Jyeshta Nakshatra Bad marriage Compatibility

Jyeshta Nakshatra Bad marriage Compatibility

Lets see which Nakshatras are incompatible with Jyeshta Nakshatra.

Jyeshta Nakshatra: Worst Nakshatra for Marriage

Jyeshta and Ardra Compatibility

Jyeshta and Ardra Nakshatra: You bring the worst out in each other. You become dominant and aggressive, thinking you can deal with the aftermath. Ardra can react ferociously to your machinations. You can both press the self-destruct button. Be very careful. Keep extremes of behaviour tightly under control. 14% compatible

Jyeshta and Punarvasu Compatibility

Jyeshta and Punarvasu Nakshatra: The attraction you feel for Punarvasu is on the surface. Punarvasu is not into complicated relationships, but you enjoy them. You find their inability to love you exclusively difficult to handle. You try to control them, to manipulate the relationship. Punarvasu may then leave you, without any consideration for your feelings. 22% compatible

Jyeshta and Purva Bhadrapada Compatibility

Jyeshta and Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra: You show Purva Bhadrapada a new sensual world, where they become bewitched and enchanted, and you use the words of love without meaning, to weaving a web of illusions. You can feel disdainful when they give in to you so easily. Be careful, it is not just they who are getting hurt. You can pay a heavy price emotionally and spiritually. 26% compatible

Jyeshta and Ashwini Compatibility

Jyeshta and Ashwini Nakshatra: You are caught up in a spiritually complex relationship. Ashwini has a cavalier attitude to your passions, which is exciting to start with. You also express yourself negatively - loving them, leaving them, emotionally messing them about. You need to love Ashwini on a spiritual level and let Ashwini into your spiritual search. 36% compatible

Jyeshta and Hasta Compatibility

Jyeshta and Hasta Nakshatra: The sophisticated Hasta fascinate you but you react too instinctively to their animal sign the buffalo, which can be seen as rough and ugly. You may overlook all their good points and concentrate on their negative ones. You do not always understand emotions and with Hasta you don't even try. You can be too critical, reinforcing their poor self-image. 36% compatible

Jyeshta and Mula Compatibility

Jyeshta and Moola Nakshatra or Mula Nakshatra: Mula can teach you about rejection and love. You feel this rejection acutely, as you usually want to be in charge of your relationships. You are the one who plays sexual games. When the tables are turned, it creates huge emotional distress in you. There is no sexual compatibility, the dog Mula being aggressive to the deer Jyeshta. 39% compatible

Jyeshta Nakshatra Compatibility table








Purva Bhadrapada











Jyeshta Nakshatra Best marriage Compatibility
Lets check the best compatible Nakshatras with Jyeshta Nakshatra.
Jyeshta Nakshatra Best marriage Compatibility
