Hasta Nakshatra Best marriage Compatibility

Hasta Nakshatra Best marriage Compatibility

Lets see which Nakshatras are best suited for Hasta Nakshatra in compatibility and marriage.

Hasta Nakshatra: Best Nakshatra for Marriage

Hasta and Mrigashirsha Compatibility

Hasta and Mrigashirsha Nakshatra: Your best relationship. Mrigasira is bright, confident and passionate. They support you and teach you to be confident. You are able to talk to them without being afraid of exposing yourself. They stop you from being too emotional and know how to cope with your moods. You remain true, supportive and loving. 82% compatible

Hasta and Chitra Compatibility

Hasta and Chitra Nakshatra: A great relationship. Chitra love you for what you are and that is their greatest gift to you. They teach you about self-sufficiency and confidence. They support your insecurities. You love their passion, courage and exciting life. You wonder why they love you. But they do. Try not to let your insecurities come in the way of happiness. 79% compatible

Hasta and Hasta Compatibility

Hasta and Hasta Nakshatra: You understand and accept each other's qualities, especially the insecurities that underpin your lives. You give love and support through thick and thin, deal with the ever-changing moods and together you are able to defy destine. Don't aggravate your Hasta partner's emotional crisis by feeling emotionally unsettled yourself. 77% compatible

Hasta and Purva Ashadha Compatibility

Hasta and Purva Ashadha Nakshatra: Purva Ashadha presents a clean slate to you, pure and clear. Together you can create a different palette of colour that is your relationship. Your ruler the moon makes you the perfect chameleon, adapting to their new ideas fluidly and seamlessly, keeping love and commitment alive through their many changes. 75% compatible

Hasta and Swati Compatibility

Hasta and Swati Nakshatra: Swati are your best sexual partner and you do not need to hide your sexuality from them. They love the contrast between your earthy sexuality and your sophisticated outer personality. They are one of the few Nakshatras that make you feel totally at ease with them, so you can be natural and carefree. 72% compatible

Hasta and Anuradha Compatibility

Hasta and Anuradha Nakshatra: Anuradha seek idealistic love and their brand of unconditional love helps you overcome your insecurities. Anuradha has the ability to make you face realities without making it too difficult for you. While you are emotionally very vulnerable, they can be emotionally strong. Their vulnerability is their need for love, which you can supply. 72% compatible

Hasta and Uttara Bhadrapada Compatibility

Hasta and Uttara Bhadrapada nakshatra: You feel Uttara Bhadra are unable to understand your emotional nature. Their inflexibility is blocking your self-expression. You feel unsure and insecure. As you get to know them you realise they want to be supportive and loving, you were just misreading the signals. This leads to a strong bond and warm love. 72% compatible

Hasta and Rohini Compatibility

Hasta and Rohini Nakshatra: This is a good partnership. Rohini likes the sophisticated you and they also give you confidence in your sexuality. Both of you are moody but at least you understand these moods and do not let them come between you. Rohini's need for independence is contained, as you can be jealous and insecure. Trust them. 69% compatible

Hasta and Pushya Compatibility

Hasta and Pushya Nakshatra: Pushya is very responsible for their commitments. You find their strength great to lean on. They don't want more than you are willing to give. You in turn give them all your love. They may not be demonstrative in love publicly but they more than make up for it in private. You teach them to get in touch with their emotions. 69% compatible

Hasta and Ardra Compatibility

Hasta and Ardra Nakshatra: Mutual distrust at the beginning develops into deep love later. You find Ardra's persona daunting, their lifestyle too different. But Ardra is strongly influenced by the Moon and they understand you a lot better than you thought possible. Their devotion and unquestioning support help you overcome your insecurities. 67% compatible

Hasta and Shravana Compatibility

Hasta and Shravana Nakshatra: Shravana is unconventional and philosophical. But they are also very sentimental and romantic. You cut through their coolness to find their warm inner core. You never feel inadequate with them. Love is strong. Being too similar can be a drawback as you react to situations in a similar way. 66% compatible

Hasta and Revati Compatibility

Hasta and Revati Nakshatra: You can become very attached to Revati. You vibrate well with each other and develop spiritually through your contact. You should not allow your lack of confidence to make you feel you are of no use to them. They need your love, your practical support keeps them grounded and they are unconcerned about your earthiness. 66% compatible

Hasta and Uttara Ashadha Compatibility

Hasta and Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra: Mentally, emotionally and spiritually, Uttara Ashadha brings strength and calmness to you. You are happy to shine in their reflected warmth. Both of you suffer from lack of self-belief. Your animal signs are the cause of your grief. When you meet someone experiencing similar pain, you feel healed by it. 64% compatible

Hasta Nakshatra Compatibility table











Purva Ashadha









Uttara Bhadrapada


















Uttara Ashadha


Check our more indepth article on Hasta Nakshatra:

Hasta Nakshatra meaning and compatibility | Aaps.space
When the Birth star is Hasta Nakshatra, the person has active habits and he is full of resources. But Hasta native is shameless and merciless. Moreover, such a person can be a thief and a drunkard.
Hasta Nakshatra meaning and compatibility | Aaps.space
