Krittika Nakshatra Bad marriage Compatibility

Krittika Nakshatra Bad marriage Compatibility

Lets see which Nakshatras are incompatible with Krittika Nakshatra.

Krittika Nakshatra: Worst Nakshatra for Marriage

Krittika and Rohini Compatibility

Krittika and Rohini Nakshatra: You will be attracted to Rohini's vulnerability, ever ready to provide strength and protection. But their unrealistic approach to love can unsettle you. You feel unsure and are unable to trust them fully. This usually makes you seek refuge among your friends. Rohini can become very possessive and emotional. 30% compatible

Krittika and Uttara Ashadha Compatibility

Krittika and Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra: The same Nakshatra ruler creates a greater distance rather than a closeness between you. Both of you are dominant and strong. You usually hide behind your many friends. If Uttara Ashadha tries to get closer, you do not know how to deal with them. You can be lonely together if you are not careful. 30% compatible

Krittika and Swati Compatibility

Krittika and Swati Nakshatra: Sexual chemistry can bring you together but lack of trust can drive you apart. You may feel critical of the way Swati live their life: you need to realise their way is different from yours, not necessarily less valid. Talk to each other. Do not build up silent barriers and appreciate the differences. 32% compatible

Krittika and Shravana Compatibility

Krittika and Shravana Nakshatra: Your worst sexual partner and low compatibility. While you may find Shravana amusing, you soon tire of Shravana emotionalism and moods. Shravana plays hot and cold with your emotions. You never reveal your inner feelings. They confuse you with their contrary signals about how they feel about you. 32% compatible

Krittika and Revati Compatibility

Krittika and Revati Nakshatra: Revati is too unrealistic for your liking. They can put you on a pedestal and hope you behave like some demigod. They make impossible demands of you. You find their need to analyse everything very off-putting. They let you know your shortcomings. You usually walk away from them or avoid getting in too deep with them. 32% compatible

Krittika Nakshatra Compatibility table





Uttara Ashadha











Krittika Nakshatra Best marriage Compatibility
Let's find out the best compatible Nakshatra with Krittika Nakshatra.
Krittika Nakshatra Best marriage Compatibility
