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Nachiket Patel has founded as a small project which delivers astrology tools and written astrology content. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Information Technology. At the same time had developed a love for Vedic astrology.
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Moon in 3rd house

Moon in 3rd house

Individuals with the Moon in 3rd house often experience an intense wanderlust. Having the Moon in 3rd house infuses individuals with a profound sense of curiosity and a compelling desire to explore their immediate environment.

Moon in 2nd house

Moon in 2nd house

Moon in 2nd house enriches individuals with a captivating appearance and agreeable demeanour.

Moon in 1st house

Moon in 1st house

Moon in 1st house not only gifts individuals with an attractive appearance but also imbues them with a rich emotional landscape that can both enhance and complicate their interactions with the world around them.

Mercury in 12th house

Mercury in 12th house

Mercury in 12th House bestows a remarkable ability to dive deep into research and work effectively away from the public eye. But it also give problems with academic education.

Mercury in 11th house

Mercury in 11th house

Individuals with Mercury in 11th house are not only highly intelligent but also embody the qualities of wealth and virtue. These people exhibit a profound concern for social issues and humanitarian efforts.

Mercury in 10th house

Mercury in 10th house

Mercury in 10th house serves as a powerful catalyst for success in both professional endeavours and business undertakings.

Mercury in 9th house

Mercury in 9th house

Having Mercury in 9th house profoundly influences an individual's intellectual pursuits and interests, particularly in the realms of religion, philosophy, and politics.

Mercury in 8th house

Mercury in 8th house

Individuals with Mercury in 8th house often find themselves inherently drawn to the enigmatic aspects of life, specifically those that pertain to psychology, mysticism, and sexuality.

Mercury in 7th house

Mercury in 7th house

Individuals with Mercury in 7th house are inclined to attract educated life partners who not only engage them intellectually but also support their quest for knowledge.

Mercury in 6th house

Mercury in 6th house

Mercury in 6th house equips individuals with essential skills and attributes that can lead to wealth. Mercury in 6th house imbues individuals with a strong desire for tact in their communications.

Mercury in 5th house

Mercury in 5th house

Mercury's placement in the 5th house not only enhances their creative and communicative abilities but also acts as a catalyst for earning respect and fame. But that same Mercury in 5th house may not be good bearing children.