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Nachiket Patel has founded as a small project which delivers astrology tools and written astrology content. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Information Technology. At the same time had developed a love for Vedic astrology.
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1st lord in 8th house Astrology

1st lord in 8th house Astrology

Under good circumstances, the placement of the 1st lord in 8th house can bring about various positive outcomes and blessings in an individual's life. The 1st lord in 8th house under negative influences can contribute to a corrupt and disruptive nature.

1st lord in 7th house Astrology

1st lord in 7th house Astrology

With 1st lord in 7th house, a person's public image will be very good. They will also be healthy, prosperous, and long-lived.

1st lord in 6th house Astrology

1st lord in 6th house Astrology

The 1st lord in 6th house, along with a strong lord of the 6th house, can indicate a person who may experience troubles and challenges caused by enemies in their life.

1st lord in 5th house Astrology

1st lord in 5th house Astrology

The relationship between the 5th house and the 1st house, being 9th and 5th houses to each other, is considered auspicious in astrology. 1st lord in 5th house enhances the potential for joy, happiness, and fulfilment in life.

1st lord in 4th house Astrology

1st lord in 4th house Astrology

Placement of the 1st lord in 4th house not only supports academic success and educational opportunities for the individual but also brings prosperity to their mother.

1st lord in 3rd house Astrology

1st lord in 3rd house Astrology

When the 1st lord is in the 3rd house in a person's birth chart, it indicates a personality that is driven and relentless in their pursuit of success in life. Individuals with the 1st lord in 3rd house possess a powerful disposition.

1st lord in 2nd house Astrology

1st lord in 2nd house Astrology

Individuals with the 1st lord in 2nd house are known for their generosity and their strong sense of duty towards their family and loved ones. They have a deep love and care for their kith and kin and willingly take on responsibilities to support them.

1st lord in 1st house Astrology

1st lord in 1st house Astrology

When the 1st lord is in the 1st house, a person is blessed with a well-disposed nature, a good character, and the ability to radiate energy and success to others. Individuals with an afflicted 1st lord in 1st house may experience recurring health issues.

Mars in 11th house

Mars in 11th house

Mars in 11th house can manifest in complex and contradictory behaviours in individuals. While they may project an image of saintliness and morality, beneath the surface lies a strong drive and ambition that propels them towards success and fulfilment.

Mars in 11th house in Navamsa chart

Mars in 11th house in Navamsa chart

Individuals with Mars in 11th house of Navamsa needs to be mindful of their tendencies towards addictive behaviours and take proactive steps to address them.

Mars in 10th house in Navamsa chart

Mars in 10th house in Navamsa chart

Mars in the 10th house of Navamsa can shape a person into a dominant personality with a strong work ethic, determination, and a drive to succeed.