Mrigasira Nakshatra Best marriage Compatibility

Mrigasira Nakshatra Best marriage Compatibility

Let's find the best Nakshatras, which are comaptible and suited for marriage for Mrigashirsha Nakshatra. (Mrigasira Nakshatra)

Mrigashirsha Nakshatra: Best Nakshatra for Marriage

Mrigasira and Hasta Compatibility

Mrigasira Nakshatra and Hasta Nakshatra: You love the sophistication and charm of Hasta. You are delighted by their earthiness. Hasta opens up to you in a way they have never before. You are not fazed by their moodiness. In fact, you support them and make them feel confident. They care for you and love you. You find happiness and your doubts go away. 82% compatible

Mrigasira and Ardra Compatibility

Mrigasira and Ardra Nakshatra: Both of you have equally bright minds that excite and thrill the other. Ardra loves analysing. In fact, Ardra in one of the few Nakshatras that do not take offence at your need for analysing relationships. The great compatibility suggests that this relationship will be exciting and fulfilling. 78% compatible

Mrigasira and Rohini Compatibility

Mrigasira and Rohini Nakshatra: Good friendship and exciting sex. You will want to be the strong one, but it is Rohini who calls the shots in the bedroom. With Rohini, you learn to appreciate sensuality and passion. Rohini's quiet wisdom will not be deterred by your intellectualism. They represent the perfection you seek in relationships. 77% compatible

Mrigasira and Revati Compatibility

Mrigasira and Revati Nakshatra: Revati is so strong in their idealistic beliefs, you feel drawn to them. You want to be protective and loving towards them. You also enjoy discussing why your relationship survives despite the fact that both of you have disagreed on most things. They are never squeamish in facing the truth and you admire and love them equally. 74% compatible

Mrigasira and Uttara Phalguni Compatibility

Mrigasira and Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra: You are attracted to Uttara Phalguni's sunny warmth. You enjoy their devotion and thrill at their strong sexuality. You admire their ambitions and feel happy with their support for yours. This is not a relationship where you can get bored. Your ready wit keeps them amused; their loyalty keeps you by their side. 73% compatible

Mrigasira and Purva Bhadrapada Compatibility

Mrigasira and Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra: Both of you use your intellect as a weapon but never against each other: you are too good friends ever to do so. Purva Bhadra may be cool in the way they show their affections in public; in private they will be uninhibited lovers. They are generous and caring. 69% compatible

Mrigasira and Punarvasu Compatibility

Mrigasira and Punarvasu Nakshatra: You find their knowledge and wisdom sexy. There is hardly ever a time to get bored as you get involved in lively debates and intellectual discussions. You can be great friends. Both of you are sensuous and tactile, but you will need to teach Punarvasu that commitment and love go together. 67% compatible

Mrigasira and Shatabhisha Compatibility

Mrigasira and Shatabhisha Nakshatra: You do not always warm to Shatabhishak immediately. They are too inhibited, secretive and do not address their issues. Their way of thinking frustrates you as well as excites you. An unlikely relationship develops that defies conventions. Try not to be too possessive and encourage them to open up their inner world. 65% compatible

Mrigasira and Ashwini Compatibility

Mrigasira and Ashwini Nakshatra: You are both strong personalities. You love Ashwini's adventurous nature, their free spirit, and unconventional view on love and relationships. Ashwini will always keep you on the edge, so you do not have time to be bored with them. Do not be too possessive: Ashwini hates complications and tends to walk away. 61% compatible

Mrigashirsha Nakshatra Compatibility table














Uttara Phalguni



Purva Bhadrapada











Check our older more indpeth article on Mrigasira Nakshatra:

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