understanding of your spiritual needs makes it difficult to sustain a relationship. As a dog Nakshatra, you can easily intimidate the rat Purva Phalguni and they can tease you. 35% compatible

Mula and Rohini Compatibility

Mula and Rohini Nakshatra: You are attracted to the cool and unemotional Rohini: you think they are not going to demand more than you can give. When you discover they are emotional, romantic and possessive, you may try to get out of this relationship. The lack of compatibility suggests that you may not be nice about it. Be careful, you can break their heart. 36% compatible

Mula and Uttara Ashadha Compatibility

Mula and Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra: Uttara Ashadha can be icy one minute and aggressive another. Both of you can get involved in proving who is stronger and therefore your relationship can become a war zone. You need to control your extreme reactions to each other, talk about them and never underestimate their ability to create problems for you. 36% compatible

Mula and Jyeshta Compatibility

Mula and Jyeshta Nakshatra: Jyeshta charm you but you soon find that their brand of mystical knowledge is of no interest to you. You can be restless, angry and irritated with them. Jyeshta are your worst sexual partner. Sexually you feel so aggressive towards them that you have to really try to control yourself. Learn to stay calm, temperate and philosophical. 39% compatible

Mula and Shravana Compatibility

Mula and Shravana Nakshatra: Shravana is in denial of their emotional nature. They can send out conflicting signals - warm and passionate one moment and totally detached the next. You are not always willing to explore their needs. You have to learn to discriminate between your spiritual and your relationships issues. 39% compatible

Mula and Anuradha Compatibility

Mula and Anuradha Nakshatra: You do not always appreciate Anuradha's good qualities, finding them too unrealistic and emotional. You usually have nothing to offer Anuradha except a short-term affair. But Anuradha can cling on. As your worst sexual partner, the more they want you, the more you feel the need to dominate and aggravate them. 41% compatible

Mula Nakshatra Compatibility table





Uttara Phalguni






Purva Phalguni






Uttara Ashadha











Moola Nakshatra Best marriage Compatibility
Lets read about the compatibility between Moola Nakshatra and some best compatible Nakshatras with it.
Moola Nakshatra Best marriage Compatibility
