Magha Nakshatra Bad marriage Compatibility

Magha Nakshatra Bad marriage Compatibility

Lets find which Nakshatras are not compatible with Magha Nakshatra.

Magha Nakshatra: Worst Nakshatra for Marriage

Magha and Shravana Compatibility

Magha and Shravana Nakshatra: You can lose your sense of right and wrong with Shravana. You find it difficult to deal with their sentimental nature and you can be very critical. This is so unlike you. Where are your warmth and your sense of fair play? You feel frozen by their chilly behaviour. You may hurt them immensely with your rejection and haughtiness. 11% compatible

Magha and Uttara Ashadha Compatibility

Magha and Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra: You see through Uttara Ashadha, their lack of self-confidence and vulnerability. You play on that. You are sexually very active and you may find Uttara Ashadha's diffidence dull and boring. You cannot be sensitive to their needs. Somehow this relationship brings out the worst in you. Be aware of the negative qualities. 15% compatible

Magha and Swati Compatibility

Magha and Swati Nakshatra: You feel uneasy with Swati. There is a stressful karmic bond that ties you together; it usually brings issues that create unhappiness before you can find true happiness. Learn to work things through, talk about your fears and inadequacies, and you may be able to overcome your karmic difficulties. 27% compatible

Magha and Rohini Compatibility

Magha and Rohini Nakshatra: You can mock Rohini's romantic nature and ignore their possessiveness. Rohini needs romance and you want sex. Both of you ignore each other's needs. Rohini appears in control of their life, but when they become demanding and jealous you do not want to deal with it. Rohini needs you more than you need them. 28% compatible

Magha and Revati Compatibility

Magha and Revati Nakshatra: You try hard to live up to Revati's image of you, but you usually feel inadequate and unsure. Being a spiritually complex relationship, you try to cover up your inadequacies by increasingly contrary behaviour. Sexual issues will usually be contentious. You can end up hurting each other if you are not careful. 33% compatible

Magha and Hasta Compatibility

Magha and Hasta Nakshatra: There appears to be a psychological inability to connect to Hasta's needs. You feel some past life connections but usually in a negative way. Learn to appreciate the good qualities and compromise on the others, then you are giving yourself a chance for happiness. If Hasta is being cold towards you, they are hurt inside. 39% compatible

Magha and Ashlesha Compatibility

Magha and Ashlesha Nakshatra: Sex is the bone of contention between the two of you. As a rat Nakshatra, you remain afraid of cat Ashlesha's sexual power. Your way of coping is to reject them or cut them out of your life. You reason that is you remain distant, you do not have to work out any issues. A sexless relationship will be frustrating and you are not into celibacy. 41% compatible

Magha Nakshatra Compatibility table





Uttara Ashadha

















Magha Nakshatra Best marriage Compatibility
Lets see which Nakshatras are most compatible and best suited with Magha Nakshatra.
Magha Nakshatra Best marriage Compatibility
